Give me one valid reason for eating meat, just one

Give me one valid reason for eating meat, just one.
>inb4 "hurr durr cuz meat tastes gud"

Other urls found in this thread: protein&oq=compleat proteirn&rlz=1C1MSIM_enUS685US685&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.6040j0j9

I've stopped eating meat to try and lose weight. It's been working well since I've been having far more vegetables, and having to actively avoid meat makes you think more about what you're eating. But I do miss my mince pies and pepperoni pizza

Because I can, and all the vegetarian tears in the world can't stop me.

Because eating animals is the only way humanity could have left Africa and not die on the first winter. Food chain, bitch, cows and sheep eat grass that humans can't. We eat them. Although I do agree we eat too much meat and factory farming is horrible, the conditions are bad, and the stuff used to make the feed is edible by humans, so defeats the purpose.

pic is false

I dont feel like eating a mountain of broccoli to get the same amount of protein from one steak.

Haha. Yeah, use steak and broccoli as the two examples. Good luck changing minds.

"Hurr durr cuz meat tastes good" is a valid reason. People will keep eating meat and there is nothing you can do about it.

But you dont really care do you? You just wanna shitpost and have a thread full of bait and arguing dontcha?

I dont want to have to eat 300 grams of broccoli just for 11 grams of protein. Also I'm not a fucking hippie

you mean 2.8 grams per 100 cal according to google

Good for your mental health. It's important to have self control and not just eat shit that taste good but it's okay to have a greasy cheeseburger with frenchfries and ketchup every once in a while to let your body enjoy something for once

I don't want to hurt the feeling of fruit/vegetables.
And meat does taste pretty gud

Do you even know how much broccoli you would have to eat to get 100 Cal?

There's only 2.8 grams of protein in broccoli per 100 grams.

So yeah. Meat ftw.

The thrill of a good hunt on the tundra wastelands

What's been working for me is callorie counting, so you don't have to give up meat, but expect to eat less

Because it triggers people like you.

How is it valid? Am I allowed to eat people because they taste good?

It's actually 4.1 gram of protein

Even if pic were correct, which it is not Broccoli is not a complete protein where meat is.

we have eyes on the front of our head, like predators, unlike prey which has eyes on the sides.

we have talon shaped hands, for killing rather than simple hooved feet for running away.

we have canine teeth for eating meat.

stay weak minded, stay weak bodied, ill take what spoils in life you couldnt find the strength to lift.

You can do that as a vegan. The only difference is that you aren't needlessly harming animals.

because no one wants to eat this much fucking broccoli in one sitting

Here is your one good reason.

Because B12.

Vegan's need supplements for B12.

If a human diet needs supplements, then by definition it is insufficient for humans.

Lol of course dumbo- though im pretty sure youd go to jail as a result.

I have. It makes you fart alot and the farts are like....dense.

See this shit all the time. I know its bait but I already know the answer so i'll indulge you.

100 calories of broccoli is 300 grams.
100 calories of steak is 35 grams.

Therefore you are retarded

Not OP, but no it's not a valid reason. Ever heard of combining foods?

Like hippos, right? They eat meat, right?

>thinking that the vegan movement will ever be enough to stop modern meat industry practice
>actively promoting a weak diet for the people on your side

you are defeating yourself for no rational reason.

>The only difference is that you aren't needlessly harming animals.
What makes you think i care about them?

Shut up zipperhead

>per 100 calories

lol that shit is so misleading

Okay, I'm mostly on board with no animal. But here's the deal. Quit using this shit. It's not true. Start using real science and the China Study and shit. Use the results that started piling up.

Harm implies injury, suffering

Death is instant. there is no suffering in death.

Vegans need to fuck off with the 'harm' shit, unless they want to specifically address the only people in the world that INSIST on harming animals: Muslims and their Halal requirements.

But you left wing cucks aren't allowed to criticism Islam, are you?

Dense as in OP's intelligence.

What the fuck are you talking about? Where do you think cows get b12 from?

I eat animals because they are useless beyond what they can do for humans if they dont want to be eaten than they can start doing math and having conversations with us

We're apes. apes eat meat.

We're not gorillas.

Yeah but how much of brocoshit you need to eat to actually have 100 calories, you morron

thats a pissweak argument, and dont worry about adressing the rest of my statement, just pick the one part you think you can handle, im not listening to you now anyway kek

Animals don't deserve to live unless they are predetermined to be served as sustenance once they reach an age suitable for slaughter

Boom. This.

how is this not suffering?

Roast beef 8.99 a kg Green lettuce 3.99 a head. Cucumber 2.99 ea orange peppers 8.99 a pound. Hmm


The supplements barely work at all too.

You know a shit ton of animals die when they harvest shitty vegtabmles right?

Jew detected.

they get it from the bacteria on grass.

because they're ruminants.

you're not a ruminant.


I need 200 g of protein a day to be my badass self. Care to show me how much 1800 calories worth of broccoli looks like?

your chart has the values of protein reversed. its roughly 3 grams of protein to for every 35cals.

its actually 8.4g per 100 calories.

you do realise, to get the same amount of protein as a 8 oz steak, you would need to eat something like 4 CUPS of broccoli.

