Here's Annaliese Nielsen, the psycho cunt who harassed that Lyft driver

Here's Annaliese Nielsen, the psycho cunt who harassed that Lyft driver.

I'll post some pics I found of her and share some info as well. Come along for the ride.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry brief outline? Thanks OP

She's a very classy lady, as you can see...

Her tits look comfy af

She was drunk, not psychotic. Does it bother you when the Internet gathers its pitchforks to take down someone because he is rich, white, and male? Same shit is going on here. I forgive her.

You don't fuck crazy unless you're crazy man. Stop thinking with your dick and analyze the entire package.

Here she is in a wanna be satanic club on instagram called vectorgallery

they all cover one eye.
so cute

She looks like a fat sjw

>rich white male

The driver?

Hey man, we're all glad Gawker went out of business because Hulk Smashed it. This girl was just one of the nut jobs that resided on that piece of filth.

I don't. You generally don't forgive someone for being drunk since that was their choice

She owns and runs a pornsite called GodsGirls

stay classy Annaliese

Look at me!!! I'm a satanist!!!

Would I forgive a white guy for harassing a guy in his workplace? No. Would I forgive a white woman for harassing a guy in his workplace? No. Especially when she goes on an entitled rant about how she's going to humiliate him on "Gawker".

>You don't fuck crazy unless you're crazy man
but I am, I am a crazy man.
>Stop thinking with your dick
sorry, I couldn't hear over the sound of my dick slapping against my belly.
>and analyze the entire package
>the entire package
thanks, now I am diamonds.

Her FB annaliese.nielsen

I have her mom's fb too, but that might be a bit much

oh no, she's in porn. We don't like porn round these here parts, it's against God and nature.

out in the weird place known here as IRL, no one cares about her, and no one cares about you caring about her. But, luckily, we don't go there much, so please so continue posting whatever it is you're posting.

Hula bobble-heads are so offiensive

but it's OKAY if I own and run a porn site and am a member of a wanna be satanic group

You can't make this shit up.....

>I have her mom's fb too
ask her on a date then, why not.

>Hula bobble-heads
the fuck is that

Here's her fat ass playing some more dodge ball.


no nudes?

Maybe she's taking an eye exam

Being drunk merely lowers inhibitions mate. Which means they were already thinking that shit in their head. It's just with lower inhibitions the little moral voice in your head telling you not to be an asshole when you're thinking of being asshole is silent. Same reason girls fucking guys when they're drunk is the stupidest excuse for rape. They wanted it internally but their inhibition normally keeps them in check.

Nice make-up, bitch

Glad to have been a service to you you good sir.

t has come to my attention that Annaliese Nielsen, real name Lara Nielsen, created a website called ‘God’s Girls’. It is located at She is the Madam that pimps out these girls on her website. If anyone cares to look, you can browse through 38 pages of ‘models’. If someone was interested in a particular prostitute, they could, message them, friend them, or the best feature, view my fave models. This is for if you’d like multiple whores, you could see who their friends are, so that you could book them in bulk to ‘use’ for your outing, Yacht trip, bachelor party or family gathering…

This website is a Go-Pro’s DREAM, there are endless hookers to scroll through, by the looks of some of these girls, I would bet some come VERY cheap….

Annaliese also has a Facebook group where she pimps her best prostitutes, it’s called ‘Girl’s Night In’. On this Facebook they all sit around and pat each other on the back for exposing and using their bodies for financial gain. It’s funny because, they don’t realize they are being exploited by the very person who they think is their all mighty leader…..

This Madam also has a Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram profile, so one may peruse over her hookers that she represents. She has every type of social media so that a perspective Go-Pro could ‘book’ one of her P4P girls…

A source gave me intel on three girls that he had partaken in their ‘services’. Remy Holwick, Sydney Ladd and Shanna Olson. Remy was once a Ford model, was in Rolling Stone magazine and was actually on The Late Show before. After about 2006 her ‘career’ dried up, she became too old and busted to be booked for any accredited publications. She then decided to take up photography where she shoots many girls, this is all a pretense to what her actual reason for photographing these girls are…

>Rich, White, and male?
Go the fuck back to Tumblr faggot

smoking in a public building

gross bitch.

so wait what happened?

Her instagram USED to be called cosmicturquoise before she deleted it.


What a crazy SJW bitch

Here she is with all of her sjw friends. She's the one with pink hair in the front.

I bet THAT would be one fun party to go to...... NOT


still not clear why I should give a fuck about her or this thread.

Oh, fuck it. Here's her mom's FB 100000585254169

All this shit for a fucking bobble head? Why. This bitch is fucking retarded. If it was a Wan driver I be it would have gone completely different


shes that hateful SJW who yelled at her LYFT driver and then is so out of touch with reality that she posted the video thinking that the guy looks bad in it. she was mad that he had a hula girl in his car. its super cringe.
video here


I thought I was having a seizure over how bad the cringe was. What a fucking rude bitch man. I laughed so hard when the dude took off.

She was tagged in this on FB. Hilarious!

As close to 'nude' that I found.

Mel Gibson is not racist

Anyone else still lurking?
I have more pics but not all of them are unflattering.

Well, oldfag signing off then. Have a good day Sup Forumsros

Keep 'em coming. I haven't busted yet

She's fucking ugly