What is Sup Forums studying? Anyone actually have a career in music? Any NEETs?

What is Sup Forums studying? Anyone actually have a career in music? Any NEETs?

I really want to study music, but I feel that a bachelor or even a master degree in music is useless. It seems like the only jobs you can get as an educated musician are unstable jobs that are poorly paid

i was studying computer science but after the 2nd year i got bored and switched to art history.


>switched from a good major with job opportunities to fucking art history

studying a maths degree and it's really good i like maths

Well I'm 20, dropped out of two different unis and I still don't know what the fuck to study

Didn't like coding and I was just paraphrasing shit from stack overflow
didn't fit in with my classmates because they've been doing this shit since they were 12 and have legit autism

Even with the money didn't see myself doing it 8-12 hours a day. I've learned enough i can just freelance it if i really need the money

You're a hero desu.

Went into engineering. Did well in the classes but realized it was definitely not for me after the first internship. After the second internship I dropped out. I just couldn't do it.

Only problem is I'm in way too much student loan debt to take on even more debt and a liberal arts degree won't pay off that debt so I'm in a hole. Would love to study literature.

I sell car parts.

i used to run a soundboard. that was fun for a while

i guest DJ on a local radio station on occation if that counts

I'm studying at Berklee

I'd say you are much better off to study anything art related by yourself, schools teach shit but you get the "shiny" degree after that.

i'm studying history and i like it a lot but i don't know what kind of job i could really get with a history degree besides a teacher/professor

I have a fried studing classical music in cambridge.
He disdains all of Sup Forumscore music save for some late radiohead songs

Nursing. After school I plan on studying for two more years to become a nurse anesthetist and make bank.

Was a NEET for 10 years straight after dropping from high school.

Now I list things on ebay for a millionaire power seller who's a friend of the family.

makes sense my gf is a classical trained pianist and she just smokes weed and talk about how deep alt-j and pink floyd is

I bet he loves ''Daydreaming'' and probably Decks Dark


It sucks but at least in a few years I'll have a job I guess

Trying to get a double degree in engineering and physics. I love both STEMshit and artsy shit but I want to have a secure income. Also solving engineering problems is fun as fuck.
I want to study music theory by myself but I don't know any good material.

while i tend to agree depending on the medium going to school can hook you up with internships, connections, access to expensive equipment etc

all music students that I know are total retards that think because they can read simple sheet music from harry potter, play it on flute and know what diatonic means they are some virtuosos that have the ultimate saying about anything music related while their favorite bands in system of a down

I'm in my first year of digital television production.

1st Year Music Tech & Production. I've got a test tomorrow. Wish me luck.

2nd year comp sci. I have no desire to study music or any other art at an academic level

I work full time but I'm doing an engineering masters part time.

true, but connections can be everywhere

I'm studying Computer Engineering right now. I don't know if I really like it or not, but I'm kinda depressed these last days.
I wanted to study music when I was younger, tho.

I'm in engineering, enjoying it because there is a certain level of creativity that I enjoy because it's all about designing shit. After I get my degree I plan on applying to law school because I'm hoping that if I get an undergrad in eng and then a law degree I'll be able to find a niche to thrive in.

I've played guitar for almost my whole life and I play some sporadic shows during the summer in my hometown but other than that I have no urge to find a career in the music industry. If I ever recorded an album or anything I wouldn't want to make any money off it, I would just do it for the sake of trying my hand at it. I like the idea of being an intellectual and making a lot of money much more than the idea of being a broke indie artist who needs to work a wageslave job to pay the bills.

I'm interested in computer science/engineering. I wanted to study music but I don't want to be homeless. Is it a nice career?

Engineering what? I was about to study music but now engineering is catching my attention.

I really like it. I'm more into the hardware stuff but I think programming is nice and sometimes I do it just for fun. What I really like in it is that the limit is your creativity.

