Hello my Sup Forumsros and sluts

Hello my Sup Forumsros and sluts.

I'm planning on killing myself. I was just hoping you could say some kind words or maybe make me laugh or smile one last time.

It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks again my friends. I love you all.

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Nah don't do it mate. We are all gonna make it

Dont worry friend , we will all die eventually, no need to rush things :')

make it where, to grow older and weaker and dumber and lonely and spiteful and then die.

don't do a flip OP
Sup Forumsro forever?

Hope life gave you some good times and your end is smooth and easy. No more stress, congratulations

Well. Ill have a beer for ya
Bon voyage

Hope you've really thought it out user. :( take care

So, what poor fucker is gonna find your body?

y u wanna kill yourself?

its not very easy to say that when youre in so much pain, from the minute you open your eyes in the morning, to when your finally granted some solace and your mind shuts up for long enough to allow you to slip away for a few hours, just so you can do it all again. It really really hurts.


i sincerely envy you. You will know what it's there before me, user.
Have a nice trip, see you on the other side.

Enlist in the army, go take a run outside, just go do some shit dude. Ignore all your shitty problems, they'll eventually be solved. Just take a bit to grasp how beautiful life itself is. throwing it away like that is a waste.

wait till your depression reaches its boiling point and your souls leaves your body and youre just a walking corpse with no feelings and no fucks to give, its a great feeling man

hey man i like you to something that will make you stay in history

Yes, but you can have lots of fun and great moments in between that if you just want to

Dude, you only have one life. At least make the most of it.
Once you're dead, you're dead. There's no going back. Do you ever feel nothing but apathy, and end up doing things just to feel something, like drinking or selfharm ? Well, imagine an eternity of it.
Cheers motherfucker, you won't get another chance to walk this earth. There's no good or bad life, no good or bad decisions, just your fragile existence hidden between 8 billions other motherfuckers.

Maybe go talk to someone

Even though meeting the Grim Reaper seems like the only option you have left, there are always some people who can help you.

Life ain't that shitty if you try and make the most out of it. I've been in your shoes, I still often find myself in that same situation. But it's not over unless you decide to quit. And quitting ain't a reasonable option, you know it.

I don't want anyone to have to do that. I think it might be easier for everyone is I just disappear and they never find the body

If you're gonna kill yourself, do this instead. Sell everything you have. Everything. Take the money you make plus money you have and just start back packing around the world. Go to places you'd never think to go, go explore places and meet new people. What's to lose? If you're hell bent on doing it, At least die happy man.

why are you in so much "pain" OP?

Still time to change your mind OP, can't get worse than rock bottom. But if you're determined. Do it with your dick out for harambe.

Once you have lost everything, you are free to do anything. Live by no code. Death is just the cherry in top of all the great shit we can do in this world. If people hold you back, fuck those guys, do your own thing. It's never too late to be happy.

but after that you dont feel anything

thats where im at. and not its not great.

Do heroin first you literally have nothing to lose

See you in Valhalla, friend.

If you want to do it do it... I guess I've never seen the point of it though. Like now you are just going to be some forgetful person who either shot themselves, took to many pills, cut their wrists, or however you plan on going. Why not go out and try to do something epic! Example: Go fight a fucking bear! Like yeah you're probably not going to win but at least then you seem like a bad ass.

"You hear about user? That mother fucker fought a fucking bear!... Nah he lost... but he fucking fought a bear!"

And shit if you win, you're badass, and have a kick ass story to tell!

there are infinite universes
you did are doing and will do everything
may as well be this the universe you try everything

Become a fucking legend

Don't fall too hard, partner.

Take 3 days. On the first day spend it communing with nature, walk in the park, watch the birds, smell the flowers. On the second day spend it with family and friends, remember why you want to leave them behind. On the third day commune with God or Goddess or the emptiness of space, let the universe know how it failed you,ask what you could have done better. Then kill yourself.

This is basically my plan too for the 13 months, wish me luck user

a lot of people don't understand something about suicidal people. They don't want to change. They hate who they are with such a passion, that they want that person dead, even if it means the end for them. It's hard for me to explain, but I hate who I am so so so so much, but I have no other choice. I can be this person I despise, or I can be nothing. I choose nothing.

if there are infinite universes, and die in this one...do you simultaneously die in them all?

OP you are going to be ok

Hey I should tell you not to do it, but its your life being able to decide when it ends is kinda cool. Anyway think about how it will impact your loved ones. Will they know why you did it? How will they find you? Good luck friend see you on the other side.

Don't do it, annon. Think of all the memes you'd never read. The world is too beautiful.

Well if there's someone that cares about you enough that you wouldn't want them to find your body why are you killing yourself in the first place?

