Worst Björk album oh my god

Worst Björk album oh my god

I like Homogenic better.

you have terrible taste

And yet it's still a 6 or 7/10

Same, by a fucking landslide though

Medulla is one of her best. Like top 3.

Volta is much worse

It has a few good songs (Who Is It is a gem), but the album is mostly underwhelming compared to the albums that preceded it.

Homogenic > Post = Medulla > Vespertine > Debut etc.

Hear me out.

1. What if there was an EP version of the best 5 or 6 tracks.

2. Would anyone's thoughts on the albums change if the backing production was done with instruments instead of acapella vocals?

It's great. Volta is her worst, I don't think it's bad though.

Vespertine> Homogenic> Post> Debut> Medulla> Biophilia> Volta

But honestly its hard to seperate them sometimes. The the top two often switch for me.

I agree with you completely, except Vespertine is to me the best for sure.

but it's her best

probably 2 deep 4 u.

Its experimental. How many popular music artists make an album that is completely a cappela? Not many.


Probably. And it's not that I'm against an a cappella arrangement in principle, it just gets old after a few songs.

Sometimes I prefer the 'classical' sounds of Homogenic, but yeah, more often than not I find Vespertine the best.


What the hell that's her best. Going vocals only was bold af and she pulled it off.

My name is Obel : My name Isobel?

I'd just swap Post and Debut.