>is it a nice career?
I wouldn't know as I'm still in college. I do know that it pays well and is something I enjoy.

my life so far

>be 'intelligent' kid
>constantly told how uber SMRT you are 24/7
>age 9, parents & teachers decide it's in my best interest to skip a year because so bored/ unchallenged
>put into a private school on a scholarship having just turned 10
>still top of class for a couple of years
>discover vidya and music big time age 11/12
>slowly become severely depressed because hardly have any friends, don't really fit in, big maturity difference, they're all posh wankers and most of all i'm a flaming autist
>grades begin slipping, start realising i've been lied to all my life and I was just a mediocre fish in a shitty swamp
>start faking illness around this time, gradually taking more and more time off
>eventually just spend an entire month pretending i'm too tired/ weak to do anything
>doctors can't diagnose me with anything real so they just call it 'chronic fatigue'
>spend 5 years out of school receiving a couple of hours of private tuition a week
>still get GCSEs with literally no effort or interest, slowly becoming internet/ vidya addict
>social retardation all the while getting worse ofc
>also became lowkey pedophile because i guess my sexual tastes never matured during this time


Studying journalism lmao not looking good lads.

specialization is for insects

>eventually go back to college age 18 with minimal attendance, completely workshy and suicidally depressed, terrified of women
>still somehow scrape mediocre A-levels and get into a decent uni doing a legit course (accounting), no idea what i actually want to do just desperate to achieve something
>predictably go, make nofriends, within a month i am completely skipping lectures altogether and hiding in my room 24/7, not showering, cleaning, barely even eating
>entire life is just shitposting on Sup Forums, downloading albums obsessively and jerking it to younger and younger girls
>drop out after 6 months of this almost drives me to suicide
>move back with parents and do literally nothing for 2 years
>get boring office job and move out for 6 months
>similar happens, quit job and move back with parents for another 6 months
>moved out again now, 'looking for work' but mostly contemplating suicide


23 now but my life is already over

*stuffs in bin*


I'm in industrial. In most basic terms it's all about making processes for things like production easier and more cost efficient. It's not too bad and there is lots of room for creative and interesting ideas. Also you can get a degree in about four years and can be employed to a well paying job almost instantly.

how do i subscribe to your gay blog?


i drive a zamboni. i probably should go to school but i like my job

>also became lowkey pedophile because i guess my sexual tastes never matured during this time

Sup Forums and Sup Forums really fucked up your head

THAT sounds fun user

I'm a total normie job-wise, studying Computational Linguistics and getting into C# and Windows development. It's looking good, I can comfortably sustain myself by working two days a week.

it is. plus i get to watch hockey for free

yea should've just said 'NEET' and left it but i thought i'd spice it up with some context

I feel you my nigga. All I want to do is lock myself away from everyone for the rest of my life 2bh.

lmao, same here. I still live with my parents and they got so annoyed of me dropping out of unis that they just want me to work and not study. I spend most of my time playing a retarded MMORPG, jerking off and downloading shitloads of albums.

I went to a "public ivy league" college last year for my freshman year, but took a gap year this year. I was intending to do a gap year program and travel the world, but I got kicked out of it because they were really strict about drinking and stuff. So I'm back home, and taking classes in community college. I decided I want to learn music production, so I'm taking 10 credits all on basically how to be a producer.

>tfw a yr ago i could go on tinder and get some 18 yr old to pick me up and hang out with while she thinks my knowledge of different 60/70s band is "cool"

not its full of normies asking me to pick them up and take them out to drinks.

>tfw no car

growing up really fucking sucks

fuck my English is failing me lads

how is it? what are you studying?

>became lowkey pedophile

you lost me here

please don't kill yourself user, i would genuinely be sad if i ever magically find out you committed suicide ):

>tfw I get lots of matches but too autistic to talk to them about anything that is not music

the insects will reign supreme!

Yeah, I studied journalism in college too. Graduated in August. Now I'm just working part-time at a bookstore and living with my parents.

What year are you in? I'd suggest switching majors if you're not too far in yet. I wish I had done that but it was too late for me.

lol thats not a normie job, maybe on Sup Forums it is

>having a job

kek u got memed, enjoy literally sacrificing over 70% of your time for no reason

I'm getting my PhD in clinical psych. Have a masters that I got along the way, only 2.5 years to go until I'm out of the depression hole that is grad school. Haven't taken an academic course related to music since high school but I'm trying to get back into playing some instruments

I'm getting my PhD in clinical psych. Got my masters along the way; 2.5 years left to go till I'm out of the depression hole that is graduate school. Haven't taken a music course since high school, but trying to get back into playing instruments

Lapalux here. guess you could say I have a career in music lol...

Fucking double post sorry

I'm studying graphic design, hopefully going into motion graphics


I do play in a fairly "successful" indie rock band that makes good money on the road (but not nearly enough to pay the bills)

I'm going into electrical engineering and would like to apply that to music, anco/Brian may style...

It's amazing. Composition.

good shit. i considered that, but did the law crucible instead

I'm finishing my undergrad in physics soon. It was too hard, so I'm just gonna be a lawyer ;)

what band?