You mad white boy?

You mad white boy?


How'd you steal my games Tyronne
Us whites need them to pass the time in this pointless exsistense

White boys BTFO again...


post weight

>dark souls 3
square up tyrone

C'mon everyone. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He may have made enough money selling drugs to buy those games.

>Lords of the Fallen
Not at all

stop going in the house and playing with your master's gamboxes, fucking nigger

>no Bloodborne

Nah you earned it man, every penny.

>megadimension neptunia

how deep does this well go

>Shadow Warrior

Looks like some nigger heaven right there.

Lol @ dragonquest heroes

Where the Alone in the dark at?

You mad white boy?


Stay pleb, newb


yeah your an awful cunt for stealing them from me

Now if they where non stolen PC games...


saved thanks for the advice

Good goy.

>One Piss
What I want from that pile, I have, and what I don't have from that pile, I don't want. And that includes the nigger hand.

Factually inaccurate. We all know the black would be wearing the ski mask.

>Saves the thumbnail
>Saves the original faggots thumbnail

Lords of the Fallen is free this month. How'd it feel to buy it?

Not really, I have 2 out of 3 of the good ones there.

atleast a refreshing troll, ty for chuckle

ofc I am, some poor, white kid is gonna wake up and see that his stuff is gone cuz a nigger stole it and then walk up on the body of his raped mother.

now now nignog back to the street corner

No Tyrone, because that will keep you occupied for a while so you don't have time to steal my bike.

But then again if you really think about it some of those games might teach you to be a better thief in future, so the whole thing is like a double edged sword.

Fuck! It's time to buy a better lock for my bike I guess...

>chooses the gaming platform that can also be his work platform, emulator, media center, shitposting vector, and has better customization, graphics, and framerates to boot.
>good goy

The Jew may fear the samurai, but he also fears torrenting, proxies, and Richard Stallman.

No black ops
No madden
No eso
No battle front
No mortal Kombat
>fuck you nigger your games are shit like your skin is
How long did it take to steal them games ?


I like your choice of games.

Every friggin' one STOLEN by porch monkey sticky paws.

Free on psn?

Nope. You niggers still assume far too much importance about yourselves. Silly outdated farm equipment, someday you'll quit the desperate attempts at compensation.

And kek at Lords, I dropped that in my library for free this month just for shits and giggles.

>pays 800 bux for his gtx 1070
>not a goy
I can shitpost and play emu's on my 50$ netbook too, goyim.

>one piece
Stopped reading there

Sorry? I couldn't hear you over the sound of 1080p at 100fps.

Is that all PS4 has?
I have 305 Xbox One games. All digital.