Anyone else out there have botched circumcision? Rate my mutilated dick

Anyone else out there have botched circumcision? Rate my mutilated dick

Hell Bro, I'd suck it for hours.

You'res went better than mine...


How big is it user?

Actually I do have the same shit

Can you do a tribute? For my gf



If i was your girlfriend i would give it kisses OP

Mine was perfect


I can't tell silly lol give me inches

user do Pls

I'm not sure honestly and the ruler is downstairs. Sorry!

You can tell her she has great tits but I'm not ready to bust my load and I'm not about to go print that shit.

Only a photo of your dick near her. Maybe in another screen? No cum

Not mine (uncut) but this is one of the worst I've seen.

that looks like it needs to be recut

One second

Ikr? Why would you just leave it like that?

some women find scars sexy
just kidding op, no girl wants your patchwork Frankenstein dick

it's like a candle that has been melting


I hate my dick but even that is bad

good to see a guy who knows how to take care of himself, hard to come by these days. Just wanted to say I appreciate you



That's a 4 inch dick



Do you have balls?


A lot harder than I expected

Not sure what you mean but I appreciate it!

How big is that? Looks good
