Lovable pop artists thread

lovable pop artists thread


your turn

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DONT SPEAK, I know just what you're thinking and I don't need your reasons.




that;s what i'm talking about. how can anyone hate gwen?

The song she did with Moby is jamming

If you mean Tragic Kingdom Gwen I agree, I have a crush on her from that era, but post TK she just turned unlikeable pretty quick and now is just awful

The song she did with Moby is jamming

Awww yeah


I'm gonna go with based JT.

She's always been totes adorbz.

i agree her latest album is bland but she still seems like a super sweet person. and i still like any music she's made pre-2010s desu

Kylie is the most patrician pop girl.


she's pretty lovable but most patrician pop? na... and you didnt even include slow which is like her best song desu youtube.com/watch?v=Omrp4QR_Rpo

>Is Australian
>I'm Australian
>"the uploader has not made this video available in your country"
Changed my mind, Kylie's a traitor bitch.

I hope showing the midriff becomes mainstream again desu



even tho it was recycled from Sinitta's Toy Boy. this type of pop music was so qt tho

you gotta love Charli!


i'm on nofap and i want to die

i don't think i've gotten an erection from a midriff since i was 14 and i was jerking it to 'hit me baby one more time'

Topkek how old?

I saw her live one time (by accident) and she seemed like a total wanker desu


fwiw i think the community around it is largely based on broscience nonsense, i just wanted to feel less desensitized to sexual imagery. be careful what you wish for

Tragic Kingdom [Trauma/Interscope, 1995]

Like any pop skyrocket, Gwen Stefani is video-driven, and so hebephrenic you know she unprotests too much. The production's as bizzy as the Ivy at lunchtime, too. But this act's real problem is ska. Since the dawn of two-tone there hasn't been a single band in the style--excluding the punk Rancid but including Madness and the Specials--that was as songful as its fun-besotted partisans claimed. When that hippity-hop beat is hyped up for postpunk consumption, its energy somehow precludes tune. Not that she could sing in the same shower as classic Cyndi Lauper anyway. But classic Belinda Carlisle is another story. C+

Return of Saturn [Interscope, 2000]

Gwen Stefani is forced to battle the perception that she's shallow because shallow is what she is. Like any human being, she has real feelings, but they run about as deep as her hair color and her commitment to ska, and wasn't it polite of me not to bring up her gift for the pithy phrase and the catchy tune? Occasionally her pushing-30 doubts about the single life are touching, like when she imagines Gavin Rossdale would make a good dad. But after five years, two producers, one Spin cover, and one lead review in Rolling Stone, the single Interscope sent her back to the salt mines for is the best thing on her automatic-platinum follow-up. So maybe marriage wouldn't be such a bad idea. No no no, not to Gavin--better she should land a really nice accountant. They have feelings too. C+

Love. Angel. Music. Baby. [Interscope, 2004]

Turns out the problem wasn't ska per se--it was No Doubt ("Bubble Pop Electric," "What You Waiting For?"). ***

The Sweet Escape [Interscope, 2006]

"Yummy" *choice cuts*

did he just diss madness?

opinion discarded, into le trash it goes etc. i don't give a shit about ska but anyone who doesn't like madness is clearly a world class cunt

If you had a 12 year old sister in the early 2000s, trust me, you knew every last fucking song on Rocksteady.

Probably works. Ssri give good faps.


But why are they good?

Gwen Stefani and No Doubt were so cool. Tragic Kingdom is a 10/10 album. During the 90s they did the opposite of what other popular rock acts such as Nirvana were doing. They were doing good until they dropped Push n Shove, Gwen released a horrible third solo album, married that filthy hick Blake Shelton. Is she deliberately trying to ruin the legacy she had? That plastic surgery on her face didn't help either. Girl, just accept that you're aging, it's natural. There is no denying that 90s and early 2000s No Doubt was fucking cool though, e.g. they were even friends with Sublime and Gwen Stefani is a featured artist on Saw Red by Sublime. And Bradley Nowell of Sublime is featured on Total Hate 95 by No Doubt. They also have a b-side with Elvis Costello as a featured artist. I'm not expecting anything noteworthy from her anymore. Pretty sad.


One of the most noteworthy rock acts out there imo.

>Kylie is the most patrician pop girl.
You should post at least one of her patrician songs then

However Garbage / Shirley Manson were much better than No Doubt.

Glad I'm not the only one with a secret love of Gwen Stefani

I like Garbage too, but No Doubt is better. Name one Garbage album that is better than the classic Tragic Kingdom album.

Shirley is a poor man's Gwen.

theres some videos of her playing with sublime and its awesome

top tier

>if this doesn't prove she's among one of the best frontmen/frontwomen

Beautiful Garbage is better.

Garbage [Almo, 1995]

if Whale is Tricky without a dark side, Garbage is Whale without Tricky and depressed about it ("Queer," "Supervixen") ***

Version 2.0 [Almo, 1998]

The chrome-plated hooks and metronome hardbeats of this irresistibly dislikable exercise are perfect for a frontwoman whose vaunted sexuality is no more welcoming than Tina Turner's. For those of us with no knack for real-life sadomasochism, how better combine pleasure and pain than to let 12 impregnable theoretical hits march over us in their digital boots? A-

Beautiful Garbage [Interscope, 2001]

the new Annie Lennox--bad dreams are made of this ("Silence Is Golden," "Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go]") *

Bleed Like Me [Geffen, 2005]

"Bleed Like Me," "Why Don't You Come Over" *choice cuts*

Strange Little Birds [Vagrant, 2016]

More precision-tooled lust for the lovelorn from a strange bird you'd think would be too old for this shit ("So We Can Stay Alive," "Teaching Little Fingers to Play") *



Yeah, no. Basing from the singles alone, it's clear who takes the crown here. No Doubt has more guts instrumentally and vocally. Androgyny left me kind of empty, while Just A Girl actually struck a chord with me, because No Doubt executed their idea's in a superior way during their hayday.


>(by accident)


Tragic Kingdom = some hits and a lot of filler. Don't fool yourself. Both Garbage's first 2 albums obliterate all No Doubt's discography.

I really like No Doubt but I gotta agree with this guy

Garbage first 2 albums are almost perfect

>No Doubt has more guts instrumentally and vocally.
Really? That user recommend you the weakest Garbage album. How about these tunes?

Push It youtube.com/watch?v=Pmd3UiNfNkA
I Think I'm Paranoid youtube.com/watch?v=ypr18UmxOas
Stupid Girl youtube.com/watch?v=2GhPUAVgHZc
Vow youtube.com/watch?v=qZsVcoWRIkY
Only Happy When It Rains youtube.com/watch?v=GpBFOJ3R0M4
Hammering in My Head youtube.com/watch?v=we47lHnmd8E

Nothing in ND's discography come close to the sheer intensity and catchiness of these tunes. Prove me wrong.

garbage is the better band but i want to fuck 90s gwen more than 90s shirley

shirley seemed pretty based when she was on craig ferguson tho, if gwen is fuck material then shirley is wife material

Gwen and Shirley are actually friends.


i want her to choke me with that pearl necklace



you forgot this you pleb