Trump makes date of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotism

>Trump makes date of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotism
Is America becoming 3rd world dictatorship? I mean, even Putin doesn't do shit like that, it's 100% African thing. Is he going to appoint himself a lifelong president, proclaim himself Father of a Nation and get out stealing all the treasury?

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Feels good lads

Michele looks kinda cute here I gotta admit

If repeating digits, that's exactly what he'll do.


rolling for united states turning into an african-tier dictatorship nation


>tfw america will adopt an african culture and standard of living in your lifetime

*glazes ur doughnut*
heh nothing personel kid


what the heck

Ehh, our national holiday is the birthday of our King.


please don't compare yourself to the united states. you're better than them.

>Is he going to appoint himself a lifelong president, proclaim himself Father of a Nation and get out stealing all the treasury?
Even if he is, murricans won't let him to do it. That's people who are making authority, not otherwise, so only pidorussians and other niggers of the world would let putin do the shit he does nowadays.

i - i- i thought that you were the evil guys that elected dronal prumpft

>niggers of the world

so the united states?

checks out

Actually, the government model of the USA is modelled after ours. Not our current one, but from our republican times.

>Trump makes date of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotism
pffft, no big deal
y'all need to step it up

>don't take photos with me or my son ever again

talk about a poor fuckin' imitation, right?

muhammad pls

i'm just shitting you borat, don't even worry about it

There is a reason why we ditched it.


>Trump makes date of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotism
Feels good man

>muhammad pls
t. actual muhammad

Probably not but his absolute obsession with his public image is a bit worrying. He'll talk about "unity" one day then a few hours later he'll be slagging off his (many) opponents again.

>absolute obsession with his public image is a bit worrying
I would be worried if I were other countries too, he will not hesitate to BTFO anyone. Be on your best behavior.

>be on your best behavior

it honestly goes double for the UK, because of brexit you realize the UK is metaphorically and possibly literally going to have to suck our dick right? like if you pretend that you have sovereignty instead of being a vassal state you're gonna get Trump'd

>new potential holiday
aw yis

Yeah we're fucked ahaha I don't even care anymore just watching it all burn

>you realize the UK is metaphorically and possibly literally going to have to suck our dick right?

you can try and meme me but in the back of your mind you know that is the real geopolitical situation of post EU UK

not really, but you sound like a really lame roleplayer lmao

i'm not roleplaying, i am just happy at the fact that we have a government that is going to take instead of give.

the only thing your government is going to be taking is russian cock up the arse, mate. we're both going to get fucked, best bite the pillow and hold each other's hand as we both get rawed, hey?

Obama was a cunt to the brits 2bh
Trump will treats them better by far

Obummer did the same thing dragovich

you're a fucking idiot if you think russia has any leverage on us, considering the fact that they've been getting sanctioned for years.

i have yet to see a compelling argument as to why trying to reset relations with russia is a bad thing, i wouldn't doubt that the same people saying what you just replied to me with were the people complaining about the current state of west vs russia relations during the obama administration.

you know, you seem awfully familiar. i feel like i've argued with the same guy about the exact same topic. either way, you're totally bending over backwards for russia. what with abandoning nato and all that.

i don't remember the last time i tried to talk politics on Sup Forums so it definitely wasn't me

i highly doubt he is going to abandon nato but i'm in favor of negotiating seperately with each country so that everyone can stop leeching off of us. the amount of countries that are in NATO and can't even hit the 2% target is frankly fucking pathetic.

given the fact that the balts and poland are countries that are actually doing what they can for NATO, i really doubt that we would abandon them. western euro countries that are just paying lip service to NATO, yes I would be in favor of letting them defend themselves if they don't start actually doing something.

>you're a fucking idiot if you think russia has any leverage on us
Yellow bedsheets?

I can't wait for him to go full Turkmenbashi and rename the days of the week after his family.

I want to have Donaldday and Melanijaday off.

>i don't remember the last time i tried to talk politics on Sup Forums so it definitely wasn't me

you're american. arguing about politics over the internet comes second nature to you, along with coronary bypasses and freedom.

you yanks are all
>hurr not pullin der weight in tha fuggin nato :DDD
but do you honestly think it is going to be a good thing when trump abandons NATO and turns a blind eye to putin fucking the baltics?

NATO has always been defense against the ruskies, just in case those sneaky slavic fucks try anything. abandoning it WILL give them leverage on you and the rest of the west.

How come you didnt address anything I wrote in my post? Did you even read it past the first line?

I specifically said that I don't think any of that was going to happen.

just because you don't think it will happen, doesn't mean it won't. you can't turn an ignorant eye to all of what's going on around you.

trump's ready to forgo NATO with a click of his, albeit small, fingers.

>just because you don't think it will happen, doesn't mean it won't.
I can say the same thing for everything you are writing as well

Leaving NATO seems a lot less plausable than staying in NATO yet somehow you're more certain that we're going to abandon it than stay in. Hmmm

Don't bother replying to this I am bored of talking to you.

and another thing, everytime you burst into a thread shouting "ya'll m'fuggin yuropeens gonn be suggin our dix :DDDD" you make people hate american posters even more.

*goes to talk with someone more interesting*

>Google this
>Guardian, Jezebel, Huffington Post, etc
>all saying whatever this is, is like North Korea
not giving them any clicks, sorry. Either way you deserve it, one day the actual fascists are going to come and fuck you all in the arse and it will all be because you never learned the moral of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Just because you do think it will happen doesn't mean what you believe isn't thoroughly debunked msm propaganda.


So Poland is a kingdom now?