Is this the most extreme album, regardless of genre, to ever achieve mainstream success in the US...

Is this the most extreme album, regardless of genre, to ever achieve mainstream success in the US? It kind of blows my mind that an album that features Seth Putnam doing backing screams went platinum. I know a case can be made for Iowa but that album is just too cleanly produced and impersonal. The screams on Trendkill really sound anguished and ugly.


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Close although Iowa is probably the heaviest major label album of all time.

Shittest album they ever made. Including the hair metal phase.

on the contrary i'd say Corey is one of the few nu metal vocalists that really sell their angst


It's their best album pleb

I think it's their best. Their prior albums had a though guy/macho facade that I dislike. Trendkill is deeply personal and extreme, without losing the groove and southern metal trademarks.

>heaviest major label album
Yeah, no.

It's one of their better ones, you fucking idiot.

These albums took rock to its logical conclusion. There was no further place to go with it, which is why it gradually died out during the 2000s.

Suicide Note pt.1 >>>>> the rest of the album

And that song isn't heavy at all

War Nerve is better.

Eh...the problem I have with Iowa is how the songs are all basically the same. There's no variance to any of them.

Well Iowa got released on Roadrunner so that doesn't really count

For instance Disco Volante being released on Warner Bros. Records is pretty insane

>listening to metal for the lyrics
It's the same shit they did their whole career but with shitter riffs and shitter grooves
>great southern memekill
>better than vulgar display of power
Stick to your nu-metal.

Suicide note part 2 is without a doubt the most extreme major label metal song of the 90s.

I always felt that's why critics don't like metal. It primarily relies on the instruments to tell a story, and trying to describe sounds is difficult.

>vulgar display of power

Overrated. Holy fuck the tough guy Anselmo persona is so obnoxious.


Yeah we get it Phil, you were one though motherfucker nobody could fuck with.

Everything is better on Trendkill. The intensity, the vocal performance, the guitar solos, the riffs, the bass lines and holy fuck the drumming is god tier.

>Vulgar Display Of Power
>Pantera's best
Walk on home, boy.

It's weird that Phil's career is still getting fucked over due to that salute controversy.
Rob Flynn capitalising on it and then videos of him yelling "nigger" surfacing was pretty funny though.

>Vinnie Paul drumming
>Ever god tier
Also, like I addressed already
>Listening to metal for the lyrics
The riffs are objectively better on Vulgar Display. Dime solo's are also pretty much unanimously the same thing throughout his career. I would say either album had better solo's. But the composition on VDoP is significantly better cause Pantera were at the golden point of not being too green, and not being stale yet.
Overrated band anyway though. I don't see how you're all saying it's their best unless you're just being contrarian.

Vinnie Paul had extreme dexterity when it came to double-bass. Trendkill is clearly his best drumming work.

>Listening to metal for the lyrics

When deeply personal lyrics translate to intense vocal performances than it's something to care about. Anselmo was at a really dark place at the time and it shows in his vocal delivery. Nothing he ever did before or after matched the intensity.

>The riffs are objectively better on Vulgar Display

I'm not saying VDoP is bad, I'm saying it's overrated. The riffs on the album are fine and groovy but on Trendkill they're just way more visceral and extreme.

>Dime solo's are also pretty much unanimously the same thing throughout his career

Trendkill features his best solo performance, Floods. That's not even a contrarian opinion that's simple objective fact.

>Pantera were at the golden point of not being too green, and not being stale yet.

Vulgar was heavy enough to make people turn their heads and peak interest from a mainstream metal crowd. Trendkill scared a lot of people off with it's extreme sound. I'm not arguing what's more popular.

>I don't see how you're all saying it's their best unless you're just being contrarian.

I like the intensity. Also Suicide note part 1 is a nice emotional ballad. Floods is also a very interesting and atmospheric track.

Reinventing the Steel [EastWest, 2000] *bomb*

>lyrics don't matter in le metal
of course they do, if bands didn't think lyrics were important then they wouldn't write any. Even stupid lowbrow lyrics like Motorhead's or Venom's signify in a way that is supposed to complement the music. And most people who don't usually care about lyrics will still get annoyed if the lyrics are the wrong kind of stupid (Anselmo, for many) or pretentiously stupid (lots of Opeth songs, for me). For example, part of the reason modern Slayer sucks is because their lyrics got annoying and retarded.

caring about metal lyrics isn't pleb. Completely ignoring a part of the music (which the writer took time and effort to create) is pleb, and you probably aren't paying enough attention to the music you listen to if the lyrics never enhance or degrade your experience

This is objectively correct though, RtS is shit.


You sure he wasn't talking about Christgau here? :^)

Probably. I can't think of anything that's as vicious.
and Floods is the best Pantera "ballad".

t. non-musician pleb
Slayer were never good. The reason they suck is their shitty, sloppy playing, and the fact that the only talented member of the band was only in it for like half their career.

"At that time (mid-1990s), all the great metal bands were starting to soften their sound and go more commercial. I felt we just had to keep on doing what we did and play as heavy as our style would allow."

-- Phil Anselmo

>what is Hell Awaits

Good memepinion, though.

