Not seeing a Rekt thread

Not seeing a Rekt thread

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I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find animal abuse something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting sick things like it's nothing.

Just ignore it. All you can do with these retards.

This post was very informative in fact you turned me into a homosexual so thanks and I love you user

Daddy hurt him, so he now gives zero fucks about anything living.

Let me be your daddy.


The names Nick Dileto, my phones name is (815)-661-0705, my houses name is 25821 S woodrush way Channahon IL

>give me gag prank
>bet you wont
>nothing offends me!!!
>send funny memes pls

Not your personal army. You already made a post before. Get the fuck out


user, you're fucking cancer. You went 9j Sup Forums knowing very well you were going to see crazy shit. Get the fuck off and hop back on Tumblr you fucking faggot


youre the reason Sup Forums is so far gone. no one does shit just for the fuck of it. everytime theres an opportunity to make something happen you faggots parrot out nypa bullshit.
kys please


Serious question: Do you actually feel that it makes sense to criticize a person because they are against animal torture? Genuinely curious.

nice b8 m8

You think I'm kidding, I'm not. Most people on here are school shooter tier retards and I'm trying to get a sense of the thinking that goes on in these people's heads

Are you implying that it's NOT okay to criticize people who are against animal torture? are who one of those people who want to dictate who we can and cannot criticize? go fuck yourself and your censorship.

Newfag detected.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should

Fuck yourself with a cactus.

>Are you implying that it's NOT okay to criticize people who are against animal torture?

lmao when did I say that? I'm saying it makes no sense to because animal torture is bad. You might be aware of that if you ever went outside, friendo.


dis u


Suck a dick faggot

Nope. Sodomize your mom with a broomstick.

dis u

I get it -- we're all being edgy on Sup Forums but this is just sad & pathetic.


I put a mouse in a garbage disposal once. What a stench.

Holy shit someone post some fucked up shit already.



what context is this in?

Full vid?

Cartel execution. You use to be able to get both of them being beheaded, but I can't find the video anymore.

fake as tits on a nun broski

This really separates the newfags from the b/tards

mexican cartel

This is why we need to build a wall.

Well user, goatfuckers inc probably saw someone shagging on of their top tier goats and because they're all shitheads they just sawed his head right off.

Fucking nigger.


Well... I will never get this out of my head. But really, why would you go thru all this trouble to tie up a mouse just to cut it's dick off with a pair of sisocers.


No user, this one time, ONE TIME the nigger should be applauded. Not only did he show an autist the real world, he stopped once the little faggot was down. This is how you deal with autism, you beat it out of them.

>fucked up, but I can fap to it.




I've never been so proud to be a California police officer.

need to watch this while listening to this in the background. Its hilarious

story ?

>Cmon guys post fucked up shit!
>Posts oldest gore in the book

Fucking Grade A shit
you need to watch this channel
>20 year veteran gives great advice

I love watching cops beat the shit out of niggers

>brazilian guy gets his gun stolen
>he finds out some kid is selling his gun next to school
>tells kid it's his gun
>kid denies
>kid dies




Go to liveleak

He tried to go all Dragonball Z on a nigga and got knocked the fuck out!

Drug dealer: "How much for the revolver?"
Teeth: "Well... I want 500"
Drug dealer: "This size and already selling a revolver?"
Teeth: Yeah, but..."
Drug dealer: "And I know it is mine, are you aware of it?"
Teeth: "It could have been, but I'm not giving it back to you!"
Drug dealer: "You won't give it back, right?"

>The vid is fake

Bad copypasta

>Bad copypasta
>7 replies
i'd say it worked pretty good this time


Not realizing this is a fucking copypasta my sides

Fuck off faggot.

you appear mad

>Why do people like you find animal abuse something to joke about?
Because they are fucking worthless animals.

The only thing that can make this little fucks death more satisfying is watching the video of his mother being forced to watch it while she is raped and then has her head slowly cut off.

I'm glad

so... much... edge...
I bet you're an atheist too.

12yo kids think it's ok

newfag detected

stfu autist prick

I'm not new, I've been here since 2012!


Never seen this on here Sup Forumsefore

Sure haven't been here long have you faggot?

k op

I admit I'm a newfag,been here sints early 2015



Don't worry mah niggas, I'm here wank (You).


I'm sorry but you just solidified your age as a teenager. No full grown adult talks like that.

God you're so fucking stupid!

The fuck was that little white bitch trying?

Got a question. When you file your taxes,do you claim yourself as "dumbass" when you get to dependents or do you just write somewhere in the margins "I LIKE CHEESE WHIZ" and mail in your tax forms with peanut butter fingerprints?

Fuck off.

Got (You) n.-

crouching shorts.

shit dont work anywheres.

Autism. Most likely getting bullied.

>If not a faggot
>Thank you for your service.
>Sincerely, a Californian.


Stay in your cess pool you cancer of the nation.

fucking HILARIOUS. i feel bad tho that fuckn sucks lmao

>oldest in the book
So you got here in the golden age of 2013, eh?

Super fantastico, youngfriend.