Hey famalams. i'm new here and i want to know what y'all think of this album

hey famalams. i'm new here and i want to know what y'all think of this album

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think people here would hate it as much if it wasn't constantly brought up.

nah, it's shitty pop. I would imagine people who listen to this trash are also the type of people who think Grimes makes good music

It's a good album. Kkb has shown me that I too can live a rich, vibrant life with a qt gf by following in the ways of NextGenCrusher.
#teamCrusher #we'regonnamakeitfam

Mu had ruined me. Every time I see this picture I can't help but imagine her boyfriends thick and diamond hard baseball bat of a cock slapping her around like a rag doll.

reminder that she supports her boyfriend's lifestyle bc she's a graduate and popular musician and he's just a #crusher


I unironically listen to and like Grimes and KKB. I don't think they're perfect though, and I don't spam either shit all the time on Sup Forums either.

Someone post her boyfriends twitter, I can't seem to find it.

>I don't think they're perfect though, and I don't spam...
At least you are honest. You're okay in my book user

She has one? Shan't be following her Twitter anymore.




>kero kero going into 2017

I used to like it. I can't listen to it anymore though.


You must. Do not follow in the ways of Gus but into the glory of #TeamCRUSHER

chokers are godtier u're shit mate


It's a real crushing experience.


I met Sarah in IRL. Ask me A


I feel bad for that gus dude you could just feel the sitcom infatuation and cucking.

>Hey babe how was your day?
>Im fucking flame rn just took a pic of my senzu beanstalk for the gram
>O-oh *notices bulge* 0w0 whats this??
>No-no-no! I got it no need to call her...
>*unzips and proceeds to wipe out her digestive track with his schlong*
>Gus watches on in horror
>h-hey Sarah... um I hop I'm not interrupting or anything..., but we were in the middle of recording Picture This...so umm
>In his furious and Horny rage @NexGenCrusher decapitates the beta fuck with his 4 biceps and delivers a swift high kick to his head
>displaying such godly force, the entire studio collapses killing everyone inside except him and his michan in a glorious exhebition of his godly strength
>after using the now deceased gus as a twister mat to hump his girlfriend's brains onto the pavement he realised that the lead vocalist died simply in seconds of digesting his penis
>He realised he was God
>fucking The End
>pic related his face when

it's ''''crushing''' to my soul

Crusher seems to be the kind of a guy who would "accidentally" leak their sex tape.

That would be awesome not many people in their age range make homemade porn

I hate how the mods on this board actually do their jobs and half the board isn't cuck threads with 60 fps porn webms. How can they be so dedicated? Don't they have lives?

Album is lit btw

chokers are hot as fuck dude

Honestly looks like a standard issue bulge here I don't get the memes

I don't think you got that from Sup Forums

Chokers are black belts in cock sucking. Just ask #crusher.

Oh theres more

Yeah american white boys think that's big, when in reality it's just average.

The humor is in the fact that autists on Sup Forums saw her as a waifu but that's changed now that CRUSHER came along

the crushinator is my hero, he is zyzz 2.0


Requesting gif of #crusher roundhousing her """"art""""

i think he just has a boner in this one

You are fucking retarded if you think that guy is cool

idk man I spend a lot of time watching porn and that doesn't look more than like 6-7 inches. Pretty good but not meme material

I don't understand how life can be so fucking unfair. How is this ugly abomination giving his inferior seeds to such a beautiful half-japanese princess? I'm much more attractive and cool than this guy and yet i'm here, all alone, experiencing the agonizing involuntary virgin lifestyle, while this guy penetrates the girl I deeply cherish, giving her pleasure and excitement. This needs to stop. I can't handle the torturous pain my body undergoes from seeing this picture.

where did I say that? I see you had two helpings of salt-flavored jelly for breakfast kek

>I'm much more attractive and cool than this guy and yet i'm here, all alone, experiencing the agonizing involuntary virgin lifestyle
perhaps you are not as attractive or cool as you think

Life sucks senpai a lam. Get away from this jpop slut. Why listen to Bonito Gen when you can listen to Seance.

grimes is utter trash. KKB blows her trash ass music away

>that ain even shit compared to me whiteboi

Were making fun of him for being a tool why are you trying to associate yourself with him....?


fish bowl was only good song

This guy is a steroid taking piece of shit. If I took gear, I would like bigger than this choude chink

holy SHIT

Why did you do this to us Sarah

Well, I liked it more before reading this thread.

She always calls him "Hubby"

They are actually married hahahaha

The fact that he shows it off in every picture despite that he is married to a chick who probably doesn't want that in her reputation

leak pic of her and Crush

when he's REALLY mad, he'll put his entire erection in Sarah's mouth and make her say the ABC's.

she can only get to F.


Their kid is cute though


i unironically like this.


if it wasnt for crusher posting, i wouldn't have bothered to look for kkb songs.

they're actually just dom-sub fuck buddies. seriously. he's "single" and posts stuff about other women

> i spend a lot of time watching porn
that's the problem

my dick is 6 inches hard and 2 inches flaccid

There are years of pictures of them together



it #crushed all my expectations

feelio when

cant wait

He is probably fun to hang around with

with your pussy maybe

>when he doesnt approve of her music carreer

How do you go from this youtu.be/AL8fz8W2Yos

To THIS? youtu.be/nHK3KQ3e-l4

she was probably stuck in the act right chair while he did this

i like "Break" by kkb, but their other stuff isn't clicking with me.

to be honest i haven't heard much except a handful of their tracks.

They peaked with Flamingo.

guys... i know Crusher has a huge cock and is an mma fighter but what if all of their lewd memes are just memes?

like. what if they only have tender, cuddle sex where Crusher fucks her gently in the missionary position with the lights off, or Sarah rides him on top and they don't do this degenerate stuff we're fantasizing out loud about?

All the innocence of KKB, their main appeal, has been CRUSHED.

I cannot listen to Sara's voice again. It's tainted.

explain what's tender about this


>cucked beyond recovery

it's just a meme. i bet they didn't even fuck until their 2nd year anniversary.

flamingo is ok

crushin' it

flamingo is about being a mixed race flamingo


He is like a parody of a human being

so crushers dick is the flamingo
really makes you think

Did you have a good Suckday, Sup Forums?

yes, he is also a flamingo, like Sarah.

he has a beautiful flamingo dick, its majesty.

Nigga pls


>tfw they bounce bounce bounce in the trampoline

Nah, he's got a pocket crocodile.

So after taking that huge cock for years, is it safe to say that her vagina is so fucking loose?

still tighter than your gaping boypussy

>hold it in your hands
>keep it warm and moist
>he bites
That song is literally just about Crusher's dick. Not even subtle.

>he bites
>life span isnt very long
reptile disfunction?

Still tighter than your mom's

it crushes