All proceeds will go to organizations that support causes threatened by Trump’s proposed policies: All Above All...

>all proceeds will go to organizations that support causes threatened by Trump’s proposed policies: All Above All, Cosecha, Hoosier Action, People’s Climate Movement, and Southerners On New Ground

that's pretty obviously why they're doing it, idiot

Yeah why would people bother making music to reflect their feelings on something important to them
If you don't care about the message then you aren't being forced to listen to it

It's pathetic. They're obviously just doing it to assuage their own egos. Such desperate need to status signal.

>expecting people to read more than the title before becoming indignant

just because you don't actually care about politics doesn't mean no one does

>you dare criticize daddy trump? GET OUT OF MY RIGHT WING SAFE SPACE REEEEE

haha, except you missed a fucking trick there buddy

literally every one of those causes are
>"muh immigrants"
>"muh women"
>"muh LGBT"
apart from Hoosier Action.

it's as I said before, a tremendous waste of time

people are interested in instant gratification over long term impact

Suck my ass dude.

will do

you should have saved some time and made it more clear how stupid you are in the OP


How immature. This is just pathetic white knighting.

If nobody cares why did you make this thread you negroid

>highlighting a lost cause
>"if it's such a lost cause why are you talking about it"

>putting muh in front of something invalidates it
>women shouldn't be allowed charity after your retard fuhrer defunded PP

kys autist

>implying i am a trump supporter
to quote the man himself - "wrong"

no but you are a fat American capitalist, so you too will go into the pit

I'm not american either

I am a capitalist though, because communism is fucking dumb and has never worked

Capitalism has never worked in theory either

Stop getting your ideology from image macros

>Capitalism has never worked in theory either
why not, chum? because there's winners and losers?

Sup Forums - music

because i work 45 hours a week and still cant afford to take my girlfriend to the doctor

maybe if you weren't being taxed out your ass and paying for everyone else's welfare out of your own pocket you might be able to

>wow nobody cares!
>4 butthurt threads about it
lol Sup Forums

but that welfare is the reason some of my friends can actually eat dinner

you mean two

created within a minute of each other

why would they not be able to eat dinner in the first place

(if they legitimately can't work don't get me wrong I'm in favor of basic welfare for disabled, etc.)

look at this fucking numale lmao

I don't understand why people are still getting surprised about things like this?

Are you this vapid & stupid? Or just a gigantic faggot?

>charity is not valid if it's for immigrants, women or LGBT people
God forbid people who aren't white men get support from society, right? :^)

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

I thought nu-males had beards?

I've read about 10 completely different descriptions of what a nu-male is on here over the years.

>Somebody does something
> OP gets angry but doesn't realize this because OP "doesn't get butthurt like those dumb SJWs"
> OP compartmentalizes and projects his anger and insecurity
>"Jesus christ this is so fucking sad."

your masculinity is so fragile it's unbelievable

>wow nobody cares
you cared enough to make a thread about it, cuck.

what a qt.

This is basically every thread on Sup Forums at this point

theyre famous fucking musicians, their egos get stroked every time they post on social media you mong
>muh daddy told me that niggers are ruining america and only buy trucks that were made in the states

>cucks 4 trump

how do you justify granting rights to undocumented immigrants? in what world is that acceptable?

do we really need 3 threads about this inane shit? fuck you, op

can you guys give me a sample of what some of the lyrics are going to be?

Bigotry and hate
A country doesn't make
White man on the white house
Let's burn it down


>Let's burn it down
I don't disagree 2bh

>granting rights

Didn't even know this was a topic here, but I'll shoot.

It's pretty much universally accepted, even among the furthest rightwing conservatards, that immigrants need some basic rights, like access to medical care & ability to testify at trial w/o getting deported. Reason being that otherwise, we risk wild spread of the flu, measles, tuberculosis, etc. among the immigrant and non-immigrant population alike. And if they can't go to police, immigrants can't do shit when they see a white bitch get mugged, or when they want to rat out their shitty employer.

So basically, even the most extreme ayn rand-ists who don't give a fuck about charity or welfare acknowledge there's some pretty damn important selfish reasons to give illegal immigrants rights.

Don't worry, my man. I agree with you. Everyone else commenting is just a depressed, malnourished, virtue-signaling weakling. All the "activism" nowadays is boutique self-indulgence, it's not worth anything.

cool shirt

Its a topic here because several of the groups that will be supported by the tracks say exactly that they support the rights of undocumented persons

alt right retards now hate people literally just for being white males

>they support the rights of undocumented persons

are you kidding? the right doesn't believe that American citizens are entitled to health care, let alone undocumented immigrants

me 3

I live in Portland. I've seen progressivism in action. Whatever we're "progressing" towards, it's certainly not a good thing. It's different sure, but it's not good for society.

Jesus Christ dude, how pathetic must you be. Getting angry because some people who happened to be famous and artists decided to be charitable to actual good causes. Fucking bitch.

>to actual good causes

Since Sup Forums no longer functions as a containment board and Sup Forumsacks have flooded every other board maybe we should all flood Sup Forums with """"""normie"""""" shitposts

>illegal immigration
>good cause
Have fun with Brazil 2.0

Go cry in an abandoned coal mine

I'm a college student

Keep insulting poor people who are getting fucked over by corporatism though. I thought you guys were the good guys who wanted to help the poor? Why do you never talk about the plight of the millions of rural Americans and white working class who haven't been able to find new jobs after the advent of globalization? Instead it's all virtue signaling to minorities problems and calling those voters stupid rednecks who deserve their fate. Democrats aren't ever going to win shit if they keep this up.

politics on Sup Forums lmao

I agree with all the charities there apart from the undocumented immigrants one though
I dont hate immigrant (im one myself) bt its just inconceivable to give citizenship to so many people just because they showed up here, I had to work hard to get to where I am
I also have nothing against trump personally

Oh wow! Let me pay $30 to hear the political opinions of such GREAT artists like: Funny adult swim man, quirky synth pop guy, and indie band

Which youtuber is this?