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I found these nice albums recently

What's the bottom right album?
Looks intruguing

has an interest in industrial factories

Ground Zero - Revolutionary Pekingese Opera

nice to see someone else enjoying GZ, great band.

Ground Zero - Revolutionary Pekinese Opera Ver 1.28
very loud and chaotic turntable music. Sounds like an opera going horribly wrong in every way imaginable but they're still desperately trying to finish it.

>ground zero
This is some good shit, thanks


Philip Jeck - Surf

Au Pairs - Playing With a Different Sex

Alvarius B. - Blood Operatives of the Barium Sunset

New Musik - From A to B

The Smiths are pretty good, but Meat is Murder is better.
Couldn't really get into Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished or The Glow, but i'm gonna try em out now since im high
Divo and death grips? Good shit

recent purchases

a fan of libraries
wishes he was born as a computer

good taste OP, rate all of those albums highly

just picked these up

I love life
good taste but lil yachty?




Could replace f#a#infinity with Eat to the Beat by Blondie

wow so Sup Forums

To be fair I only found spiderland through mu

Nothing wrong with that, I find the majority of my music through mu. Most people don't have the patience or know how to find non-mucore music here

Don Cab r kool

Listen to June of 44, Rodan and Shipping News


What's that album in the bottom left? I like the rest of the albums so might try that one out

Mazzy star

Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest

I prefer Back in Black but I must say you have good taste.

You don't seem to be the type who listens to The Mollusk only for its meme status.


listen to this

I'm a usual Deftones poster. We've had conversations in the past my man, you never fail to amaze me how you always arrive on my posts lol.

I've listened to that album many times, I like it a lot.

don't think that would have been me - I don't usually visit these threads

Not even these threads, just anywhere in general. Anytime Deftones is posted 90% of the time HUM will be posted. They are closely related bands so I like it.

I think The Mollusk is a masterpiece of psychadelia, just with a hint of nautical memery.

