What does it mean if you're entirely emotionally neutral pretty much all the time...

What does it mean if you're entirely emotionally neutral pretty much all the time, almost never excited or disappointed by anything? Depression? Sociopathy? Retardation?

It means you are a super edgy teenager. Fuck off, underage and b&.

means you need to change your lifestyle

It means that you have an asperger syndrome, I am not kidding.

I used to be like that. Still am kind of, but less so. Just try to force yourself to show emotion, fake being happy or sad or whatever when you feel like you should and your brain adjusts. Eventually, it should start releasing the correct hormones in the right situations.

fuck this guy

embrace it OP, emotions are overrated

it's likely a form of depression. You should tell a doc about it so they can help you get your serotonin and shit together.

if youre productive it's all good. being overly emotinal and sensitive is not being well adjusted

Edgy 13 year old detected

Go back to making Sonic OC, sperg.

lack of emotion tends to lend more to sociopaths and a lot of serial killers tend to be like that so gg

weeaboo degenerate detected


dis guy mad

First post has it

medfag here

sociopathy / psycopathy
>source 7 years postgrad psych

if that were true you'd know that a diagnoses of psychopathy is not posible either by dsm or icd definitions


>samefagging this hard

it's autism op, you're an autist harry


These are the hallmarks of having reached adult male maturity. Welcome, user

i'm the same, talked to my doc about it and now i'm gonna see a psychotherapist about it.
From what i've been tild by strangers on the internet i'm either in a major depresive state, haveautism or am a sociopath.
Hoping for the last one as i can then get money from the state for the rest of my life as "support" lel.

it means you're becoming a goddamn man.

check'd and kek'd