Post bands with all members currently dead





I can think of loads with only 1, but other than the Experience and the original Ramones line-up I can't think of any with none.

The first Miles Davis quintet.

I'm glad they're died.

Ringo is still alive, try again

>the original Ramones
Still blows my mind that they dropped like flies in the early 2000's

that's clearly a pic of the second quintet

Well I couldn't find a picture of the first!

the original Ziggy Stardust personnel?

Ringo was never a member.

Red Army Choir

Good fucking riddance

>currently dead

As in, they might not be dead next year?


Calm down famalam

I'm pretty sure the drummer's still alive


(I really need to figure out how to make those pictures with the glowing eyes on them)


The original and second line-ups of T(yrannosarus) Rex are dead, only two members in each, but 3 total.

I wanted to say "but Bowie" before I realised
Fuck, has it really been one year already?

Viola beach



You posted this two years too early ;^)



i bet carl palmer has locked himself in his house and has put bubble wrap on every edge of his furniture