Sup Forumsmour thread

oc encouraged








Antennas to Heaven is better



i dont get it
i want to go shopping with the lads ;_;



r/ing the stick figure comic with a guy trying to show Sup Forums other music and they just keep listening to radiohead



my fave


>Burzum is the lamp
every time


Fresh shitty OC


dril is a fucking genius how does he do it?

I wish I could meet the man

Slightly older OC

r/ing more dril

i'd like to see this too





this is it lads

do you think scaruffi would have praised trout mask replica if it had this cover








that squid is not eating dough in a polyethylene bag

Two of my favorites


does anybody have that picture with all the Pink Floyd albums and their brief descriptions?

r/ing the disgusted stick figure face with 'music' as the caption

it's a vertical iirc