What do you think Sup Forums?

What do you think Sup Forums?

>Be me married to girl 3 years.
>Mother-in-law is a complete BITCH
>Drives a wedge between me and my wife
>Finally say it's either me or your mom
>People pleasing wife decides to keep ridding the fence
>We barely talk for about a month.
>I become obsessed in my work
>She constantly goes out with her friends
>Whatever I don't care
>Doesn't come home some nights, no idea where she is at
>Finally we agree to see counselor
>Wife convinced her mother is a Bitch and should stay out of our marriage
>Things get way better
>Two days ago 4 year anniversary
>Wife cannot deal with the guilt
>Confesses that she sucked dick when she was with her 'friends'
>Two different guys, two different times
> Both black niggers
>"Its okay they were smaller than you anyway"
>Don't know what to believe anymore
> Trust completely shattered

What do you think Sup Forums? Once a cheater always a cheater? She kept the secret for over a year. Any advise? Post cheat stories please. It would make me feel better not to feel alone.

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Break her

Break her?

Once a cheater always a cheater.
Never heard of a cheater never cheating again.

I'm guessing hes trying to tell you to recreate the scene where Batman gets his shit wrecked by Bane.

Break her

OP listen... Listen!, you gotta break her

OK OK i've got a pen and paper. Give explicit instructions.

break her mind and her body

>quiet unhappy
>quiet a devious character

Sweep the knee faggot, it's the only way

That being said, leave her. She was quite willing to suck some nigger and his friends cock, she's not for you.

You may think this is harsh, but your married wife has already justified having a nigger cock in her mouth. Twice. She'll take even less time the next time

Also, she's most likely just testing the waters and if she's stayed out all night she's fucked these niggers too

OP, listen to me: you have to make her be broken. You could say, you have to break her. But really, you must turn her from not broken, to broken so good that the most super of glue won't un-break her. Make her broken for long time. She will know then, and will always remember the time that OP broke her.

Tl;dr turn her broken like breaking egg. Shhh, turn off the light, broke bitch mountain goat slop. Like,*crunch* be-yotch. Like *crunch*.

yep, bitch hates her marriage so turns into a lying cheating whore because "boo hoo, husband works too many hours and doesn't pay attention to me." Whole world forgives her and feels sorry for her.

Some things were meant to be broken, OP. I'm not just talking about your marriage.

Op you must turn her dollars into quarters; quarters into dimes; dimes into nickels; nickels into pennies; and then cast them in a wishing well for a larger dick and a new wife. It's the only way.


How could she betray your trust...she's obviously lying...you're definitely not bigger than those black men.

she did more than suck dick, make her confess and then leave her, you'll be happy in the long run.

I'm guessing she was attempting to spare my feelings. I just can't figure out if she is likely to do it again. It was a year ago.

Break her.


Break her! ASAP

Not sure why penis size would matter when it comes to giving another man a blowjob. Can be pretty certain it was more than that

quiet true

time for a divorce, Sup Forumsrother

Here is one of em.

Anyone have recommendations for a keylogger? I want to install something on her Iphone and Windows desktop.

I would dump her ass and then tell her mother that you are divorcing her because she told you that why she was trying to drive us apart she went out with friends and was sucking nigger dick.

You're not going to do anything.

What you should do is leave.

But you won't, you're not there yet. You'll stay, continue to be destroyed and then when there's almost nothing left of you either she'll leave or you will.

You could leave now and save yourself, but you won't.

So it goes.
So is life.

Break it off, once a cheater always a cheater.

See the counselor again so they provide justification for break up.

Then you won't look like the bad guy.

Ask her if it would have been justified if you slept with people during that time too

Since you're not leaving anyway, here's what you do.

You fuck her mom. No, really, fuck her mom.

Figure it out.

I want to be better than her. By snooping on all of her online activity.


that's beta as fuck dude, don't lower yourself to that. you're in a really tough spot because you'll lose the love your're so used to right now. but think about it from the other end, would you have been able to go through with sex during those days with a random, knowing that you were betraying someone at their very core?

That is what she did to you, she consciously made a decision that jeopardizes trust, love, and everything those two things stand for and entail. If there's anything you do in your life, respect yourself enough to do this one thing user. Please.


Listen, it's not about being better at this point. If you are going to take the high-road the only solution is to get out now.

You don't have to explain yourself to her or anyone else.

Start shuffling your money away and once you're clear, get out.

10 years from now you will be a shell of who you are today if you don't leave. You may feel you can't do it now, you may think you're not strong enough. But, you are not nearly as pathetic and wasted as you will be if you postpone the inevitable.

