So this is out now

So this is out now
Any of you guys like code orange

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music for serial killers


honestly it's soooo good
bleeding in the blur is sick and real gave me chills. hopefully this fucking shakes the hc game up a little bit

They're currently going through some very interesting changes in sound and it's fucking nice. Excited to see them on Tuesday.

Saw these guys at a house show when they were called Code Orange Kids - their drummer is a major faggot and soft as fuck.

Meh. I really prefer the more chaotic sound of Love is Love//Return To Dust

they've come a long way since I saw them live. regardless, their live shows are flawless

Do you really think that? I thought their live show was shit.

Say that to his face lmao
I am king and foreve are way more chaotic IMO

They shook shit up with I am king desu

Bands don't write songs like Bleeding In the Blur if they aren't literally soft as fuck

I saw them in OH a year ago with their i am king tour and it was nuts wtf


honestly they shook it up with love is love/return to dust, but this one has so much potential with the roadrunner signing and the fuckload of mainstream press it's been getting

'chaotic' might be the wrong way to put it - I don't like the more beatdown influenced sound they've been going for since I am King
Which is weird because I like beatdownish stuff a lot but in changing sound they've lost what made them appealing to me in the first place
Still, there are some interesting flourishes here and there which I can appreciate

Maybe they just weren't able to go nuts in the crammed house show that i saw them in. I mean, they were into it, but it was nothing spectacular. Also, I can't stress enough how much of a faggot the drummer was at the show i saw them at. He messed up all of his vocals, and went on a rant about genderqueer shit. I dunno, it was pretty shit.

One song is soft so the band must be a bunch of soft ass dudes. Yeah mane you right you right

He's all about fuck everyone now and his band is the best and a bunch of macho shit.

Dude, the drummer especially is the softest member in the band. He's literally daddy's little fuckboi: the person. The girl in the band is harder than him.

You're not making a valid point on why he is soft though? He seems very tough and kinda buff. Not as scary as their bassist though. But who cares how the members look. They out heavy tracks like spy, real, kill the creator Ect.

I told you earlier in the thread, when i saw them he was a scrawny little fag and went on a rant about identity politics. He may be different now, but when I saw him he was literally just an angry whiney little sjw. One of his songs he said was about being a crossdresser and all kinds of weird shit.

I also am not saying I don't like their music, I'm just saying live they were kind of shit and it was mostly because of him. No one else in the band had anything to say.

That is definitely weird. I only saw them during I am king. I wouldn't associate political/social issues with artists. Obviously it was annoying to hear that in person but if they make good music it's still good heavy shit. Anyways they're definitly not like that anymore. They're more into being outcasts in the hardcore scene now. Outside the box of hardcore and all that.

Bretty gud. I do prefer Knocked Loose though.

Code Orange kinda just remind me of Slipknot with breakdowns and chug parts.

>Knocked Loose

The only hardcore bands I like at the moment are suburban scum, Xibalba, and nails. Always been a fan of TUI though. Oh and turnstile

I thought Suburban Scum's career got derailed after one of the members beat the shit out of some guy. I love them though, their last EP was great.

Xibalba, love 'em to pieces. I like the death metal influence they've got, really makes a change from the same fucking youth crew wannabes I always hear. I like it. Tierra Y Libertad was GOAT.

I don't get why people hate on Nails. Todd Jones is a fucking genius imo and he's been behind so many trends in hardcore, the guy's a legend. Their last album was great, fuck what /metal/ or those I


>behind so many trends

So how much of this album is literal techno? 5-10%? Are their other albums like this?


>The girl in the band is harder than him.

i will second this

Its officially at least 10% literal techno/industrial rock

"the only modern hardcore bands i listen to are ones talked about on lambgoat and pitchfork"

dork ass hardcore for weeb fags. converge/disembodied worship trying way to hard to come off as violent and shoving dissonant chords in every song. fails miserably. its actually laughable how bad and embarrassing this band is and if you need some reference for the faggot levels on these kids (( )) l o fucking l hardcore is fucking dead

.... are you the vocalist from hatecrime?

he is a fag, the band fucking blows. i saw them back during those times too and they were just a bunch of nerds riding the coattails of shitty bands that did what theyre doing ten-twenty years before

Bought a I Am King poster the other day and looking forward to ordering a 48''x48'' Forever flag

mediocre hardcore

> hardcore is fucking dead
offhand Venomous Concept proves you're wrong although that is 1 week over a year old now. Maybe im forgetting someone obvious but im hard pressed to think of a more recent example thats this good.

I saw them when they toured with Deftones. I think the drummer peaced out backstage while the rest of the band stood by their merch table talking to fans. The rest of the band was pretty cool though, they signed the IAK vinyl I bought for me.

human garbage, criminal instinct, laid 2 rest, lifeless, jesus piece, so on and so forth

Since we're using hardcore in referent to Code Orange then I'd cite Magrudergrind which as I recall was March. Usually I would say they have too much metal to prove the point but if Code Orange is the starting point I think they're fair game.

