So 1 week ago I got married with a japanese girl, this means that no I can be legally living in Japan forever...

So 1 week ago I got married with a japanese girl, this means that no I can be legally living in Japan forever. Ask me anything.

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does she squeek when you fuck?

Why is a duck?

Are your parents proud of you or what?

Enjoy your cancer from radiation and estrogen-laden food, making you feminine and submissive.

Shin Godzilla looks fucking legit though.

depending, most of times yes
i dont understand
while I do what i want my parents are proud, i went there to find job, i liked so i stay there, if i werent happy living in Japan i wouldnt stayed for more than 1y

still being better than fat americans faggots

Yeah...but. I can go $45 on the toy car.

The problem with your argument is we have the choice to eat less and not get fat. You really can't avoid radiation and poor sustenance from living in japan.

you can search for saizerilla, its a restaurant (made for young people), where you can find non japanese food, its really popular cuz you can find from pizza to strange things with rice imitating japenese food, and is only a small part of what you can found in most of cities

eem wat

who cares?

.. Is their green tea safe to drink

Show us your wife's tiny Japanesse titties.

What language do you speak to each other with ?
What part of western culture is she interested in ?

as most of them are very shy I dont have so much photos, btw I will search for some I had from other people
basically in japanese, but as she is learning spanish (my main language) sometimes we use some expressions in that language. she hates the work's culture in Japan, what i mean is than once you find work in Japan you live to do it and you dont do more much, i dont know how to explain it but... thats the main interest

here you go

isnt my wife but still works

Part japanese fag here. How much japanese do you speak and how much english does she speak?

Japan is full of great stuff, I wish you the best.

I'm on a working holiday visa which is almost up. Thinking about asking my gf to marry me.

How easy was it. How long did the visa change take? Also where in Japan are ya? Osaka here

that`s not true. You still rely on her for the visa and they could kick you out easily. After 3 years you can apply for your Permanent Residency.

Ikkyuu, its the most advanced level that you can certifie in Europe, i dont really now the exact lv of her english as we talk in spanish, which is my mature language, btw i have been learning japanese for more than 8 years and i can say that its really high

wasn't so difficult as I knew she would marry me if asked, visa isnt so fast to change, i wait for 3 months more or less in Tokyo, idk if they were so busy or what, btw i think that if you have urgency they can do it faster (you should search for it as im not so sure, i had 1y to do it), i started in Osaka too, as a teacher but moved to Tokyo to get better paid in another scholl
dont worry, i think we can perfectly be 3 years more toghether

how's work life? who handles the money in the household? is your wife's parents in charge of how things go? how long do you expect this marriage to last?

kek, op is a fag.

The Japanese are racistas the fucking ordo xenos. Are you a tourist ? Great. They will bow down and honor you mr western sama. But you want to become one of them ? kek to the hell no, baka.

You and your children will always be gaijins to them.

When you say mature language I imagine you must mean native language? Good for you anyway. My japanese is very limited.

Does she speak spanish with a cute japanese accent?

as i work as teacher i dont get paid so much, but i can perfectly live with that money, my wife is better paid as she works as a nurse, but im thinking of work in a hotel the weekends, their parents are ok, as normal they dont probably treat me like a japanese but meh they could be better, as i got married 1 week ago i cant think now were gonna stay only a little time marriage, but i hope the most time we can

yay they are racist, im not saying all in japan is ok, most of people think in it and they believe its perfect and all this things, but NO, there are SO MUCH things done wronge in this country, but i can accept them, and yes fuck the racism and machism culture 彼らはばかです

yay i wanted to say native, btw if you study hard you can get a big lv in 3years, and yes its cute ^^

日本 の わいい です


lel i put the "?"

after those 3 years you need points.
your color and origin make a difference too


as I wasnt really interested in living in japan forever i didnt search info at all, so when i searched it as a spanish person i can, i dont know other people but i can.

If he's not been in trouble, paying his taxes and employed I really can't see there being a problem.

Can you explain further regarding "points"

私はスペインです と 私はドイツ語をすことはありません

i think he reffers to this

Jo nigga.

Congratz. I wish you the best in your future with your wife, wether in japan or whereelse in the world.

