Hillary Supporters are idiots

Hillary Supporters are idiots.

Yeah, Trump is an ignorant jackass, but since when is it okay to support a MURDERER, that went after RAPE VICTIMS, and it's a globalist TPP supporting Shill that wants to give corporations free reign to do what they want, while continuing to cause racial divide and tension among Americans for the sake of votes.

Seriously, since when is it okay to vote for a murderer rape defender, because she's a woman?

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wtf im voting for clonton

trump used to be a famous alchemist back in my day

where are the hillary jerks from the previous thread they were fun

did hillary gas pol?

WTF is up?

There has been some kinda explosion here now, well a fire started, CTR goon shit them selves and been trapped into attacking normies, and attacking normies and writers and everything from the ultra left tor ight, doesn't matter. they censor..

Now the debate is coming; Will it be made illegal. IT is now officially a hostile (((foreign))) agent.

This is it! This is the very straw!


have they been correcting the record?

oh dear, they just messed up so big time here you faggit's don't know, it's a turning point this very day.


Is this legit or am I retarded?

Both is an acceptable answer.

trump or hillary supporters are fucking retarded, matter of fact, anyone supporting a candidate in todays elections should take an iq test. supporting either of the two fucks is literally saying, yes masters, do not worry masters, please continue fucking me, my friends, and my fam.

lmfao fucking idiots i swear. " my vote counts " * takes huge sigh of relief after voting, thinking that vote did absolutely anything. *

Hillary killed Harambe
He just wanted to protect that boy

Everything you say is irrelevant since Republicans are fucking stupid. You probably think that a wannabe shitty businessman is really gonna care enough to make jobs or give you stimulus checks you fucking white trash ex-military/fake military Harley Davidson farmer's son retard faggot.

wow, that's some nice arguments you got there, you convinced me.

Seriously is this how b is now? Just a bluepilled SJW cuckfest?

Have none of you paid attention to other than the (((msm)))... jesus christs...


This is not for me to decide at all, since I am not a burger. But wake up son, you are looking at the next fucking JFK here. The man is hard to follow, he actually have an IQ of 160 and that makes it to hard to see what the madman is doing.

As you, I fucking fell for all these stupid memes and searched the man up and down.... He he is amazing, you don't come a cross big people like this many times in history. This is actually the first time in my lyfe I've bothered with an us elec, and I'm not a teenager exactly...

Listen to what the man says, read his program, listen to what the other says and their programs.

Make YOUR decision not MSM or anyone else.
I've just never seen so muches propaganda even fucking all the way here....

You are supposed to an user and dig, not just bleh everyone is retarded that don't share my views. Stop being a fucking feminist swedish SJW cuck, THINK


the simple fact that the voting is rigged, proves single-handedly that you are an imbecile, like user said if you think your vote counts, you are fucking retarded.

>the simple fact that the voting is rigged, proves single-handedly that you are an imbecile, like user said if you think your vote counts, you are fucking retarded.

oh my I feel is so hurt, I think about cut my self... jesus fucking christ our bantz even sound swedish....

Yeah but ok, at least we're on board there, without doubt, but you can't stop fighting and exposing it. You're laying down, taking your pants off and presenting your asshole like fucking common swede!


fucking b tards.. prolly triggered by pic related

It was made ok as of last Tuesday I'm pretty sure. Let me check.

Yeah. Totally ok.

Your eloquence is hypnotizing.

thank the gods it's back up, get me out of this cuck fest.

mehmehmeh imbicile, retard, low iq cuz you don't agree with me, but I don't have any arguments

fucking swedes


Illusion of choice, thats what you Americans have.