Google [a band/artist] + "meme"

Google [a band/artist] + "meme"
post results








21 21 21

kekd slightly

>only jojo shit
guess the band




kek why is this real


ISIS (band) wouldnt last a day in this day and age without SJW rage


they should just make the most of it and change their name to allahu ackbar


They broke up a while a go.
The closest thing to them are Aaron's side projects Mammifer and Sumac. Both are great.
Palms is ISIS' rhythm section with Chino Morino and they put out a pretty good album as well


These memes are getting next level



god level meme coming thru

this made me angry not gonna lie



red lights green lights, strawberry wine
good friend of mine
follows the stars






On 9/11/16 at around 1645 I was shopping in this store: store location redacted

On the back aisle of the store there are often salespersons hawking Direct TV like carnival barkers to customers walking past. I don't want it and I don't want to listen to the pitch so I always say no as soon as they approach me and that has always been sufficient to get them to leave me alone in the past.

Today the man who approached me wouldn't let it be. After I first said no he kept walking towards me and yammering away with his pitch. I said no again a bit louder and more firmly. Then he seemed to have decided that if I wouldn't listen to his pitch he was just going to keep on with it to annoy me. I said no again, a bit louder yet. He just kept on though and finally at the top of my lungs I yelled NO!

He finally heard me and since this was attracting attention from store employees now he tried to play innocent and said "you ain't got to yell at me man". Two store employees asked me what was up but I was angry at this point and just left my basket in the aisle and went elsewhere to shop, spending about $130 on groceries at another store.

God damn the sun
God damn anyone who says a kind word



I spoke to one 'manager' up front before I left but when I called later and asked to talk to THE store manager I was connected with manager's name redacted, who said that she had not been informed that there was a complaint.

These salespeople lurking in the aisles by electronics are annoying but if they leave me alone after one no, then no harm done. To continue to harass me just to be annoying because I won't stop and listen is another matter altogether. No means no and I shouldn't have to say it more than once. Period.

I live a mile from that store and have spent a lot of money there over the last 10 years. For the time being I won't be going in there any more. There is nothing in there that I can't get somewhere else and salespeople don't bother me in other stores. When and if I do go back, seeing that man in the store will be grounds for leaving without buying anything again. Since he isn't even a direct employee of your company to begin with, you might want to give some thought to who you want in there more...him or me.

Never do business with a nigger.




this got me good




Darkthrone + meme

Fucking pleb.

This makes me happy and sad.


What did you search up to find this?

"Tim Buckley meme"

I feel stupid, it definitely says Tim Buckley at the top of the image. Thanks though m8.

I'm honestly a bit ashamed to say it but I've done this before when I was bored


Why is Hitler holding a tambourine

That's his ha- hey fuck you

wat de kanker doet de nederlandse taal hier

it's a potato you retard





>le keyboard slam meme