I enjoy masturbating to gay crossdresser porn

no homo

Here's an interesting question. Is this the heaviest album to achieve mainstream success that doesn't have screamed vocals? It certainly is the heaviest album to go diamond.

TGSTK is also mixed just perfectly. The right balance of heavy, but also clean, sharp, and not excessively loud. Too bad this was lost a few years later when nu metal was at its peak. Albums like The Sickness are almost unlistenable by contrast.

>t. non-musician pleb
wrong, but I really hope you're not one of those naive formalist metal fans
>person who enjoys VDoP shitting on '80s Slayer

>what is Hell Awaits
Oh, just one of the most over-rated, sloppy, poorly produced albums in metal history, performed by the most fake, poser band in metal history.

The Abbot brothers were from a production background, probably helped a lot.

Yeah, I really like the production on TGSTK. Cowboys sounds kinda echoy, while Vulgar and FBD have this weird metallic-sounding tinge. TGSTK sounds really organic. RTS sounds too compressed.

It's mixed better in my opinion than VDOP which is a bit on the muddy side.

Cool buzzwords, senpai.

this album was kind of successful, right?

>use satanic imagery on literally every album
>supposedly most "brutal" metal band ever
>fans literally carve slayer into their skin with blades and light it on fire
>vocalist has never been in a mosh pit
>pulls out of a show cause of an earache
Fuck Slayer, they're posers.
Also, like I said, I think VDoP is the best album by an extremely overrated band. It's not like it's in my classics pile or anything.

Reinventing the Steel came out in 2000 when brickwalling was at its peak, so that's kind of self-explanatory. One of the worst things to ever happen to music production.

This is what people who don't listen to metal think metal sounds like. The vocals are just ridiculous.

Buzzwords is a buzzword. Doesn't make me less right.

Iowa is definitely a hard album to listen to because of how brickwalled it is.

Kerry King is an honest to god satanist. At least that's what he says.

The fact that you are wrong makes you totally not right.

Of course he does.
He's a walking meme.
Also a shit guitarist.

you sure love macho posturing and calling out "posers." Are you sure you're not a big Pantera fan? or did you just discover your first black metal band, or something?

>a 50 year old man wrote these lyrics

>macho posturing
>in metal

You don't say.

I don't know where you're getting your information or maybe you have different definitions but this did not achieve mainstream success. Cowboys from Hell was their only mainstream success.

Anyone who's still a slayer fan at this point is a hardass.

Brutal/Deathcore/Grindcore is NOT Music!

Do you have a list of the entire Warner brothers catalog?

>Cowboys from Hell was their only mainstream success.

No, it's Vulgar. Walk was a one of the biggest metal hits of the 90s. Still mind blowing that TGSTK went platinum.

Slayer's never done anything as heavy as Suicide Note Part 2. Phil's screams are fucking unreal. Also how the fuck does Dime get a guitar to make those sounds?

Nice memes bro. I don't give a shit about "poser" fans and shit, but Slayer made money off pretending to be these edgy, brutal, satanist guys when they're the exact opposite.

I fucking love Pantera and Slayer, but I have to say Slayer is lyrically more brutal. Compare Angel of Death or Payback to slaughtered or this song.

Fuck off, I don't like cookie monster "br00tal" vocals.

Do you mean the dissonant high notes? It's pretty basic desu.

>Slayer's never done anything as heavy as Suicide Note Part 2

They can't because they're strictly a thrash metal band. Thrash metal isn't that brutal to begin with.

Lyrically, yes, Slayer is definitely more brutal. But if you compare the playing and the tone and sound of the vocals, Pantera is the more brutal band. Slayer definitely has them beat on brutal lyrics though.. Also if you actually read some of the lyrics on The Great Southern Trendkill album, you will find that they are pretty fucked up... For example, this song is actually about a suicide note.

>Slayer definitely has them beat on brutal lyrics though

There's a fine line between brutal and edgy.

Yeah fucking right. I barely even remember what that song sounds like and I was 18 in 1995. After Cowboys from Hell they were strictly niche no matter how many albums they sold.

You wanna talk crazy song on an extremely mainstreambum? Endless Nameless on Nevermind. Of course it was a hidden track but it was there and I don't think any of us need to debate how massive that album was.

And I just saw Phil last night actually.

This. Slayers lyrics are the Manson lyrics of the 80s.

Slayer's albums always had such terrible, thin, muddy sound that it was really impossible for them to be that heavy. Metallica even had more face-pounding songs like Battery.

you know the actors in a play are not really the characters they are performing, right?

you know Slayer's first three albums are landmarks of early edgy, brutal, satanic thrash, right?

(btw, how many people in satanic bands do you know of who actually practice theistic satanism and not just laveyan LARP satanism?)

>After Cowboys from Hell they were strictly niche no matter how many albums they sold.

That's not true, CFH came out in 1990. Vulgar sold more in less time. Vulgar is what got them truly big.

Metal in general was niche in the 90s. Still doesn't change the fact that Pantera went platinum multiple times and sold out huge venues during that time. Their fanbase was extremely loyal.