R.i.p (also use a gun) and see ya on the other side

become a fucking legend user. If you wanna kill yourself, either 1. Get addicted to heroin so you can at least experience pure pleasure and happiness before you die or 2. kill yourself in the best way possible that'll get you remembered, jump off the Trump Tower or some crazy shit that'll get you known

Because i'm fucked! I am terrible. I am a monster. I fucking hate being this way, but I am. Why are you all being so nice?


Cause w all are monsters
but in our loneliness and monstrosity we are together

Why kill yourself?

Instead do crazy things that may get you killed. go to a bad neighborhood and walk right up to a gangsta and slap him in the face. go rock climbing without safety gear. jump into the rhino exhibit at the zoo and literally fuck the rhino. if you live through these events you may just want to keep on living to see how much weirder you can get.

think about it faggot.

i doubt youre a monster dude! depression and self loathing is a bitch, but i doubt youve done anything worse than most people.

Pain from the morning? Why?

Stay alive and become a legend and i myself will carry you through the gates of hell
and you know itll be fun cause we all gonna be there

Cuck detected

Very nice user.
You read, thats for sure.

Im sorry. This was a bad Idea. IM GOING TO MISS YOU GUYS. Please keep making the world cringe, and laugh and gasp and smile. Love you guys.

Here OP. Go out with no pain. Sleep eternally. Kick your feet up. Throw your hands behind your head and act like nothing was ever wrong. Rest easy Sup Forumsro


U came to the wrong fucking place

rip :)

Then i hope you wait for us to Valhalla warrior for i shall search for you
i applaud you for staying with us for so long

im still voting dont do it.

My step mom put a gun to her head and killed herself 2 days ago. I hate her for it OP, please don't do it


you die infinitely always soooo probably?

make it fun, go die somewhere hidden and leave clues

don't do it OP, as bad as it seems right now things will always get better.

lets all say one nice thing about user.

Fkin safe tht user guy hes nice

I get it Sup Forumsro save me a seat in Valhalla I'll be joining you soon.

One last word of advice, if you're planning to jump off something do a flip

No don't do this, use the super glue and cheese wire method. Go out in style. Another user can link you It. I've got to go

Hey OP if you are still on the thread have a nice last day man, hopefully you will reconsider, if not I hope you find finally peace.


user is a faggot, however he still delivers.

anons Probably the only guy id ever make out with. Stay!!!

Was suicidal last year. Today, I look back, glad that I've lived yet another year. Things have improved for me. Took meds (lots of trial and error before I've found the right dosage), did some therapy, got a job I'm good at and that fulfills me (loads of trial and error) and earned enough money to start thinking about developing a social life. It can happen. You'll just have to keep getting up instead of staying down. It sucks at first, but gets easier with every tiny milestone you leave behind and as soon as you start enjoying little things, you'll reach a tipping point. Once you've gotten past it, the once angelic comforting voice telling you to end your suffering is suddenly going to sound like a drunken hobo and you'll no longer pay attention to it.

Also, do you really want to die before watching the GoT series finale? Smh...

Dude why kill yourself when you can do a bunch of drugs?

Bye nigga

stream it

oxy + xanax
or street sope

afterwards he could give a fuck about killing himself and want more

Not him but good luck blackie

do it faggot

yeah, or the next star wars installments?

user plz

Everybody is in some way my dude, but it's your life, don't throw it away like that

Fucking Firefly might get a second series with the original cast and this fuckwit won't be there to see it...

ill pay for your tickets to the Angers infinity wars movies if you dont. popcorn, you like popcorn?

listen here you coward piece of shit , there is nothing and i mean nooothing in this life worth killing yourself for ,
look at yourself you are breathing eating , sleeping well , its not like you are born in some place in africa where famine is, or you live in a place like Syria right now
man the fuck up , and stop running from your problems you pussy

Still pisses me off that they released such a mediocre album named after such a good song.

All their other albums are fucking gold though, Coat of Arms has been on repeat on my PC for a few days now

Rolling trips for live stream

Yeah OP why? I mean, what could force someone to give up on life?

did u ever tell us Why you want to do this??

I don't know if OP already off'd himself, but if I was ever to kill my self, i would streak Area 51 naked, at least die knowing the truth

lol no it won't stop lying to poor user

my uncle said he wanted to drive out to compton in a klan outfit and shout niggers really loud.

>casting the line to fish for attention
the thread

Why kill yourself, if there exist so many to read and see??

There are so many genuine responses. Shows how fucked up a lot of us are.

I've been there OP. Part of me is still there. It's a scary place but you can pull through. Go for a walk round the block with some chill music and just try to see beauty in what you see.

We got more Star Wars movies coming out so don't die just yet