Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help

Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help.

>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation.
>GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can receive a tarot reading from me. Ask a question or leave it general, or anywhere in between.
>GETs can be donated to others, but you have to be specific about who gets it.
>Leave a name (nickname, real name, made up name) and you'll receive a fortune cookie even if you don't GET.
>Patience and love! These take time, so hang around after you GET and remind me if it seems like I missed you. Remember that you have to actually ask for a reading to get one. I'm not scanning the thread for dubs!
>Leave internet/avatar drama at the gate, please.

P.S. Please come back to us, voiceover girl. I miss you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Rolling for get


The next post will end in 0.





omg! Reimu! Its so good to see you!

Nice ass, btw.

If I get dubs, you have to leave the thread and watch some Seinfeld.

>*winks and finger guns*

It's nothing harmful. He's actually requesting for you to troll him rather than the other way around!

how are you doing user


Anyone have a spare optimum login for a fellow Sup Forumstard

So how's it going?

(Could I have a quick hug?)


I was just here 2 days ago!

i want to eat cirno again
i hope she tastes like ice cream this time



So what exactly is it then?

I see that going one of two ways...

Either I crush you by accident, or you pincer me and I freak out.

that drunk party guy from a while ago here, thought i'd update...
relationship with GF gone south: no passion left.
that girl i was into? rejected me, but that's probably for the best.
I felt MUCH better after saying it... which, admittedly, was while drunk.
Developed and worked past emotional sense of need to be wasted 24/7.

probably going to be single within a month, and i'm ok with that.

That's my fault for missing it.

>Chris has normal luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Green", "42".
average luck, have something green on ya and it might get better

from what i understand, he wants to see your files uploaded on dropbox
you can share it too
that's what i understand


Im trying to get over an old opiate habit. I recovered but then found kratom. Just quit that today. I feel like shit. Horribly depressed.

I have to move in 2 weeks and have a 1 month old newborn. Work is not making money right now.

I'm lost and feel like shit. I feel guilty that my baby doesn't make me as happy as I thought she would.

My gf is great and I hate being the asshole.

Idk when things will get better. I'm struggling.

Well fuckbuckle and a half I'm wearing green and 42 is my football number
~ Chris

Could you donate your get to me? I want to know if I will be rich and successful.

It's a thing requesting you to upload files to his dropbox. Anything, he says!

Why is that when a normie, after digging up an old meme and thinking they discovered something great, acts out the meme in fucking public, this is not seen as incredibly autistic? I see people fucking dabbing and talking about dicks out for Harambe. How little self-awareness do they have?

for probably some money, you could do some work for neighbours
may not be much, but if you have a ton it could be useful


Why is that when a normie, after digging up an old meme and thinking they discovered something great, acts out the meme in fucking public this is not seen as incredibly autistic? I see people fucking dabbing and talking about dicks out for Harambe. How little self-awareness do they have?
Why is that when a normie, after digging up an old meme and thinking they discovered something great, acts out the meme in fucking public this is not seen as incredibly autistic? I see people fucking dabbing and talking about dicks out for Harambe. How little self-awareness do they have?

I see your point.


crap, about the ton part i meant neighbours


have you snapped or something?


Tarot reading; Will Natalie and I ever see each other again?


Why is that when a catboy, after digging up an old doujin and thinking they discovered something lewd, acts out the doujin in fucking public this is not seen as incredibly arousing? I see mewobot fucking purring and talking about lewd feet and buttcheeks. How much cuteness does he have?

OMG! I got Dubbs!

Reimu, may i please have a reading in the area of business and Personal Finance?

I thank you in advance!


Thanks for the info

I can't offer much advice unfortunately. I say this to everyone who is sad or lost though, get into the arts. Paint, draw or maybe write a book even if your not good at it.

I don't recall you but again I have missed some threads. Glad you can walk the fire without getting burnt.

You've taken a better philosophical viewpoint and improved your mental stability, that's what matters. Good work, Anonymous!