As Dave Mustaine said, "The occult is a really hard thing to get into. It takes up a ton of your time and then it's hard to get back out of it again. Why turn to the Devil? He's already here."

Pantera were almost the only band keeping mainstream metal alive in the 90s.

get better speakers & turn up the volume

>you know the actors in a play are not really the characters they are performing, right?
People who's job is pretending are different to musicians. Slayer make out like they're being authentic when they aren't.
>you know Slayer's first three albums are landmarks of early edgy, brutal, satanic thrash, right?
Any band that use satanic imagery consistently are shit. The fake ones are just worse cause at least the legit ones are being authentic. Which has pretty much always been a core value of the metal world.
I don't see your point.

Mustaine was a degenerate lowlife in the 80s. No wonder he became born again.

Fine then we can talk about platinum but that does not equal mainstream. Maybe mainstream metal but that's it. But fib craziest and/or most violent song on a platinum and above album.

The first band I thought if was Faith no More

I kind of agree. RTL and MOP both have a much fuller, louder sound than any Slayer album and Tom Araya can't touch James Hetfield for aggression. His vocals always sound a little too goofy, like he doesn't take the songs that seriously.

>bass guitar being more prevalent = not thin muddy mixes
Their production sucks and always has.

Also Rick Rubin, a hip-hop producer, produced their biggest album. That means Slayer is responsible for rap and nu-metal.

>like he doesn't take the songs that seriously.
He doesn't. He's just trying to sound edgy.

>this thread
It's like I'm actually back in the 9th grade.

How much more echoy and tinny can the production be? The answer is none.

>Metal in general was niche in the 90s.
Bull fucking shit

Are you seriously not intimately familiar with Faith no more? Do you not understand how massive metallica one was? Do you you not think guns n roses were metal? Appetite was insanely popular and mainstream.

A lot of people like to say Rubin lost it since the late 90s, but if RIB is an indication, he always sucked.

Go back to waifu-fagging over Grimes then.

>People who's job is pretending are different to musicians. Slayer make out like they're being authentic when they aren't.
lol no, the vast majority of metal bands are putting on a performance. Tom has never pretended to be a real Satanist and Kerry has always been an authentic edgelord atheist as far as I know. I don't know why you think they're trying to deceive anyone
>Any band that use satanic imagery consistently are shit.
I'm scared to find out what kind of metal you actually listen to

Metallica turned to shit radio rock in the 90s and AFD was an 80s album. Guns were hard rock anyway, not metal.

Tom Araya was raised a Catholic just like Iommi and Butler, that's where all the Satanism came from.

I always felt Het's angst was more real since he'd lost both his parents by 16.

Wtf is afd

Justice won the Grammy in 1990

And yes guns n roses were fucking metal just because it's not fucking thrash doesn't meant it's not metal.

fuck up, plen

Slayer also cheated and used studio editing to speed their songs up. A lot of that shit they couldn't really play live, but Metallica back in the day often played even faster than the record.

>Are you seriously not intimately familiar with Faith no more?

They were alternative. Alternative music in general blew up in the 90s.

>Do you not understand how massive metallica one was?

They're the only exception. The black album came out in the early 90s and they ditched their thrash style for a more mainstream oriented sound even further with load and reload.

>Appetite was insanely popular and mainstream.

That came out in the 80s, during a time when glam metal was still popular and topping charts.

Alternative music and grunge killed metal during the 90s. Metal was the butt of all jokes.

Appetite For Destruction and no, GNR aren't metal. They were trying to resurrect Aerosmith and Exile-era Stones on that album.

Then I'll take that as no. Go listen to the first two Patton albums then get back to me. I'm not even reading the rest of your post.

I mean the first two albums have a lot of production flaws, but RIB (non-remaster) and South of Heaven sound extremely nice on good speakers
also, this is one of the best metal production jobs of all time so I don't think reverb and tinniness are necessarily bad for metal

They were way fucking heavier than aerosmith. Do you not think Poison were metal?

Putting on a performance isn't the same as an entirely fake persona. Tom has consistently tried to seem like a badass when in reality he's as much of a pussy as any pop singer.
He's literally scared of mosh pits. He isn't part of the metal community in any realistic way.
>dark imagery and consistent satan-spamming are the same thing
kek. Testament don't use a lot of satanic imagery. Maiden don't unless it serves a purpose for the theme of an album/song. Metallica never did. Megadeth didn't. Judas Priest didn't.
Those are just the biggest of the biggest bands.

>Alternative music and grunge killed metal during the 90s. Metal was the butt of all jokes.

Correct. Pantera were the one exception because they dropped all the sci-fi/Tolkien/Satan crap and went for alternative-style lyrics.

>Do you not think Poison were metal?

Are you not familiar with glam metal? That was a real genre.

>Testament don't use a lot of satanic imagery. Maiden don't unless it serves a purpose for the theme of an album/song. Metallica never did. Megadeth didn't. Judas Priest didn't

Priest did on one song (Saints in Hell), but that was never played live, so...meh.

off the top of my head, I can't even think of any metal-style riffs on AFD

>what does consistently mean