God tier metal album thread

God tier metal album thread

Only top shelf stuff.

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Fucking love tool.

aren't they finally making a new album? even though they're like in their 50's now kek

yeah, like 12 years later.

same guy. but...still cool.

tool > a perfect circle > puscifer


another one of his bands.



>the black dahlia murder
>old cannibal corpse

Nuff said

Necrophagist sorry about that

>the black dahlia murder?
My god you faggot.
everything you said is half good.


Suck a cock


Edgy 14 year old.

LOL nice one
listened to them when they had 1000 views.





i cant stand their vocalist though lol

Edgy screamo music. Gay


I like what I like and that's all I can say.



He said god teir metal. Not crap.


One of those bands that sound WAY better live. Got to see them and tool earlier this year. They both put an awesome show.

Nigga, I'm posting what I like. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.


They always do. Miss tool when they came to cali.
saw Primus live.


Mad on the edgy are we?
Better stop listening to that shit.

Best album I've listened to in a long time.

Awesome band


Really digging the first track right now. I cant stand normie sounding metal where its just yelling and banging on their instruments really fast.



The band has only made good music in my opinion. Fantastic to just listen to and calm down after a good day. Nightmare is my favorite track from it.

I haven't seen one Gojira album posted yet.


Tosin is a god among guitarists.


My nigga

This band used to be huge here


That's the spirit. How about some Periphery while we're at it.

From all the behemoth albums you happen to chose the worst,

Another of their albums (Muse).


In the same boat. Check out Gojira.


Their new albums is amazing.
Marigold and Lune best tracks.


Shit, didn't even realize they had a new one out. I'll have to grab a copy.

>yelling and banging on their instruments really fast.


Just came out a few weeks ago.

Nice shitposting. If you don't like it, don't listen to it.

this thread is a joke

Underrated post

>God tier metal albums
>Posts Grunge album of the most well known Grunge-alt rock band.


Anthax-safe home

>this thread is a joke


at least post alice in chains fag

>tells me I'm shitposting
>puts mostly shit bands up

This is a modern masterpiece.

Anything from Mastodon.
Except Once more 'round the sun. Fuck that shit

My negros!

Progmetal is my favourite subgenre, but i got to admit that Remission is their best album. It's so heavy it's insane.

> being this buttfrustrated

Your loss.

Fuck you nigs listen to some good shit.

Demonica = worst
The Satanist is a masterpiece

This is the album that got me into metal. I still think it's among the best Iron Maiden albums of all time.

Fleshgod, motherfucker. Enough said.


This album is out of this (silent) planet

The only band that I like of that music genres
might be Trapped under ice


Top tier album, though I personally prefer The Jester Race. Good taste though.

Demonica 5/10
The satanist 2/10

>Evangelion 10/10




Zeal and ardor is great but barely metal

the dubs dont lie

Dude, calm your preteen hormones down and listen to so really music.

This is correct

Grom> Satanica > The Satanist > Evangelion > Demonica

the rest somewhere in between Evangelion & Demonica

Gimme some good death metal boys

Their new album is pretty good, too.


Non Serviam, A Dead Poem and Thy Mighty Contract are really good albums

Not that fond of their new stuff though

Only metal album posted so far. Other ones are garbage.

MA - Covenant
Best death metal album of all time

Any Obscura fans?