If you're having any money troubles, this site might be able to help you find something.

Are you in any kind of program to help you along with your addiction? I think that's probably the #1 thing making you feel that way right now. Substance abuse is a hard thing to break, and the depression and other things are common symptoms of quitting. Hang in there, it'll get better! In the meantime, just try your best to treat your girlfriend the way she deserves, and don't fret too much about how you feel. You can't help how you feel, you can only decide the actions you take.

Will I be able to start a company this year?

I think I'm dealing with some sort of depression. Been dealing with it since I was 14-15, and now that I'm 20 I still don't see any point in continuing.

Survival is easy, I have an income and can make more at the drop of a hat. But now more than ever, with everyone finding their purpose and careers, I feel so fucking alone. I don't intend to go to college or university, I either do that or save up for my own house, and on top of that I really just don't know what I would want to major in. It'd be a major time and money sink that I know I'll regret even more than I do now.

What the hell do I do? I feel so lost and alone despite having family and a gf and all the support I could ask for. I feel like I'm drowning and I'm really just considering leaving everything behind and moving away, or just killing myself.

I intend to talk to my doctor about getting on some meds, but jesus christ I don't know what to do if that doesn't work.




Hey! I just come here to adore Reimu-chan and get head pats form her! Don't go biting what doesn't belong to you!

- Cirno

Nah, i haven't really improved...
I drubk texted that I liked a chick, and became a drunken mess for a while.
and I'm still underearimating vodka

i don't purr and talk about fucking lewd feet or buttcheeks
calm down


Sure why the fuck not, refer to me as Spidey-user. Now check em!

Uu~ Hello, everyone!
*ears twitch*
I think this thread needs a little ENTHUSIASM.
... Not to mention a lot of purity...

-vacant stare-

...still water


Gonna try posting from my phone later. gotta go to work now.

Thank you again, Reimu!!

hello you!

Why is that when a shrine maiden, after digging up an old Touhou level and thinking she discovered great, acts out the game in fucking public. this is not seen as incredibly skilled? I see Reimu fucking telling fortunes and dodging projectiles while simultaneously being highly engaged in a VN. How much skill does she have?
Why is that when an ice fairy, after digging up an old GET and thinking she discovered great, acts out the GET in fucking public, this is not seen as incredibly strong? Eye see Cirno fucking being the strongest and rolling quads. How much strength does she have?

And confetti.

Post another meme like this again, and you're done. You're out. Do not let it happen again.



What else could you possibly expect from somebody called an ice fairy!?

I remember the good times when I was known throughout the nations. And by nations, I mean Cirno being known throughout this site!

- Cirno

Why is that when a teenager, after digging up an old radioactive spider and thinking he discovered something Oscorp, gets bit by the spider in fucking privacy, this is not seen as incredibly deadly? I see Peter Parker fucking shooting webs and scaling buildings. How much web does he have?

This is top kek.

Reimu, can you tell me more about what I can do to take care of my feet and make them cuter? I know I'm supposed to put lotion and socks on but it just feels icky and I keep putting off doing it, how do I get around that?

I found a cursed episode of seinfeld

Nice meme

I'm happy being unclean thank you very much. And your not going to purify this land either.

When will I get a gf, OP/ what's my love life like in the future

Hello everyone

Filler text

-Sweet Roll

i dunno, fire or ice cream?


You dare question me?

Along with that, I highly recommend therapy! Talking these things out with someone on a regular basis, as they happen to you... it's invaluable for improving your state of mind. They'll ask you questions about yourself and what you want out of life that might help lead you to the answer.

Along with that, you should try to find some things to learn outside of college. There are plenty of classes and meetup groups out there for all kinds of hobbies and skills. is a good resource for that!

Try new things. Learn new things, preferably with other people, so you make friends at the same time! It'll be a lot cheaper than college for sure, maybe even free in some cases. Having all those new experiences might help steer you toward an ultimate goal!

