Ask a guy who had an overly curved spine and knock knees anything

Ask a guy who had an overly curved spine and knock knees anything

How did you correct it?

i have that too how did you fix it??

do you like wearing shorts or pants more>

Whats the consequences of having a curved spine?

How's Dr Frankenstein doing?


Who's there?

Did you have an overly curved spine?

By any chance, did you have knock knees, too?

the actual issue was that my knees legs were bend inwards because the muscles on the inside of my thighs were much stronger than my outer thighs and outer glutes, so i had to regain a lot of control over my pelvis, and my outer thighs.

I corrected my curved spine by stretching the muscles on the top of my thighs(hip flexors), doing backbridges in which I bring my pelvis and torso perfeclty in line(google lumbar lordosis stretches), and doing squats to strengthen my gluteus maximus. this was all to give me control over my pelvis, which had an anterior tilt(common issue that causes all of these problems) so i just had to manually keep it tilted foreward until it just became a part of my posture.

This sort of worked but having knock knees fucked up my posture still, so it made keeping my abs and glutes tightened difficult, which is what actually tilts your pelvis forewards. to fix it I held my knees and ankles together, and extended them as straight and as long as possible every night before bed, immediately afterwards my legs were straighter than they had ever been.

basically i held my legs in place while my gluteus medius and outer thigh muscles did whatever the fuck they were doing. it just tilted my legs outwards instead of inwards

This is my thread now faggOP

ask a guy whose spine was in a s shape and had to have metal rods implanted all throughout his back.

sort of, my lower back was tight as fuck so i was bent forward and my spine was an s shape

leaning tower and bridge

yeah mine was too, i just did stretches and exercises because most physical problems that most people have are solved by 2 weeks of nightly stretches.

mine couldnt be fixed by that and my spine was protruding out of my back

pants in public, shorts in private because it doesnt restrict movement.

lower back pain and shit posture, i had headaches, my upper back sounded like bubble wrap, and my lower back hurt if i had to walk more than a mile

are you okay now?

yeah i dont think thats an issue that the average person hopped into this thread for.

yeah, it worked very well, immidiately after i started sorting out my knock knees, keeping my back straight was a breeze, and i could walk properly again, so i started walking 5 miles a day at least to set the muscles in place.

no physical therapy or surgery at all, it was just bad musculature, which is almost always the issue.

too late

Have you ever came so hard you cracked your back?

yes, it was really easy to crack so doing anything cracked it, really. even cumming with a condom on.