Ask a 26 year old dating a 14 year old (4 months now) anything. Pic related: Her feet...

Ask a 26 year old dating a 14 year old (4 months now) anything. Pic related: Her feet, that I worship and she sends me pics most nights.

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its great to see what happens to people when no one in their own age wants to touch their dickcheese riddled genitals

How long before his dad finds out and chops your head off?

Jared, stop lieing about your age and don't sue that other girls parents, petty formerly fat bastard.

have fun getting raped in jail dawg

Show more of her feet?

is the jail food nice?

Nice try, but I can get girls my age. It's not exactly hard to drop their panties these days, but I don't want some used up slut.

It's not illegal to go out, only if we have sex.

>unironically using the term "used up slut"

m'lady tip tip meant to say dick...

Can we get more of her feet?

Will you show pic of her face ?

when do you expect the van to be arriving?

post wins or fuck off

her dick?

>It's not illegal to go out, only if we have sex.

Actually its totally illegal to be in said relationship. If her parents want they could at least get you a few days in county for an inappropriate relationship.

Yeah, what country are you in? I'm guessing it's an allah-worshipping shithole otherwise you'd be dead by now.

how does it feel to have a mental illness?

tits or gtfo


One of you is fucked.

He never said which head.

how are you gonna handle the beatings and black dick when you get to prison? there is nothing better than beating a chomo half to death.
play now pay later homeboy.

you sir, are retarded

hey OP you do realize Chris Hansen is back out there doing a kickstarter version of "To Catch a Predator" again, yeah?

Nice try FBI

is this real?

>26y/o finds something relatable to a 14 y/o

A man should have NOTHING in common with a 14 y/o

Youre fcuked op


I hope you get raped in jail pedo


google "Hansen v. Predator", nigga. All too real.

kek i love that show

>calling op a man

Which country do you guys live in? Is it legal where you are? Do you have sex? What do you like about her besides her fuckability?

What animal is that? It's such a great meme haha

Did you know there are several countries in the world where 14 is the age of consent? Educate yourself

I live in the UK btw. Here's my princess right here.

wow, he's beautiful.


lmao woops

Okay... why feet? What is sexy about feet? What do you get out of that?

a dog

virgin detected

Not mental illness faggot. I dated a 15 yo when I was 21. A friend of mine was dating her older sister and things kind of just happened. She initiated at first and she was hot as hell. Also her parents fucking loved me.

They're cute, soft, lets her know you admire her, feels good for any girl even if they say they hate it at first, etc.

>implying you wouldnt jizz on a 14 year old girls feet
get off the fucking board normie

>she sends me pics most nights
more of her pics plz OP!

Americunts doing the most in this thread as usual. Just because in America ANYTHING under 18 is PEDO, doesn't mean that it's seen that way everywhere else in the world. There are many many countries where the age of consent is 14 or 16, and it's NOT considered as "pedophilia", which I think some of you need to look up the meaning of.

>It's not illegal to go out, only if we have sex.

Have fun being a pedo then. Justify it all you want, you are raping little girls and boys.

I'm a 26 year old dating a 20 year old. Feels good man

even Sex would be legal in some countries(e.g. Germany, EspaƱa)

Its a chameleon

Re-read what you typed and realize you are a idiot lol.

How is it possible that your mom is younger than you

How so? Care to explain?

Lol I was stating juridical facts you idiot. Not everyone lives in America. Grow the fuck up.

Sick insult bro

as usual many doesnt even know the definition of pedophilia, its the attraction to prepubescent children.
the guy is a hebephil (attraction to children in early stages of puberty, typically 11-14 years)
ephebophilia is the attraction to someone in late puberty (15-18) and is whats most commonly allowed to ahve a sexual relationship with in most western countries

hope u get tortured to death when in jail for molesting

that was 4 the op sorry

what kind of pathetic sad 26 year old has enough in common with a 14 year old to say they are in a 'relationship' you sad sad cunt. Get some confidence you fucking loser

heh, googled it and it actually true. didnt even know there were different definitions for this, ill now consider myself educated on the topic.

but srsly though, still fucked up with that age difference, well, each to their own and if parents are ok with this then theres not much else to say about it (are they ok with it?)

Fuck you op. Date someone your age. Sick fucks like you piss me off. Grow the Fuck up and stop dating kids you low life.

>Her feet, that I worship

>jealous insecure sluts detected


man, i get so tired of you pedos shitting up this place with your bullshit. you need to be taken out and shot, fucking degenerate scum.

ITT : Jealousy

Not really. I have something called morals you fucker. People like you can't get a real women so you need a child and it makes me sick. People like you should be executed on spot

>Implying that anyone would be jealous of some fat neckbearded basement dwelling pedo
>Probably gets laughed at by women his age for having a millimeter Peter
>14 year old says it's biggest she's ever seen

Where / how did you even meet someone that young.

Fuck you dude

Pick one.

allow me to correct you:
"man, i get so tired of you hebes shitting up this place with your bullshit. you need to be taken out and shot, fucking degenerate scum."

what this guy said:

Get a real women you piece of shit

Just dumping this here.

Still dumping.

where do you live OP? give me your address so we can have a little fun together. don't worry, i'll make it quick enough so u don't feel pain for any longer than 20 seconds

>i make up words to justify my degeneracy
die, childrapist

Come to America. You'll see what we think of people like you. In prison, pedos are raped constantly because half the fuckers in there have kids of their own

r u seal team 6?


If you were dating my daughter I'd beat you senseless with a baseball bat.

Then call the cops and have you locked up, tell them that you're a predator and that I feared for my daughter's safety (hence, the beating)

Who are they gonna believe? Me? Or the pedophile?

>link to pedo memes
you're going to use a source that anyone can edit as proof?

you're grasping at straws.


46 here, dating 18y old girls....


sugar babies don't count faggot


Shitty bait
Fucking newfags gobbling this shit up
Op is a faggot

He's right. Nothing illegal about hanging out with underage girls. Guess what. I can also meet JB online and go out in public and met them. Nothing anyone can do about it. Start talking about wanting to fuck, ask for nudes, shit like that, then your in deep trouble, if you get caught.

There was an episode of to catch a preditor where they guy was talking to the decoy. He said he would take the girl to a pool party. He showed up with his sister, her kids, pool toys, and everyone was in their bathing suits. HE got arrested but all charges were dropped because he wasn't trying to have sex with her.

too many normies on Sup Forums.

they'd be worshipping goat fucking mohammed if they were born somewhere else, but since they were born in america, they have an objection to OP.

its weird how that goes, and weird how no humans find that suspicious. "my cultural values are right and everyone else's are wrong".

fucking humans are fucking stupid.

carry on.18 isn't pedophilia.

The cops would join in

OP is a fat fuck sitting on his pc getting pity pics from a teenage girl, and he posts it here. I wouldn't call it dating, since she would book it as soon as she saw your face, so enjoy seeing pics of feet

I work in a shop and she goes school and works on a farm. She comes in often, always smiling at me, I ask her out one day and find out her age and tell her oh okay nevermind then. But then she comes in a day later while I'm working in shop and gives me the cutest love letter ever.

A child is a child period. No matter where you live. They are still child.