My roomates are having a party and im in my room alone Sup Forums. What should I do to really fuck with them?

My roomates are having a party and im in my room alone Sup Forums. What should I do to really fuck with them?

Also protip:

>Some people are on acid and molly

shit in the coat closet like legendary green text story

Go in there and join them

Killing yourself would really freak them out

Not really feeling it tonight. Im not missing out since this happens every other day of the week

I thought of something like this but on the bathroom floor since our dog shits in there all the time. I cant right now though.

Sit there and think about how you are not joining them having fun.

Instead, your alone in your room, on Sup Forums.

Maybe if I didnt have asshole-ish roomates I would join them every night. I actually got a ticket on one of the nights we have and I had to work that night.

Also we play the same 10 dubstep songs every time

>Instead, your alone in your room, on Sup Forums

Just like you, pal.

walk out there naked and yell, "I like to suck dicks! I wish I had some dicks to suck right now!" Then walk back into your room and wait for the train of dicks.

Scream at the top of your lungs, make it as weird as possible, act like nothing happened if someone comes to check on you.

Climb out your window, go around front, knock on the door so they'll let you in. Repeat only once or twice so they'll not get too suspicious.

Go out and socialize and act like a normal person i bet that would really fuck with them

Should play the epic prank of pretending you're not a loser anymore and actually go out and talk to them.

Seriously if you're skipping social activity to stay on Sup Forums it's over for you bro

Not him, im doing OT at my job.

You're a loser.

Pull out a revolver. As they all stare at you in shock, look around at them as you put one round in the chamber. Shut the magazine and spin. Then just say, "Who wants to go first?"

scream "FIRE FIRE FIRE" at the top of your lungs

get out of your room, go to them and claim you're horny then act like nothing happened and return to your room

my hot neighbor wished me a good morning but i heard "i'm horny" instead... guess who is a registered sex offender now

don't do anything, just jerk off to tay tay



her legs are perfect



Order a shit ton of pizzas from each pizza joint in the area and and see what happens


Join the party; subject them to your presence.

If they're smoking weed call the police. I love busting normie gatherings in my residence

Play super loud gay hentai, bonus if the characters are super young. The louder and more they moan the better. When they walk in start fapping like crazy


too bad they arent ALL on acid.


too bad you dont go out there and get some pussy you fuckin faggot

^ ^ ^ ^

I dont like tripping too much. Just done about 3 tabs worth a couple days ago and I still feel like im trying to recover.

All pizza places are closed now. I will do this next time tho



go join them you fucking loser.

Theres people banging in the room behind me. Got a link to a good one?

OP I have an Idea. If they are on weed call the poilce and bust their normie gathering prove yourself to all other anons

Blast some hentai music.


Put a white sheet over yourself and walk around going "OOOOooOoOooooooOOOOooooo"

you win


Now that would be a good way to piss them off

Go in there and scream the lyrics to all star