Why isn't this celebrated the way Sgt. Pepper is? I feel it's better top to bottom...

Why isn't this celebrated the way Sgt. Pepper is? I feel it's better top to bottom. Is it simply because Pepper was released first? Or because it doesn't have proper album billing?

That's a good question since I always thought it was slightly better than Sgt Pepper.

Of course one has to realize that in many countries it was only released as an e.p. and only contained all the songs on side one so that might have something to do with it.

originally released as an EP

in retrospect an incredibly underrates album

It's sad that Yellow Submarine is technically a studio album and this isn't. In everyone head-canon I hope they have the opposite.

They shouldve combined Side A of Yellow Submarine with MMT. That wouldve only made an already perfect album even better.

The second single side really saves the studio album

Agreed, my favorite of the beatles stuff.

It was a singles album through and through. Regardless of cohesion and the songs having nothing to do with it Sgt. Pepper was presented as one big show.

Plus MMT is pretty celebrated.

>I feel it's better top to bottom
>Blue Jay Way
>Your Mother Should KNow

It is far better than Sgt, Pepper, which is more like someone trying really really hard to be psychedelic. Sgt. Pepper's is a fucking saga to listen to and it doesn't do anything interesting, whereas MMT sounds a lot more free and is way better at doing psychedelic than Sgt. Pepper.

>originally released as an EP
You mean LP
>It's sad that Yellow Submarine is technically a studio album and this isn't.
What are you talking about?

because of A Day in the Life

I mean that Yellow Submarine is their 10th studio album so when you look at Beatles studio album discography it goes ,
White Album, Yellow Submarine, Abbey Road
But that offends me so in my head-canon it is,
Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, Abbey Road

No, Magical Mystery Tour is an album as well user

Not exactly. It's a double EP.
But you see my point? Look at this list. One of these things is not like the other.

Imagine being a Beatles neophyte and you go to their wiki find this list and download them. You will have ignored Magical Mystery Tour which is a disgrace.

>original UK LPs
Not relevant.
>Imagine being a Beatles neophyte and you go to their wiki find this list and download them.
You won't because
1) MMT was added to the list of album cannon and
2) no one looks specifically at "Original UK LPs"
3) they'll just download the Complete Album Collection which included MMT as an album

I suppose you're right in the end. It's just upsetting retrospectively that Yellow Submarine which was a half baked movie soundtrack got full album billing when MMT didn't. Coincidentally, MMT was the soundtrack of a half baked movie.

Oh I forgot to mention:
>Not exactly. It's a double EP.
Not exactly.
The LP release came out in the US *first* in November, with the UK EP in December. Therefor, the LP was first.

Also, there were more international releases of the LP configuration than the EP, and the LP was continually re-released while the EP configuration was not. More people heard MMT as an album than as an EP. it's obvious that MMT was intended as an album, but not released in the UK (who instead got a movie with an EP to go with it).

>hating on Blue Jay Way

>It's just upsetting retrospectively that Yellow Submarine which was a half baked movie soundtrack got full album billing when MMT didn't.
Retrospectively, they both got album treatment. Both featured music specifically written for their films (MMT's side A and YS's Side B) with just additional filler songs on the opposite side.

Although it's worth mentioning both projects were written at the same time, and some of the songs have a bit of cross over.
It's a weaker Harrisong

Thanks for the history lesson, I was misinformed.

blue jay way is one of their best songs

I admit it is the best of their weaker songs

Magical Mystery Turd has to be Wings best album. But it is without a doubt the Beatles shittiest shit.

LP only in the US. EP and Singles everywhere else.

That's my favorite beatles song. Sounds really dark and creepy.

Rubber Soul is better than both of them

>EP and Singles everywhere else.


It has a stupid cover. If you walk in a record store and see that would you buy it?

You spelled Revolver wrong.

If it was 1967, yes.

I've never heard a version of revolver where the guitar wasn't incredibly too loud

Your opinion is too loud

>says The Beatles on it

I think I would convince myself in 1967 to buy it.