>Princess of Swords
Secrets. Hidden matters. Need for caution. Plots. Sensing undercurrent of dangers afoot. Being privy to confidential matters. Being given inside information and warnings.

>The High Priestess
A counsellor, priestess, anchoress. A woman who appears removed emotionally and who is a law unto herself (this, however, does not mean she is unkind, and being impartial she often makes a wise counsellor).

>The Chariot
Triumph. Victory parade. Success of a multifaceted endeavour. Leadership, competence, and maturity.

The high priestess represents some woman who's going to play a positive role in your near future. Keep an eye out for someone fitting that description!

cant help with either of those since im in a labyrinth right now

since you're in charge of confetti does that mean i can drive the float?

By doing it anyway! You can't be lazy or take any shortcuts if you want to achieve beauty!

Imagine when you find the cutie that you have been hoping for, and how they won't be able to resist your smooth feet.
They will probably restrain you and please your feet to please themselves, in my educated opinion.
N-Not from experience or anything, only a w-weirdo cares that much about their own f-feet.
To be concise, just pic related.


Ayyy I got dubs, how about that!

Rolling once more

One of these days user.

If it's anything as shitty as my rolling game, I don't think I need to know


I'm not flavoured!

Reimu-chan! I was just planning in to say hello, but I'll ask why I'm here. Have you ever had to take a subject you're terrible in? I'm struggling in my math class right now and just wandering about, not sure what to do!

- Cirno

Why is that when a bounty hunter, after digging up an old helmet and thinking eh discovered something great, teabags someone in fucking fucking Co-Op, this is not seen as incredibly nasty? I see Chief kills aliens, and not afraiding of anything. How little dialouge does he have?

Yeah, I guess you guys are right...thanks!

I call dibs on the t-shirt cannon

Just don't put me in a mascot suit, my head will not fit

We are having a parade...


-Sweet Roll

Why does Reimu hate me?


-meowbot it true that if I kill myself, I'll get to see you and all your friends in Gensokyo? /jp/ used to tell me that when I was very young.

yes, but don't do it yet
die of old age
or die by a nigger


Yes, of course it's true
That's why you should do it right this moment

Please don't kill yourself, it's not worth it

*vacant reply*
Oooh, confetti is good~ Who on earth doesn't like confetti?
*purifies you immediately.*
There, all better.
A labyrinth? Is David Bowie there?

Don't worry, Reimu-chan doesn't hate anybody!

One of these days, you're going to regret doing that! Mark my words!

Hey! Try to be nice to each other while waiting for Reimu-chan! She wouldn't like that!

- Cirno

It's edible, just for you.

Of course. But on the condition that I get to have a cool title, like commissioner of confetti.

Why is that when a Sup Forums user, after digging up a copypasta and thinking he discovered something pretty kek worthy, shitposts with it constantly on the same thread multiple times, this is not seen as complete faggotry. I see this user fucking shitposting and being a faggot. How little memes does he have?

Police academy or family business?

Can I have a reading please? I want to know about personal finance and love.

Nope, as it turns out, suicides go to the same place as Death Note users.

I have, and it was the same one as you. My problem in math was more of a motivation one, though.

Anyway, ask for help every time you need it! Look up tutorials online, there are lots of math resources out there that explain and illustrate things in an easier way. Khan Academy is one!

Why does Ika hate me?

What kind of math class?

re-roll for dubs

should i use brickbot as a t-shirt launcher


Jerk... I still love you...

I can't live without her approval!

Because you touched someone else besides me at night


>double chomp


Mmmm, alright! I'll just have to try to learn the stuff harder with those resources. I'm a little lazy about that.

It's pre-calc and algebra 3. I'm just terrible at functions and graphs.

- Cirno

>Mfw I just realized I didn't get my tarot card reading, but rather just spent the last 30 minutes posting shit.
OP forgive me! Spidey needs a reading! I even got the dubs earlier. I want to know what's in my immediate future, and how long I can continue my days derailing shit threads on Sup Forums with spidey!

Will I be rich?