I need a good (preferably short) anime. Any recommendations?

I need a good (preferably short) anime. Any recommendations?

Mobile suit Gundam: Thunderbolt. It's four episodes long and one of the best mechs anime I've ever seen.

One Punch Man


boku no pico

Yama no Susume




Samurai Jack

overlord? 12ish epsisodes. it's like a better version of SAO

It's not short, but Madoka Magica has great art, and it will hit you right in the feels. You think you're watching a generic (if well made) magical girl show, and then it fucking happens.

Iria Zeiram

Elfen Leid


Excel Saga

Darker Than Black

it's only 3 episodes or something.

you've provided no real clues as to what your taste is, and you expect a recommendation.

Go watch boko no pico, suits you.

it's only one episode


Muh n-word, I love Iria!!!

My suggestion is the Evangelion movies. It's 3 90 minute movies, and if they don't make sense you can watch the 90s TV show and it'll all be explained.

I loved SAO, just watch the first 13 episodes if the series is too long.

Based on pic provided Haibane Renmei I highly recommend.

>one episode

>Muh n-word

Just type nigga, nigga.


JoJo no Kimyou Na Bouken