Remember this and see you in 10 years.

Is there no saving a marriage after an infidelity?

marriage is being in an army of two, what matters the most is what remains after the crazy being in love phase fades.
you need mutual trust, respect and love to make a marriage last. So if you can't trust her, you'll just be torturing yourself and her.

not really man, no matter what you're going through it destroys trust, the bedrock and foundation of a relationship. there's really no turning back no matter how badly you want it, even if both parties desire things to be back to the way they were, it won't be. it'll forever be in the back of your head while you're at work, when she hasn't texted you when she normally does. it'll eat everything and leave you hollow

Think about it, you know why it was eating her up? because it's not right, and now it's something that will forever taint everything. plus niggers, can't forget that man, there's definitely no coming back from that

Trust is the bedrock of your marriage. Wanting to spy on her to see if she's still messing around is just the start of the physiological problems that are to come.

You need to get out.

Yes it's fucking scary. Yes it sucks. Yes you love her. I understand. I truly do.

Don't make the same mistakes of every other man who opted to stay. It does not work.

If you guys have kids i'd say to break up because really often the effort and teamwork it takes to raise a child with a spouse brings a couple even closer together and if she still cheated after all of that than id say she doesnt love ya bruh. But if there are no kids then try to build that trust again and work things out.

Fuck that bitch you guys had problems already just get it over with

cheating might be ok, if it wasn't with niggers
there's something seriously wrong with her
consider yourself lucky if you don't have kids
bail out now

No kids, I worked full time to pay for her college. Didn't have time for kids.

Shes already shown she doesn't care about you or your marriage until someone else had to shove it in her face (the marriage counselor) if just fucking around about where her you or your mom was just it I'd say Yeah you can save it (she emotionally cheated on you with your mom, spouse is number one unless someone they are abussive). But then she sucked not one, but two guys dicks. Did she come home and kiss you after that, did she smile and tell you how much fun she had with her friends. Shes a bitch and she doesn't care about you. It's actually fucking worse than if she had fucked them.

I kekked for absolutely no fuckin reason

there might be if she was hot and didn't fuck niggers and you had some kids, but basically there's no reason for you to stay

you have to break her

This, but exactly the opposite. Kids? You should try to stick out for their sake. No kids? Gtfo, run like hell now before you're locked in for good.

Force her in to a three some or all girl orgy or humiliation sex film it and leave her dick suck in ass

save yourself man! save your pride and bail instantly once you cover your ass. hope to god you got a prenuptial!!!

its not worth it bro. dont be a cuck

She actually offered a threesome with another girl to make it more even. I just don't think that would make everything alright again. Plus then I would feel obligated to stay.

That's the beauty make her keep paying use her up for all she's worth sexually she's broken the emotional bond now it's time to collect her body use it up and leave her broken regretful or at the very least with some perspective that might teach her a life lesson other wise your gonna keep being used and made a fool man up and end it but end it with style

it wouldn't make you feel better, it just proves more what a skank bag she is. Anyone with a brain knows more people added to the equation doesn't solve squat. Leave her, stop asking for advice you already know what you need to do. She cheated at this stage what happens when things really get tough?

People do change, and can when they really care about something. But she did it when she was with you, supposed to be caring about you, she had other plans and other prorities. She realized she something about you is different and she saw that spark in you again. This re-brought up guilt in her actions once she realized you were still that same man. And if she lost track of that and decided to blow some niggers then fuck that tramp.


it would be nice, but it won't solve it. Stay man, just keep going to good counseling, it helps with healing, which is what you two actually need, not to "make it even"

you're going to need to be prepared to treat her like trash
look at it this way: you and your marriage to her was worth less to her than sucking the jizz out of a nigger's dick
start looking into how you can keep the most of your stuff in the divorce, even if it means being unemployed for a few months before you file
the ultimate victory would be forcing her to make alimony payments to you

Holding on to this situation is like holding a shovel but praying for a hole to be dug.
It's pointless and a slow painful death


>what happens when things really get tough
Jesus Christ man I never thought about this. It wasn't that difficult a time. She just refused to chose either me or her mother.

listen to them OP.

Well, OP. Chances are high that she did more than just suck their dicks. She probably only told you she sucked dick to get the guilt off her shoulder. She admitted she cheated but without the full truth. That's how women's minds work.

So since she's already a cheater... You could go on being a cuck but getting something out of it. Or treat her sexually like the scum she is. But prepare to get a divorce sooner or later.

Fuck her mother get her drunk and go nuts

Break her ass and shake her ass.

