Sons of anarchy, season 6 episode 5, Mad King

Sons of anarchy, season 6 episode 5, Mad King.
Near the end there is this blonde (pic related)

I wanna see her naked....

Any help?

Bump for hnnng.....
also posting sexy ladies until I get what I want.


I kinda have a girl being a slut at work fetish






Ok all I have, it was worth a shot. I will just jack off to the original pic..... Thanks for nothing user.,

Any more on her?

Nah. I dumped literally everything I have on my comp

Fuck. I would kill for another picture of her.
Also OP, the blonde looks very similar to Pamela Anderson. Just look her up.

Niche fetish bro

I think it is because I have fucked women at work, and it is a crazy turn on for me.

Yea, I could, but I want her =(
I looked through all the extras for 2013 (The release of season 6) and still did not find anything.

Godspeed bro.

I just know she's a pornstar.

does she get to say anything? Or just eye candy?

Eye candy, she is only in one scene. Right before the clubhouse blows up.

well, if you're really desperate you could image search every name that is on the credit roll or listed on imdb.
Or just fap to a similar looking porn star. She looks like the average blond busty bimbo anyway.

I looked through everyone, she is not listed. This was me being desperate. (7 year lurker)