Stupid user does stupid things thread including me injecting cacl2 in my nuts

Stupid user does stupid things thread including me injecting cacl2 in my nuts

Other urls found in this thread:


What is cacl2 and what is it gonna do to your nuts?

actually I want to watch this. make a tiny chat

He is gonna castrate himself



by melting away his balls. and little does he know that wont just do it. he will have to go to a hospital and explain the situation to at least 6 people then get a surgeon to chop his balls of.


Also did you post on /lgbt/ earlier?

>. he will have to go to a hospital and explain the situation to at least 6 people then get a surgeon to chop his balls of.
but wont this be sufficient proof of mental distress so they pay for his vagina?


bump for intrest live stream you fuck

Shit internet.

Give me 1 cc doc

Post pic of ur balss 1 last time pls op

This. They deserve to be memorialized. I hope you gave them one last wank.

Timestamp Please

tinychat can do with ridiculously poor net connection. at least try pls

Where is the time stamp genius

What if he gets it wrong and injects it into his blood stream?

he dies...


He's injecting straight into his testicles

Thank you

Thanks baby

One last pic before

now live stream it this is getting boring


do it fag

Bumping this thread, with no survivors

he wont hes to scared

Real talk you probably shouldn't do it.

nigger, nice dubs tho

I had testicular torsion, there are some arteries that run into the ballsac.

I know because my epididdimis got twisted around one of them causing it to swell to the size of a grapefruit when I was 12.

As a result I lost the left one.

>tfw you're about to watch someone do something that may or may not have lethal consequences but can't do anything to stop him

why would u do that ?

Stream it faggot


Doesn't want working testies.

redditor gtfo fag

Why do MtF always have nice dicks / ballsacs?
I'd pay good money to have a set of jewels like that.


I feel like holding my testicles

what do u mean by that ?
what does it do ?

Injecting water can still be lethal



Now that you showed em, no wonder you want to get rid of those.

Due to popular demand I'll try and livestream. 5 min and I'll link

no response from OP in 10 mins is he dead?


It kills them, no more sperm, no more testosterone

Backstory to this thread

RIP to your scrotum.
Trust me, I'm an expert and I've done this -the right way- myself. OP is doing it in a pants-on-head retarded way that's just going to fuck his shit up.
1cc with 23g needles has a -high- likelihood of leaking out of the testicle and into the scrotum causing sloughing and necrosis. Especially with 30% solution, no ethanol, etc.
This guy has it right actually, although OP would just have to present them to a single doctor and get him to do an ultrasound, which would then lead to the doctor almost certainly thinking it's testicular cancer, leading to the balls removal. But OP isn't doing that. OP will wind up in the ER though, almost certainly.

It also (when done right) doesn't work by melting the balls, it works by the calcium interfering with cell maintenance, causing a slow apoptotic death and atrophy of the testicles. Old cells will die without making new cells. But not enough of them, or for long enough, in OP's case, because he's not using the ethanol and CaCl2 solution. Why? Because he's a retard.

Ty op

Doing the lords work

Biology classes motherfucker, pay attention to them motherfucker.

it's like sterilizing them ?

Someone better record this shit.

No full out distraction

bumping for based faggot OP

I saw his thread yesterday on the LGBLT board yesterday. Don't ask. Anyways according to some gay ass user, you're supposed to also use at least 95% alcohol in this concoction to achieve desired effects. OP is a dumb, poor, underage neet who refuses to do it "right". If there even is a right way to castrate yourself.

gods work ITT

hope he won't do it.
y would u do that ?

popular demand? Just do it and dont come here with your deformed ballsacks.

To become a cute grill


>f there even is a right way to castrate yourself.
dull machete

See OP isn't doing it right and his testicles -will- recover, although they may become adhered to his scrotal walls, if he's lucky. If he's unlucky, horrible infection and maybe a hole in his scrotum.

He's not using the right solution. He's using one that not only won't be permanent, but it also won't even lead to castration levels of testosterone.

If you'd like to read more, go here:

It's a long read but you'll see people did do it OP's way, and wound up with recovery and didn't even get to castration levels of testosterone. Many who used his volume and technique (too wide of a needle, too high of concentration, no ethanol) also wound up with really bad consequences like necrosis of the scrotum, testicular and cord adhesions, so on and so forth.



This sounds like a terrible idea. Explains why I've been waiting for this all day.

don't get too excited just yet. faggot is taking too long to post a damn livestream link. WHERE R U OP?!??R NUTZ KIL?

C'mon you know better than that.. A spoon.

Include me in the screencap?

So.... The guy is going to chemical castrate himself? Is that what I am getting from this thread?

kek that was my second choice


OP won't deliver

It takes a whlie to set up a castration stream



>Trust me, I'm an expert and I've done this

I hate these fucking faggots that walk up in here and think they're so smart. Newsflash faggot, you castrated yourself you're not smart at all. Just fucking kill yourself you delusional degenerate.

i think op is crying in his bathroom calling for his mum bcuz he regrets doing it. now he is probably suffering with blood everywhere

http:// tinychat com/ r8c2vm


Someone tell him not to do it besides me...

He's going to try.

Not the first mutilated pair of testicles we've had here, but whatever.
I can't be bothered to read the entire thread. Any reason why OP might be doing this, even if he's going about it the wrong way?

Lmao no fucking clue. Maybe he wants to be a trap?

I am that faggot. Calcium chloride injection -is- the best way to castrate yourself, by far. Safer than banding, banding and cutting, cutting, going to a cutter, safer and more effective than burdizzo, safer and more effective than straight up alcohol injection (it can work but can result in long lasting pain complications and requires many, many repeat injections). However, it's only the best if it's _done correctly_ and if it isn't done correctly it can go horribly wrong, and on top of that it won't even castrate.

For your entertainment I'll share the -proper- method. 8 pictures. Oh also FYI OP plans to do this multiple times, and basically everyone who does it multiple times gets horrible complications.

Calm down, at least he's not going to reproduce




If he wants to fuck up his life and possibly an hero, it's
his decision. You can't win 'em all kiddo.

HOLY SHIT LET'S GO sorry for doubting



>http:// tinychat com/ r8c2vm
