Best Classical Music

Let's get everyone's opinions on classical, Sup Forums
Artist recommendations welcome.

>inb4 classical = garbage
>inb4 edgy fedora

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Best by century:
12th - Hildegard von Bingen
13th - Perotin
14th - Machaut
15th - Dunstable
16th - Byrd
17th - Forberger
18th - Bach
19th - Beethoven
20th - Stockhausen
21st - Not that impressed so far. Making actual groundbreaking music has been transferred to "underground" music.

scriabin and ravel

Donald Byrd?

Who the fuck is Forberger?

William Byrd ya numpty.
A German keyboard composer. The mid-1600s weren't really that great of a period for classical composers.

>Not Schoenberg, Webern, Ives, or even Boulez

Dvorak's ninth symphony

Claire de Lune is the peak of music and no one can change my mind

Listen to Tristan und Isolde boi

fine boi

chopin is dank

boi this is the music in melancholia

Bonus points just for that

My runners-up were Britten, Stravinsky, and Schoenberg.
Schoenberg is a good critic (seriously, if people read what he had to say about composition we'd have 90% less "why does my song sound shit?" and "is music subjective?" threads, but I've never really loved how his music actually sounded.

Not a fan of pure serialism. I like Ives but not as much as Stockhausen, also his influence is a lot less than the others on either of our lists.

I find a lot of his music very atmospheric, almost like listening to a movie. I also think he was right to jump into electronic music and recognise it was the future while his contemperies were trying to find every last use out of traditional orchestral instruments. Plus, Stockhausen is the only one of those to have significant influence outside of classical music.

I like some of Wagner's work. Ride of the Valkyries, Siegfreid Funeral March, etc.

Well, I agree about Schoenberg- I value his influence much more than his actual music. However, Webern was almost just as influential and made achingly beautiful music that was never "pure serialism." I added Ives to the list, because, in my opinion, his early works could almost be treated as a blueprint for the musical routes that would be explored during the twentieth century. His experiments with microtonality, minimalism, and serialistic techniques often predated the styles expanded upon by later composers.

Where does Schoenberg talk about that stuff exactly, can you name me an essay of his or something?

I hope to god this is fucking satire

15th through 19th spot on
Favorite piece performed by favorite orchestra conducted by one of my favorite conductors

obvioulsy idiot

12th - lmao fuck off
13th - lmao fuck off
14th - lmao fuck off
15th - lmao fuck off
16th - lmao fuck off
17th - lmao fuck off
18th - lmao fuck of
19th - Chopin
20th - Penderecki
21st - SzymaƄski

>Can't into pre 19th century music

fucking kek


1450: Guillame Dufay
1460: Johannes Ockeghem
1470: Josquin des Prez
1480: Pierre de La Rue
1490: Martin Agricola
1500: Antonius Divitus
1510: Nicolas Gombert
1520: Thomas Tallis
1530: Pierre de Marchincourt
1540: Cloude Goudimel
1550: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
1560: Orlade de Lassus
1570: William Byrd
1580: Giovanni Gabrieli
1590: Thomas Campion
1600: Michael Praetorius
1610: Claudio Monteverdi
1620: Girolamo Frescobaldi
1630: Francesco Cavalli
1640: Johan Jakob Froberger
1650: Jean-Baptiste Lully
1660: Heinrich Schutz
1670: Dieterich Buxtehude
1680: Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber
1690: Arcangelo Corelli
1700: Henry Purcell
1710: Antonio Vivaldi
1720: Georg Philipp Telemann
1730: Jean-Philippe rameau
1740: Johann Sebastian Bach
1750: Domenico Scarlatti
1760: George Fideric Handel
1770: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
1780: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1790: Ludwig van Beethoven
1800: Joseph Haydn
1810: Carl Maria von Weber
1820: Niccolo Paganini
1830: Gioacchino Rossini
1840: Franz Schubert
1850: Franz Liszt
1860: Johannes Brahms
1870: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
1880: Antonin Dvorak
1890: Edvard Greig
1900: Gustav Mahler
1910: Igor Stravinsky
1920: Arnold Schoenberg
1930: Anton Webern
1940: Bela Bartok
1950: Dmitry Shostakovich
1960: Karlheinz Stockhausen
1970: Brian Ferneyhough
1980: Alfred Schnittke
1990: Arvo Part
2000: John Adams
2010: Einojuhani Rautavaara
2020: Lera Auerbach

>mfw no philip glass

well memed.

>no petzold

Is that Rocco?