What is the meaning of life Sup Forums?

What is the meaning of life Sup Forums?

To wrap my fucking head in that woman's beef drapes

to crush your enemies
see them driven before you
and hear the lamentation of their women

It's just a game, it doesn't mean anything.

to have fun, have sex, live happy, and leave behind a path for your kid(s) to do the same

if you want the literal answer it's to gain and pass on knowledge



there is no inherent meaning. just do what you want faggot

to chew on those bad boy flaps

My nigga, ive been saying this shit all week

Idk lol :p

The purpose of life is to procreate and pass of your genes to the next generation

Next fertile generation that can procreate too

As you wish, Jesus trips.

This nigga gets it



First of all, normie get out re.
Second of all, this is redundant.

The meaning of life can be broken down into a few different paths.
A literal
A metaphysical
A personal subjective meaning

The literal would be to propagate further and continue a healthy, yet constant forward direction for our species. It's the purpose of all species to fight for their best interest.

A metaphysical could be your own spiritual beliefs and personal philosophies for what you believe should happen in life.

The final is simply what meaning is in your life.
This differs to the middle point as religion is a basis for your afterlife not your current life.
What do you do daily that keeps you going.
What drive do you have to not just end everything. That is the meaning of your life.

to browse dank memes, play pc vidya, and fap

Canned Malaise. Very nice.


nice copy and paste galileo

kill yourself

Are you me?

Wow, I was gonna say a day at the beach.

To be an edgelord on the internet

The meaning of life is to give life meaning

Hey I've written about something very similar

I've come to the conclusion that someone has to choose at least 1 of the 3 categories for living.

For Themself
For Religious purpose
For a Higher Purpose (Family, Justice, some higher virtue or something)

Did Galileo write something similar?

That's nice but what's the answer to the riddle of steel?

how is religious purpose different from higher purpose

No meaning there is no god to prays upon humans must do everything for themselves you cannot depend on anyone you're on your own until you die so to answer there is no meaning in life

It's just a ride man. You make it exactly what you want it to be. You are a hairless evolved primate on arock flying through possibly infinity with a chance of infinite other universes. You are the universe experiencing itself subjectively through your perspective and you feel like you are seperate but you are apart of an ocean of novelty that does not end

To reverse entrophy
Life is an antientrophyc force

wew lad


fuck yes Jim

actually kill yourself

Life is just a bi-product of space-time.

The core of life is the consumption of resources. Reproduction is just a side effect.

People that strive for happiness are fucking retarded. It's all about the pursuit of self improvement and experiencing as many things as you possibly can. Happiness is the death of motivation and purpose.

trips of truth

I bet that slippery sloppy mess feels like absolute heaven on your dick.


>Thinking life has a meaning.
Good luck with that pleb.

>experiencing as many things as you possibly can
wrong fuck you

Honestly it probably does really feel amazing...im just not that tempted to go down on that shit

just imagine those meat flaps sliding down your throat...

Tell us, user

oh god

That's a castrated man m8

To worship God (Allah), to believe and follow what he has sent down to his prophets and messengers.

Use the pointy end.


There is none. None of us matter in the grand scheme of things.


youre so fucking edgy dude

Why is it that I forget this every time I have to do something nerve wrecking?


no, i am you

>tfw the very first time i feel related to anyone is when they have masturbating and vidya central in their lives

Do you sometimes ejaculate in random places because ti gives you some kind of perverted pleasure

To grow, reproduce and die.
But you have a lot of time for those things so also do whatever makes you happy and try to make other people happy.

Except here, just call everyone here a retarded faggot, see if you can get them to an hero on stream.



Dank memes

ghengis khan

the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

To inflict pain on others

Tell me it's shooped pls

To generally piss people off.

youll touch a boobie one day

temper the blade or else it breaks

Thats true, so really this shit is entirely what you make it. Liberating isn't it?

all the power of both steel and flesh come from one's beliefs.

What in the fucking fuckedy-fuck-fuck?

Just lean your head back and let the meat slide down your throat-hole


It's a simulation.

The meaning is to find purpose

The real question is: What is the meaning of purpose?

its not shooperdepooped

guess that means I have no purpose