All protein is not the same faggot. Also, you still kill plants. Death it death. As long as it has next to no sentience vs humans, and they are killed humanely, and the live good lives, I will never gaf.

Animal prote in causes kidney inflammation but at the same time I'd too delicious so fuck you.

Jews dont eat pork, i love pork. Fuck vegans, i dont give two shits about cows, pigs, or chickens. Im not concerned one iota for them unless their taste gets affected.

To eat a 100 calories of broccoli is a shit ton of broccoli, to eat 100 calories of meat isa couple mouthfuls. Meat is denser and contains more nutrients in less volume, vegetarians are also the cancer of this earth

Because I believe every cow deserves the chance to become a valuable member of society.

Why are you racist against cows?

They make it like most animals other than humans.

You're kidding, right?

Do some fucking research faggot.

Obviously that is shit.

you dont have to support shit industries AND give up eating meat.

infact, if you weren't such a bunch of Marxist left wing crybabies, you'd understand that capitalism is an awesome tool for ending intense farming: Dont buy that shit, only buy local free range stuff (that isnt bled to death for Halal)

That's a shit example, since different animals process things differently. One thing can synthesize something a chemical that something else can't. Just look at Venom. the good reverand had already looked into it

>implying that what 100% have to be

Are you retarded?

Jews are allowed to eat pork. they choose not to.

their laws about foods clearly say if your starving in the desert and a pig walks by, they can eat it.

A Muslim in the same situation would not be allowed into their heaven if they eat the pig to save their life.

All essential amino acids in one thing,

Because fuck you, thats why

Giving up shit food ≠ Giving up meat.
>What is lean meat

The thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of the kill, and the feel of warm life blood on my hands. The connection to my hunter/gatherer roots to the wild world around me , to be part of nature in it's most natural state of kill or be killed..the feeling of a predator not a liberal vegan pussy.
And the taste of freshly grilled meat don't need any more reasons.

brb eating literal pounds of broccoli every day

RIP sweet colon


Peta LOL

>>implying that what 100% have to be

the fuck are you trying to say? I dont give a shit how many cocks you suck a night or if you eat meat. How is that not suffering?

>implying that farms dont shoot animals in the head, killing them instantly.

you cherry picked shitty factory farms, and are trying to lie to people to insist thats how all farms work.

when you lie, it makes people less likely to trust you.

why dont people trust vegans again?

You're missing the point, i'll eat animals happily and there's nothing you can do about it, except season my steak with your salty tears.

as an avid lifter, do you realize how much broccoli you'd have to eat to put on weight, i eat 4000 calories a day if i had to do that just eating fruit and veggies it would be a fucking nightmare

Because im trying to bulk nigga

Primitive instinct, you don't have to eat meat if you don't wanna.
>7g of protein per ounce of beef
>0.8g of protein per ounce of broccoli

>Implying I would eat 100 calories worth of broccoli.

That's like, a whole fucking plate bro, vs a fork of meat.

I'm not watching an entire documentary about autistic animals being sent to slaughter I know it's painful I know it's unthinkable I know it's the worst thing ever but I can sleep easy because animals are brainless skin sacks stuffed with delicious meat no morals or ethics will ever get in the way of my medium rare cow carcass

Op just a fyi to farm mass veggies like we would have too for everyone to be vegan or vegetarian we'd have to control the pests. Birds, bunnies, lynx, beaver etc etc etc. Would you rather me just kill these animals and leave them or eat them? Because lemme tell you wasting them is just plain old fucked up. protein&oq=compleat proteirn&rlz=1C1MSIM_enUS685US685&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.6040j0j9

You're fucking welcome.

lmao send ur veganism somewhere else imma keep eating bacon

pic is true, just not a good source

omg havent you seen how Vegan Gains mad physique?

hes amazing!..

why are vegans so obsessed with protein? literally not a single person gives a shit about that but then a vegan comes along and starts talking about how much protein he's getting. fuck off vegans.

>I want to deny the fact that I miss eating an important part of a diet
I don't eat any fruit and the only veg I consume is potato and potato vodka
Fuck that gross green shit and the bee attractions

>skin sacks stuffed with delicious meat

Next time your fat ass sits down for a meal, dont cook your meat and eat it raw and report back to me.

We can easily digest many meats, fruits, and vegetables. That is why we are omnivores.

no shit.

I'm more concerned about essential amino acids, and vitamin deficiencies.

>All vegans look sick, because they are.

There's an ingredient found in meat that can only be produced from the dead cells of an animal. It helps stimulate areas of the brain. Plus, animal proteins helps giving you more muscle.

because thats what nature intended you fucking retard, we are omnivores

now go be a faggot somewhere else

Because nobody fucking cares if you're vegan

Use to work slaughter i missed watching them come in to the pin than start trying to back out like "wrong room"

90% of butchers just electrocute animals instantly or shoot to kill, do your research and if you dont like their ways, buy another brand


Who gives a fuck? You eat what you want i eat what i want. No one should give even the amount of fucks to care. Less you just want to circle jerk and call someone out for eaing "blank" fuck vegans fuck meat eaters were all faggots regardless of choice and preference.