Do any of those have 2016 albums over 25 minutes long?

Laugh Tracks was pretty much 2016 hardcore AOTY. So fucking good. I like Code Orange a fuck load but Knocked Loose's breakdowns are unmatched

Ok like human garbage have something this week sure but is that even 4 minutes long? I'm not sure I'd consider that proof of life.

motherfucker i grew up not knowing if the people from infest were even alive anymore and you don't consider a band that released an EP this week current enough? kids have gotten lazy wtf

hahahaha i bet you like knocked loose and expire too, gtfo with your shitty bouncy rap breakdowns and camouflage shorts you fucking tumblr core dork

that is literally the shittiest band. if you guys are looking for terrible breakdowns like that and calling it hardcore than you are truly some lost souls

>only knows bands like turnstile and GLOSS and knocked loose and expire and angel du$t
>accuse anyone who listens to hardcore of secretly liking them

eat dick you smelly puerto rican

So? That's barely a 7" single

You consider e.5 minutes proof of life but I'm the one who's lazy? I'm not flippanrly shooting you down especially since I don't exactly have a last to compare but still.

And Magrudergrind was actually February 12th so yes I'm admittedly in need of recs.

Knocked Loose is great

And I in no way implied it's not current enough actually the exact opposite. I indicated its not long enough.

dude, the only negative FX album was 24 minutes long and they played like five shows. that band cannot be fucked with and is legendary. do you not like listening to demos or singles either? is it an OCD thing that i should stop being a dick about?

turnstile and angel dust???? jeeeeez you are such a huge faggot do you even fucking know what hardcore is?????? you rap rock fucking homos, go kill yourselves.

25 minutes is hard fast. Magrudergrind is only 23.5 minutes.

No it's called relativity. That Venomous Concept album is about 45 minutes as I recall.

And Discharge didn't exactly drop cold turds last year.


Fucking autocorrect

Is NOT hardfast

Ew. Disappointing desu.

I wish them luck in their quest for mainstream fame.

They'll need it.

don't worry that person is incorrect. there are small amounts of ambient electronic interludes between songs wtf do people mean industrial rock...

im not jp, whoever that is. but here, acknowledge some real hardcore ((

Did you even listen to it? The last two songs are entirely techno/industrial rock

In addition to all the other crap

Like the type of stuff Full of Hell does?

... what, exactly, do you think techno is

yes, exactly like that actually.

Ok then what is it?

>human garbage
Ok give me 20 more minutes of Fraud and we've got something. If I could I'd sign them for that so who knows maybe someone else would.

Knocked Loose seem like actually chill guys, whereas Code Orange always come across as too fucking edgy for me. Like that time they called out Asking Alexandria for being "rockstars" for some interview, almost immediately after Code Orange signed to Roadrunner lmao.

Yeah they seem so pretentious and full of themselves

No breakdowns = not music

Go masturbate to old Black Flag records granddad.

and labels aside Code Orange is shooting for some serious radio play on this album if no literal Hollywood action.

I remember Knocked Loose toured with Counterparts and Every Time I Die once, which surprised me since you don't often see "tr00 hxc" bands on tour with metalcore bands (unless it's Terror lol).

Meanwhile you've got Code Orange literally complaining about not wanting to tour with "bargain bin deathcore bands", then complaining about touring with Killswitch Engage for literally no reason.

Bleeding In The Blur sounds like fucking Hole for christ's sake.

New Killswitch Engage is so fucking good. I actually just found out a couple hours ago about their show in April that I'll have to work instead that night. 2nd show I've missed in the last year so I will officially never get to see them for this tour.

Wait a sec I just found out the show starts at noon holy shit


I'm amazed at how half the songs sound like shitty mid-90's alternative rock. It's like Converge meets Marilyn Manson, except somehow worse.

that was actually really painful to listen to. what in the fuck were they thinking, most of the songs don't even go nowhere and have random effects and glitches just for the sake of it. honestly disappointed since the opener song isn't that bad

>and glitches just for the sake of it.
I chickened out on posting DUDE GLITCHES LMAO

Loved the heaviness and lyrics for I Am King a lot.

The lyrics f the code orange mentality accompanied by the bands message is a positive one at best

This album however is an album that shows CO showing all their genres that they enjoy accompanied by their heaviest tracks ever and their weirdest too. I love this album and I can't wait to get the vinyl to dwell into those deep ass lyrics.


Muh nigga, mine too, once I heard it a few times and it clicked I was like holy shit I needed more hardcore shit like this.

it's cool that they give shout-outs to a lot of lesser known PA bands. Pittsburgh is beatdown central right now.

That transition in Kill The Creator is beyond awful.
They took the worst parts of all the genres they were influenced by