Can you smartfags translate this into basic terms?

Can you smartfags translate this into basic terms?

Based on what I remember from high school, the 2nd comment sounds like pseudo intellectual trash that was made up on the spot (just tryna confirm)

You autistic faggot 2nd comment is saying that the first comment is putting way to much thought into it. Which he is

I don't know all of the intricacies of it, but I'm fairly certain that we have found some trends but there's so much variability that it's not very predictive. Also, with half lifes of isotopes, there are so few (compared to other scientific areas where the possibilities are near infinite) so it's actually better to measure all of them and then try to make sense of it. The first comment asks a good question, however theoretical physics is usually pretty fuzzy on many particle systems, so second comment is correct in saying that measuring is better in this case

chemistry is actually just magic. Atom does these sort of things with 42 protons, BUT WITH 43 PROTONS....

2nd comment worded it poorly, but there's no way to predict the half life of an atom with today's knowledge without measuring it beforehand.

Wow gj being a dick for no reason. I do have autism... soo fucking what. At least I educate myself. I'm extremely smart on political science and history. I made A's in math too. You probably don't even know for sure yourself if that comment is right. That guy doesn't make any sense talking about fuel when the math problems is about degradation. Fuck you. People like you are the reason why so many people can't get a job without being harassed. I am over this conversation, bye

It appears that you haven't had a set of testicles in your oral cavity for some time. I would recommend you use mine right away, good sir

Kek wtf

wow dude. You seriously are a dick. Making fun of autistic people is not actually cool. I'm really disgusted with this thread now.

Fuck you, fuck boi.

I bet you take it up the ass.

Not cool bro..

I'm sorry I didn't mean to get that mad.. but fyi it still kind of hurts when people say things to me like that. I don't care about the testical word or whatever. I joke with guys about that subject because I'm kinda weird so yeah. Just don't say anything about AS anymore please

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you actually this retarded or are you the fucking shitposter of the century

We'll tone it down. We wouldn't want you flying off in to some sort of tard rage.

How do you guys know about physics so much? I'm trying really hard to learn a new subject and physics seems really interesting and it's crazy how it's all guys (not saying guys are intellectually better). So basically my question is where do I start

I'm not even retarded so you can't even hurt me like that

Start a new thread mate

This is some low quality bait try harder next time

I won't be coming here again. My brother likes Sup Forums and he set my page up to ask questions and not one person here was that nice. I knew it was like that but its different than I imagined before this. I just like talking to new people when starting new hobbies like learning new subjects. Sorry if I offended you

Bye guys, I sincerely hope you all have a happy life and find something you love no matter what

The samefag is real

Models are just estimations.
Radioactive decay happens at random.
It's easy to measure it for real if you're not a fucking idiot.

>why the fuck would you run 9000 hours of computer simulations when you can just measure directly?

P.S. looking like Groucho Marx after talking to so many grouchy people lol