What the fuck is in my nose?

What the fuck is in my nose?
I can't breathe out of the right nostril


It's a tumour. You're going to die bro.

That is called a penis, sir

Take it out OP

Way to go faggot, you got cancer.

But seriously, go to a doctor.

And shoppe's syndrome

deviated septum
also possibly inflammation of septum
thats what my nose looks like 100% of the time.

Looks like the inside of your sinus is super inflamed. I'd go to a doctor.

inflammation. ur sinus is inflammed? have you been pulling out your nose hairs or some shit op?

WEW realtime cancer dude

It looks like you have a fucking clitoris in your nose.

Polyp, many times caused because of chronic allergies go see your doc

Probably aids from the t-girl that rode your face the other day.

polyps dont look like that

Nasal polyps.

looks nothing like ops photo


I did have surgery a couple weeks ago, is it possible that my septum deviated again?

very unlikely.
probably just inflammation.

wtf is a septum?
wouldnt the nose divider be like cartilage or some such not this angry looking clit

The thing is that my nose looks crooked slightly on the outside, where the septum Is. Some people say that it's still swollen and that it'll take time to get straight again but I left the hospital with a straight nose and now it's just slightly crooked.

Looks like a pomegranate seed up there, just blow real hard and it should come right out.

>angry looking clit

no no keep the mucus there for some cushioning and lubrication. you dont want the open air to hit that thing. will probably sting like a motherfucker

It's an ingrown hair OP. AKA a zit.

Get a needle, grow a pair of balls, and pop it.

everything is an ingrown hair according to you

maybe your doc is an idiot and he only bent one part of the septum straight but you had two bends.

Septum surgery isn't always successful. Had it at 19, septum popped right back into its fucked up position a few weeks later.


Nice trips Satan


So I'm assuming you had surgery again?

Looks like AIDS to me.

HOW DID YOU GET IT? How to prevent from this happening. OP only answer.

masturbated too much

I have no idea on how I got it, honestly sometimes it disappears and comes back. It's really weird, I thought the doctor would make a comment on it but he didn't.

You've got cum in you're nose

Sinus hemorrhoids

Have you tried not being a nigger?

you have an inflamed inferior turbinate

paleo pete here
just eat meat and shit like caveman and youll be fine.
im not saying food is medicine but food is medicine

>it's a tumor!
>yea, it's a tumor, you have cancer

>Nasal polyps
>yea right you're stupid

>nasal polyps and tumors essentially look the same