How fucked are you?

How fucked are you?

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a bit close to africa for my liking

>bolivia still has no sea

>nothing changes

Btw, does this means that the poles are now in around Taiwan and New Zealand?

you'll get an influx of argies and uruguayans that are escaping from the niggers

>Argentina, Brazil, USA and Southern Europe literally going back to Africa

like pottery


Inland fuckers would get rekt from their land turning into inhabitable desert. Tropical coastal areas getting fucked from supermonsoons. And finally, Southeast Asia would freeze to death by being near the poles.


Not at all, Slavonia would finally have a sea

>stuck between France and Norway

>all the dogeating subhuman gooks die off from the cold
>canada and europe turn into warm equator countries.

Feels good man

>Finally reunited with Africa
Fuck yeah lads.

Cool, I've always wanted to vacation in Europe.

>land border with Norway

tfw hanging around with the centries

What about climate changes?
Tbh I doubt any cold wind could penetrate that far in that massive continent, Brasil would probably become a desert

we're still neighbors with USA so... a lot

>Mexico City gets river access to the ocean, we gain two inner seas.
>Colombia borders the US, so drus, South American migration to the US only affects a small part of Mexico at worst.
I can live with this


Is there a .gif of this turning to the actual times?

>The open Atlantic is replaced with fucking Morocco
>No more trips to the Cape
>No more international center of trade

fuck me

Here you go, Alberto.

Pangea seems like it would be really good for road trips

>you'll never drive from taiwan to nz

bad feel

far enough to africa, no major changes.

No other country gets as fucked as mine

> not landlocked

kek, true

you're just going home 2bh

kek it is

Fuck I wish the world was like this instead.
It'd be so much more interesting than the world we have now.

>no more sea port of yurop
>more english tourists