Post a picture of yourself and others comment

Post a picture of yourself and others comment.

Pic related is me.

comment on me

Why would you think this thread was a good idea?


You're both going to die alone

shitty pic

You look like you've just wanked yourself silly
Why the fuck you so red?

Scarce, is that you?

>You're both going to die alone
Doesn't everyone?
Inb4: I'm meant you'll die a virgin or some related comment Herp derp

Next time don't ask your school friend for insults

It's hot in here pal

You dress like a child.

It was a good ass scone bro

No fam.

This Is dissapointment incarnate

that is scarce

Femanons rate me
Only the range 8-10 is allowed :P

Okay one more

I don't know who that is.

Forgot pic.

If I had to choose between fucking you or a dildo made of razor blades. Itd be the blades. Kek


Only thing cool about that pic is the tardis. ^^^^

2/10 you look like a serial killer ^_^

I recently wiped all photos of me. Obviously I missed this one, so here you go. Apologies about the dog ears, I'm not about to take another photo

Check for the whovian.





Looks like Hayden Christianson got a nose job and started doing crack
"Mom please let me take the beads out of my ass"
Man who fell into a bathtub full of Nair and estrogen, or female cancer patient? The world may never know
Perfect candidate for chimera research human trials
Looks like someone you can really trust with your unmarried daughter on an airplane to a country with little to no security

2nd and 3rd are same person fag.

Supremely salty samefag. Sometimes salty samefags suffer from serious stupidity and severe sarcoma simultaneously

That scone looks bloody nice.

kewl i hate scones they taste like stale cakes

too crossbred
