Does anyone know anyone who has killed themselves using helium?

Does anyone know anyone who has killed themselves using helium?

chloroform + tall building

look up recipe online

your welcome

Dark matter matters.

There was an episode on 1000 ways to die where a college couple when into a huge balloon ball at a festival and suffocated from helium

Sulfur Hexafluoride is way better.

How selfish. The world can't really afford for you to be using helium like that. We're running out of it. If you're gonna off yourself like a nerd, at least think of the world and how it's still existing after you die alone.

Why not just jump without chloroform?

im trying to be nice unlike you cunts and make it painless for him

Don't jump, you can survive.

I tried one time

>about to commit suicide
>helium tank/gas mask assembly complete
>equip mask
>turn on tank
>lay down face up on bed
>close eyes
>mom opens door
>take off gas mask
>prepare for most dramatic speech that will make her cry for sure
>deep breath
>attempt to begin speech
>forget the fact that there's helium in my lungs
>the words "you'll never understand my pain" come out in the squeakiest, queerest fucking chipmunk voice
>mfw she died laughing and left

OP here...did this really happen?

what is mind?... no matter.

what is matter?.... never mind...


Don Harman, a weatherman in Kansas City, offed himself with helium while he was at home with his 2-year-old kid. This was about 5 years ago.

Top fucking kek

Running out of Helium, you must be new to this planet for thinking of such fagatry.

had a hardy laugh

thank you user. don't kill yourself. become a stand up and share your pain with the rest of the world.



This is really old. I can't find screencaps of the thread, but this is copypasta.

All you had to do was just a little research. You didn't even do the thing that required the least effort.

This pasta so stale.

What research did you find that says we are running out? Cause non conspiracy theorists would like to know.

>implying that matters when Sup Forums is full of new gen newfags


top fucking kek

Are you one of those fags that think water is running out too?




you dumb fucking shit helium is a byproduct of radioactive decay in the earth's crust, which contains millions of tons of elements unstable enough to keep shuffling off helium for millennia

don't even fucking talk you fucking inbreed

But you think Helium is running out because you read an article on mineral reserves, and didn't understand what mineral reserves actually are.

That's not being dumb that's being ignorant. I read an article that a chemist wrote and took it at face value, which your comment sparked my interest in this again. You seem angry.

>humans can't absorb helium
>noble gas
>matter cannot be created nor destroyed
>running out of it

I know someone who tried to kill himself with helium. He didn't die but messed himself up pretty bad.

best of Sup Forums, easy!