Did this guy come back? I missed it

Did this guy come back? I missed it

> Be me
> Moved out of house when I was 16 because I wanted to be more independent
> Also just thought it would be dope
> Parents had a lot of money so they paid for half of my living expenses (Monthly rent, bills, food, etc..)
> Worked as a barista at Starbucks to pay my half
> Dank job btw
> Me and sister were never really close, so she wasn't really upset over it, even less so because she got my room, which was bigger
> I visited often as well, so we still saw each other quite frequently
> Fast forward 2 years, parents die in a car accident, sis is the only survivor
> I take her in to live with me as we didn't really have many other family members
> Death happened in the summer after I graduated highschool, so I decided to take some time off before going to college in order to get used to her living here and learning to raise her well
> We have a ton of money from our parents, enough to support ourselves for a long ass time without either of us doing any sort of work, and continue to get money from the business my dad owned
> We get it in monthly payments (quite generous ones) which allow us to pay for rent, food, etc... with extra to spare
> This allowed me to quit my job and focus more on her
> Anyways, sis is devastated by their deaths
> Cries constantly and barely speaks
> Clings to me (figuratively and literally) every minute of the day
> I try to comfort her, calming her down when she cries and going out of my way to do things for her
> I wasn't that broken up about it, I loved my mom and dad obviously, we were just never really close
> Sis and them were though, so she was incredibly damaged by the event
> Over time she starts to get cheerful again
> Continues to cling to me though, I don't mind though, I've gotten used to it
> I continue to spoil her as well, as it made me happy to see her smile

Bumping with story from last night

> Things go on like this for about half a year, and we get closer and closer as the days go by
> She still wont talk much, but I dont mind, its kind of cute
> She is very attached to me at this point, basically with me 24/7
> We have taken to sleeping with one another (In a literal sense) as she did so when she initially got here because it made her more comfortable, and she never really showed interest in sleeping on her own as time went on, so she just stayed in my bed
> I was fine with it, she was small so its not like she took up much space on the bed
> Anyways, on a fairly average day when we are eating dinner, I begin to notice that she is staring at me a lot when she thinks Im looking away
> Im fairly oblivious, so this could have been going on the entire 6 months, I may have just noticed it now
> However now that I have noticed, I most likely will notice every time from here on out
> Thats how I work
> Every time she see's that Ive noticed, she looks away and blushes
> I dont think much of it initially, although after the 5th time I start to wonder what's so fascinating about me


> After a few more stares, I get a tad confused and decide to address it
> "Do you need something...?" I ask, my thought being that she was just too shy to say whatever was on her mind
> Her face goes beet red and she shakes her head quickly, looking down at her food
> okaythen.jpg
> I decide to let it go, thinking she will eventually say something if its really important
> Turns out it was important as just a few moments later she blurts out "Do you like me?" very quickly, then goes red again, waiting for my response
> "Y-yes, of course I do, your my little sister" I reply, a bit taken aback, not sure what she means
> "O-okay, I just wanted to make sure..." she says, before finishing up her dinner and going over to the sink to clean her plate
> I follow after her once I finish and hug her from behind once I place my dishes in the sink, kissing the top of her head
> "Why would you think I didnt like you, Scar?" I ask, wondering if I did something that would make her think that
> "I just... I dont know... I just wanted to make sure..." She tells me in a very small voice, turning around and hugging me back
> "Alright, well just know that I do, no need to think otherwise" I say, laughing a bit before I take over washing the dishes while she goes over to the TV to wait for me


That's all from last night, bumping with wincest?

inb4 sister is from the paleozoic era

He said he would be back about 1 EST

He was 18 and she was 12


And she needs about three fiddy.

Your point being...





I guess OP never came back.

Oh well


Anyone God any good wincest? Well we wait

I'll keep posting if people want. I just want the story.









