What's the most cringeworthy RYM review you've ever seen?

What's the most cringeworthy RYM review you've ever seen?

Other urls found in this thread:


anything from that qwerty guy

These two for different reasons


>two-thousand seventeen
>fedora meme


Some boring novel shit at Boris - Flood


Reading through the other pharmacy coontact reminded me of several stories a very good Pharmacist friend of mine has shared with me on occasion..

I thought you would enjoy this one.

My friend, who we'll call Joe for the sake of things, has been in Pharmacy for years. He's working one day with a pharmacy tech who is an AA hire, and absolutely worthless. A prescription comes in for a patient who needs a new cardiac medicine following a recent heart procedure. As the tech who is taking new prescriptions, it's their job to check the patient's record, see what other medications they're on, and cross-check those for drug interactions with current medicines and alert the pharmacist so that proper steps can be taken to avoid or minimize those interactions.

Tech put through the prescription but doesn't check the interactions, fills the script and hands it over to Joe to check off and Joe, who knows this patient well, looks at the medication and asks NiggerTech where the interactions sheet is for it.

"Ah din do it."
"Why not?"
"Din need to. It be ok, it be just one pill."


Joe just stares at him. This particular medicine regulates the rate and contractility of the heart muscle, and can cause a very slow pulse when admininstered with certain other medications, one of which this patient is already taking. As a result of this, it's common to call the Doctor back and find another medication which doesn't interact.
Joe calls the Doctor, explains the situation, and gets a new script faxed over. Tech again fills it with NO DRUG INTERACTION SHEET.

Joe fired him on the spot.

NiggerTech actually tried to sue for wrongful termination until his lawyer sat down with Joe and Joe's bosses from corporate. Long story short, NiggerTech lost his tech license, and now thankfully cannot ever work handling medication in a pharmacy again.

Stupid, worthless niggers.

I have some in spanish
just hate when people review like this one telling a story that never happened, cringe as fuck

Kek came here to post this fag

No one here speaks Spanish
We're all scheltered suburban Americans here

Any of the reviews for this, fucking hell.

And I like this album.

please delete this


Disintegration Loops review page is much worse

>All those reviews that dont really explain how the album is

If you arent going to explain how the album is, I could just open youtube and try it

i don't get it


>current year
>current year meme

these and marsbars

and SellMeAGod

I actually thought that review was interesting lol