Albums where the song that should be closer is not the closer



i feel like the wavy, rippling sound effect on the song (i dont know what they call it) creates this psychedelic euphoria on the listener that would influence their reflection of the album

>No Surprises

>not You Won't Know


>Make Everyone Happy

>on GP

Ab Souls Outro

Song for a Warrior.

Dirty niglet, Handcuffs was the perfect way to close that album.

*A Piece of the Sky

>I'd drown 1000 babies
Accardi writes good songs but his lyrics are cringe.

>put two headed boy pt.2 before ghost and [untitled]

nah man
The Tourist is a perfect album closer.

The Eternal


if you're gonna quote him at least get the lyrics right

>Famous Prophets


Nah two Headed Boy pt. 2 is one of my favorite closers of all time. OF ALL TIME

Luca Reprise should have been the closer instead of a bonus track. That's how I always listen to this album with Luca Reprise at the end because fuck reality.

literally kys

the last song on oshin sucks
should have left it at doused

There is a light that never goes out

Nah, should've been Lucky desu

The fade-out of Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others makes the rest of the song worth it desu

nawww Decades is more accurate

Decades is great but I would switch the two imo. The Eternal's atmosphere is so goddamn crushing and it seems like a great closer both musically and lyrically
>tfw Just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall

It's time to wake up should have been the closer in my opinion


Handcuffs is the worst song on the album and I pretty much just don't listen to it every time.

The Leaked Demos version of Luca is way better, TD&G didn't need another QUIETloud song.