Her mother is an old ugly fat ass whore.

she wrecked it user, you did nothing wrong and did not deserve it. .. one month and she's already sucking cock? unacceptable

make a copy of the keys to her mother's house
pay 10 homeless niggers to gangrape her to death
hand your wife the divorce papers as soon as she hears about the murder
everyone wins

no hot sister best friend close relative maybe in any event. Your options are the high road ie leave her. The idiot method stay with her . Or drag her body thru the muck and use her relentlessly and grow from a cuckold in to a Dominate Alpha male show her consequences are real

This, but kill the niggers afterward.

We need a photo of your wife to decide if she's worth keeping!

Mate. She's obviously using you. And just feels guilty.
Get out now or get even now

break her like this

post nudes of wife



ya user u gotta post a pic of her to see if she's worth it. how can anyone give a true opinion without this

Don't have any. She was afraid they would end up on the internet...

As a faithful man who's gone through my ex fiance telling me she was diagnosed with herpes, I say leave. Just reading your story fills me with tard rage


>21st century
>Trusting a woman

Top fucking kek you poor stupid fuck.

OP chances are she is only giving you half the truth

Tell her to tell you the truth in detail or you'll leave her, then either way leave her and record the story for the divorce proceedings

let her believe everything is ok right now.
play along with happy life for about 3 months.
during that time, save money, convert all assets under your name
empty main bank account, put it into yours
put all the utilities in her name
get her name off the car
once you're all set up, just leave
don't say good bye
just leave.
like, leave for work one day, and never come back
don't answer the phone
let lawyer serve her papers
never acknowledge her existence again

This..... but dont let har know that you are recording it

Combine all three

She didn't tell me much more. I asked her if she fucked either one of them. I asked specific details and she said that nothing more than a BJ happened.

>things get hard
>ill break my oh so "sacred" vows
>sucks nigger dick
>"what do you think Sup Forums"

You're a fucking moron and deserve a life of misery with a blacked cum-dump of a wife. Not only was she guzzling nigger cum, but she was 10/10 getting fucked all ways by them as well.

She's only confessing to the sucking part because this is how women bargain with themselves to alleviate guilt.
>if i tell him about the cock-sucking, im being "honest"
>i dont really need to tell him about the dicking that left my fuckhole gaping like an exit wound.


cant tell if joking...

fuck her sister.
in your bed.
get caught on purpose.

Not totally. Part of me still feels she is leaving something out. I just wish I could catch her on it. I asked her to be completely honest with me and she claims to have told me everything. If I could catch her in one single lie...

if you stay, if you do the threesome, even if you use her as a sextoy, you're furthering her belief that shes so sexy and so desired and that you want her so much that you'll fuck her after she's cheated and been a complete whore. Girls willingly degrade themselves everyday, you furthering that just adds to the disillusion they're under. Go get yourself an upgrade and never talk to her again, if she ever hits you up just be like "wow I totally forgot about you, how have you been" this will destroy her more than making her a sex toy ever would.

did you fuck anyone while on this break?
if not feel free to break her
such as

I'm a little late but ill tell you this now and i beg you listen you must embarrass her make her feel worthless like shit she betrayed you lied to sucked some nigger dick you must make her believe she is now nothing but worthless and only good for one thing and this absolutely nothing she is now worthless and she should feel that way everyday for the rest of her life to the point that she looks at you as a saint for still being with someone so inhumanly worthless

sounds like its unanimous user. you must leave her. break her too maybe but def leave her

seriously from a girl's point of view, embarrassing her will do nothing. A lot of girls get off on that. Why do you think she thought it was okay to suck two randoms dicks to begin with, she likes to be degraded.

No, I didn't go out. I barely slept. Basically I spent that time reading books and studying programming.

Ok here's what you do

Confront her one last time and secretly record it. Tell her this is her last chance to straighten everything out between you and her. Tell her she has to be brutally honest and go into full detail of everything that happened about what you're asking about. Ask about her mom, ask if she was involved in the dick sucking thing in any way that pushed her into doing it, and also how things went down with her sucking dick and details after it happened that ended up with her miraculously not having sex. Also say she has to sign an agreement for a lie detector test after you asked all the questions. If she in any way refuses to do any of these things, leave her and use the recorded audio to show she is at fault for the marriage ending so you don't get screwed money wise.

>I read Kurt Vonnegut recently and haven't gotten over it

It's not impossible, but it won't be what it was, not that that's necessarily bad.

Thanks, i'm watching it now.

If catching her in a lie and stalking her online activity is what you want, then you do not want be in your relationship

Tell me you can see that much