Face/dissapointing pussy thread?

Face/dissapointing pussy thread?

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Bump for curiosity

Same niggerinos





Op, your face IS a disappointing pussy.

Looks like roast beef lol

Disappointing fingernails and hygiene, yuck.

Requesting Jim Carrey dry heaving

I'd hit it...

Op is a fag. That's a nice pucci.

man i know this so hard... ex good face...worst looking pssssssss, yet best psssssss feels though

Would still fuck with the force of a thousand suns but we'd shower first. That bitch has some dirty ass finger nails

that`s a hard thread... i`d love to contribute. No pics like that, but i must say that i`ve had dissapointiments like that!

Seems like small spinner chics always have disappointing blowouts...

yeah she looks like a part time diesel mechanic

How can you look decently/somewhat attractive and then keep your goods in that condition.


It's so little itty bitty though. It's cute. I bet that shit would grip my cock so good.



look at her fingernails, she doesn't know what personal hygiene is


thanks for reminding about this movie gonna watch it tonight

I wanna get balls deep in that.

what an ugly ratchet bitch, whoever fucks this should kys

if thats real. why on earth would you not get surgery. thats just an accident waiting to happen.

I myself have an ugly vagina, the reson why i don't fix it is because i dont have enough money, time, or fucking courage to get my lady bits snipped.




Top kek


Post pussy?

This looks fake as fuck

That pussy looks great tbqh.

If you think you have an ugly vulva, you're probably wrong.


Computer does not have a camera.


Ass cancer?

then use your phone

Nope, Real and Super Hot with a Ton of Meat

Get your fingers out and stick your cock in. What are you some kind of faggot? Fingering her after a black dude fucks her. Honestly people like you make me ashamed to be white

My phone bill hasn't been paid for in months. I don't need it, imma hermit. :3

That's like.. a 7head


External hemorrhoids

I can deal with the pussy, but that anus is freaky.



Talking tom and Talking Angela.

I could still work with that.

Do not want.

Who cares about her pussy? Look at her fucking asshole.

Looks shooped, but the Arby's is real.

Speaking of which, i gotta feed them.


Nothing disappointing about that snatch. It looks clean, it's wet, I'd fuck it.


>imma hermit

I bet your pussy stinks

"Don't just look at it , Eat it!"



Why assume that? I still exercise.

exercise, or the lack thereof, does support nor contradict the olfactory detected state of your vagina.



looks fine

Smells kinda metallic, and according to what i read thats normal.

Is that... real? Like, that occurs naturally?


fucking gross

Hey buddy you're a fucking cuck, don't ya know?


Krusty anus.

What is normal then?


I bet it tastes like salty milk and coins

I see a yeast infection in your future ma'am.

Oh my god this is my fetish.
I need to fuck a girl like this.





Cant wait to see this on reddit!

The most disappointing pussy is when there is no pussy. Only cock

Holy shit topkek user

All of these bitches need to learn how to shave.

a slight, ever so subtle muskiness and nothing more. anything else indicates poor vaginal health and/or substandard personal hygiene practices.


Mine has a very powerful smell, but the smell changes occasionally. I don't think I can accurately describe it, but I guess it's kind of like a really sharp ejaculate smell. It persists even when I haven't had sex for months. I dislike it so much that I used to get tested for STDs every 3 months. I'm fine, though. I assume it's different for everyone.

Damn you must be a virgin.


>Talking tom and Talking Angela.

I was going to post this very same image.

Disappointing face and pussy.

Prob a guy, but srsly watch this if not.


I love my gf's labia and it is pretty large. You will find someone who does too.

Keep driving these women away from you so they can learn what a real man/ woman is - you ate doing everyone a service, you cock-wrangler.