Jobs of Sup Forums

What does Sup Forums do for a living? Any music related careeers?

I work in my house for my dad's enterprise but it actually fucking sucks. I have to be inside my house all day and I don't get to see anyone

I'm just a grad student who teaches a bit on the side

What did you take?

engineering student but I manage a label and teach music production in whatever spare time I have

i'm a janitor IRL. it's a pretty chill job but women's bathrooms are fucking disgusting

i run a music blog

I care for my ill father atm
Have done bar work in the past, which I quite liked


I'm in college taking music production. I'm scared to fucking death what's gonna come afterwards and also my life went to shit mid-december.

thats what you get for taking music production in college instead of keeping as a side hobby friendo :^)

I'm doing a double major, calm yourself, besides life went to shit for unrelated-reasons.

I sell drugs to the community.

marcel please, if no one visits your website you still qualify as neet

I'm a manager at a local restaurant
Trying to start up a studio but it'll be a long time til that actually brings in any money

How does that pay? You can make a solid career out of that?

All good then. Take care of yourself bro, don't be afraid to seek help if you need it.

If you have math skill you shouldn't worry too much. But if you're like me and are shit at math good luck comrade, I wish you the best.

I'm in the biology field. Just doing my MS now then gettin outta dodge

I'm an Aquatic Ecologist at an environmental consulting firm.

Can I cop?

I get paid by record companies to meme electropop artists on chinese cartoon boards

Inventory management. I just count shit in retail stores for their(annual or sometimes more frequent) inventories

A's in math all throughout high school yet (I don't think I have a math class with either of the majors I'm choosing)

...I'm certainly considering it, I know that much.

Whats that pay?

Physiotherapist here

i browse reddit

English teacher in Costa Rica, v chill

sounds comfy