Ponyfag playing shitty games

ponyfag playing shitty games


But raids are against the rules, user!

Ether bait or you are new.


faggot mods

ohno guys, hes reporting me.

Shouldn't make your name so obvious newfag.

Insurgency is a good fucking game tbh

wouldnt have mattered since everyone on twitch has mods that ban you if they find you the slightest annoying unless the streamer is in on it. Twitch has to be the most retarded place to raid.

I got banned -_-

The point of these raids is to stand up against the racist mods we did this 10 years ago on a site called Habbo and we won we can win this as well.

If we are to stand a chance against the jew mods we need atleast a hundred people, which will never happen since everyone is to busy fapping to facebook pics

What a stupid raid!!!

I got banned for my last raid.

Not all that interesting but we might as well fuck with him while I try to find someone better

wtf is this?

God, fapping to facebook pics is pathetic already but you made it seem even more pathetic. Props to you, based user.


Exsactly and that shit is what killed this board there are way to many outsiders on here now who do not fit in with nerd culture post-mootfags are cancer.


This boring nothing fun or racist in the chat,

Wow man, I really appreciate what you do for the community by displaying the artwork of the developmentally disabled on your twitch profile. I'm sure it makes their retarded little harts glimmer with joy



fuck, I got banned pretty fast cus i hurt his fee fees about his shitty drawings my comment was "Wow man, I appreciate what you do for your community by displaying the artwork of the developmentally disabled by displaying it on your twitch profile, I'm sure it makes their little retarded hearts glimmer with joy" and I got accused of samefagging from him

His name is Christopher Stumpf

he knows

Zephieon i hope you die by cancer

this raid is not fun.

trying to find a target

Faggot with a furry profile pic, playing a weaboo game

not letting this thread die

got b& so lets try this one

why the fuck are you bumping a thread when the streamer is clearly offline you spastic fuck

cause we keep getting new targets and im to lazy to make a new thread faggot

your raids are giving me cancer and i hope you die.

go back to your fb fap threads you underdeveloped nigger

i'll fuckin bash ye dead nan lad

you win, im genuinly frightened


please leave post-mootfag.

this dimwit just made a Sup Forumstard mod


wont stop bumping

can't hate on osu cause i'm admittedly shit at that kind of game

but the guys a faggot

Wtf where is eveyrone?