Second: I have a few questions.
My gf is japanese.
Ive been learning japanese for 2 years now.
She lives here in germany.
We speak mostly in german (my native) and japanese (her native), because she cant talk english.
All in all I am veeeery happy with her, and I love her.

But now this:

> 1.Q.: We're going to visit her family (mostly mom and dad) in october.
How should I behave? I mean, yes I know the japanese etiquette, like bringing おみやげ and how to deal in japanese houses.
But this is my first trip to japan, and at the same time, I meet the parents of my gf.

How has it been with u?
How have you been treaten, and how did they like u?

> 2.Q.:
She says, she never came by a men. She only had sex with 3 men, including me.
Im the biggest, fortunately, and until now, she didnt come.
But I feel that she somehow still comes, although she isnt telling me.
Always just like: "きもちよかった" and such stuff.

How do you both deal with your sexuality?
In general we are very open and tell each other what we like and dont like.
But how is it with u, if you dont mind?

3.Q.: If youre going to break up, (what I dont hope to happen) will you still be able to live in japan as long as u want?

I hope my questions dont bother you, and keep it good.

Sup Forumsrother

>this noses

1. I had another ex before and when i went to meet her family wich i did was to be the most formal as i could, as the japanese culture, formal expresions, the japanes culture when you eat and things like that as if i were a japanese, but when i met my current wife parents i did like if i where an occidental, you know i said that the food was perfect a quite times, but still being formal at the japanese language, and fortunately i think that the second option is better, be like if they were not japanese, but without forgetting the formal thinks in their language
2. japanese dicks are very small so is strange for a japanese girl not to come on a big dick, probably she does and dont tell you to try to improve and feel even better, ofc it couldnt be true but for me is the most probably posibility. in the bed, we really enjoy, its like as she is tired of japanese is probably easier, tried kamasutra wich in my opinion its quite funny to do if you really wanna enjaoy sex.
3. I think no, you have to get married again, (im not 100% sure, but thats what i understood)

i looked for it before so was easy to find

when you apply for permanent they score you based on a point system
>do you have a job
>do you have a house
>do you have kids
>are u a nigger
etc. if you get enough points you get your permanent visa. if not you gotta reapply after some time

Ah. Nice
Thank you for sharing your experienced.
Actually on Q1, my intention was to do the second thing u did.

Im myself, try to make them see "me", but still being polite (if I can), and try to do everything as "normal" as possible.

The problem is, my japanese isnt bad, but unfortunately I sometimes say things in formal and sometimes in informal, like even to my gf.
Sometimes Im very "polite" to her, while the next time Im very "sluggish".

But I asked my gf, she said it would probably okay.

In any way, Ill try to go as smooth as possible.

Thanks mate

number 3 is not true. If you get a permanent visa after a while u won`t need to get married again.

while your gf say that to her parents i dont think it will be a problem, gl, hope you enjoy your time here
once i met a person wich had to do it again for that (or at least is what he said to me) thats because i had that idea,btw i think he didnt stayed so much with her (i dont know if it cares i didnt had idea cuz as i say again, i don think that im gonna need that now so i will search for it if some go bad


permanent cannot be revoked that easily. on the other side you can always just remarry.

as for parents, it`s like back home. some are nice and some suck. My in-laws are awesome, they love me, but they hate their japanese son-in-law.
For one of my friend it`s the opposite, he`s american but they dislike him. Though they still accept that their daughter married him.

as your gf what her parents like. most dads like baseball. make sure you support the same team, at least not the "enemy" team.
if they like alcohol, bring a german beer (not warsteiner) or some german wine.
use polite language at first, but if they take you in friendly, no need for keigo


Radiation is everywhere; it's completely unavoidable.


yay, i forgot to say that parents are a lottery too, thanks

in japan we dont say faggod we say baka probably you know but...


can`t argue the trips.

besides that all, enjoy the life here. I`ve never looked back.
here have some half japanese titties

at this moment i dont think im gonna back to Spain or other country, hope you are getting a good time too

yea, but I ain't a gay basementdweller weaboo

no, you are just occidental

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Write In English Please


Did you get married to a Japanese girl?

Im going out bye Sup Forumsros

ok, last answer do you know to read? yes

Don't buy this it's crap. The normal lemon is better.