Emo / screamo

whats yr favorite screamo record

emo allowed ITT

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what is emo screamo and does pic related count

forgot pic


this is mall rock

no its post hardcore

look past the band name for a moment and work with me
this album is far from mall rock

Cubicles & Early sunsets only good tracks

this album is godtier dont let these plebs tell u potherwise

Not a favorite, but my favorite from this year.



nice meme

If this faggot doesn't figuratively die within the next year I will see to it myself that he literally dies.

it's their first album bud

no you wont numale

the early november the rooms too cold and Silverstein when broken is easily fixed.

screamo memo

used to be where you are and where you want to be but now its dance tonight! revolution tomorrow!

fave 7" is khayembii communique s/t

Is The Brave Little Abacus's stuff available anywhere in FLAC?

Anyone got the emo chart?

Actually a great album, Skylines and Turnstiles is GOAT-tier.

yeah i found flacs of masked dancers in the archive


this is GOAT

no you won't loser you'll just make more angry posts lmao

Hey /emo/

Would like some recs. Pretty entry level when it comes to emo.

I love Brave Little Abacus, Capn Jazz, Algernon Cadwallader, Girlfriends and Nouns

Indian Summer are pretty good. Alot of screamo isnt for me but William Bonney was enjoyable. Also alot of the original 90s emo is kinda boring to me.

My favorite is but I also really love pic related

Elliot - False Cathedrals
Get Up Kids - Something to Write Home About
Say Anything - ..Is a Real Boy
SDRE - Diary
Cursive - Domestica

Would also add

The Promise Ring - Nothing Feels Good
Mineral - The Power Of Failing
Knapsack - This Conversation Is Ending Starting Right Now
Texas Is The Reason - Do You Know Who You Are?

Is this emo?



Brand New - The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me (powerful album, melancholy as fuck)
Brand New - Deja Entendu (more poppy, but it does it so right.)


>no Promise Ring
>no Jawbreaker
>no Brand New
>no Get Up Kids

ya blew it

No, not really.
Promise Ring is really mediocre.
Jawbreaker is too punk-y.
Brand New is bad
Get Up Kids are pop punk.

I do however feel like Dowsing and The Hotelier could be replaced.

>Brand New
into the trash it goes

Thursday - Full Collapse

i like pop emo but never got into alesana fsr

never heard this song before
teenage me would love the fuck out of this

you ever get into blessthefall? higinia was my shit

You have shit taste, and you are in denial.
You may soon learn, though.

blessthefall damn memories lol

>Brand New is bad

Get the fuck off my board.

>Brand New
lol okay bud

Keep listening to your entry level shit if you want to, I'm not blaming you.
They're bad.

pls stop

>it's entry level therefore it's bad
stop this meme

That's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that they're bad AND entry level.

>entry level = bad

Nice meme user

refer to

yeh cause bad and obscure is so much better

it doesnt matter even a little bit if theyre "bad", they should be on any emo beginner's/"essentials" chart BECAUSE they are entry level

Does this count as at least sort of emo?

pic related

Raein - Nati da altri padri


lmoa I need sleep

Ay is scream the gayest genre of all time?

shit, i didn't see your thread, OP


Sleepytime Trio : Memory Minus, then


And whatevever the Camera Obscura from San Diego featuring this song is called :


is it still screamo when nobody's screaming?

so is dlj

Has anyone listened to Old Gray's new LP? It's blowing my heckin mind

ITT: muh labels

DAE Deep Elm?

post some godtier splits

give me some psychedelic emo please and thank you.

How old are all of you? Genuinely curious. Because I went through this phase when I was 16, and was done with it by 17. That was seven years ago. This mass rekindling of interest in this scene is pretty hilarious to me.

portraits of past - portraits of past

it's reminiscing on a dead scene
you're telling me you never think about the stuff you used to like?

not everyone goes the same walks of life my man, that also applies to music tastes obviously

Emo has always been full of early 20 something year olds too though. Especially the stuff that came out of the hardcore punk scene

early raein is better when doing straightforward screamo imo

not this guy, but i'm 40, married, 2 kids.
i used to bang drums in a posy hardcore band back in the days.
i still listen to some of these records sometimes.

*post hardcore
i derped



I love the Hassan I Sabbah side, but the Usurp Synapse side is kind of meh.

Also, if anyone is interested, Hassan I Sabbah are giving their discog for free on bandcamp

Its basically grindcore with a sense of melody and some pretentious whiteboys telling you all innovations to hardcore influenced music past 2000 are bad cause they heard alesana that one time and that scene qt dumped them desu

scene qt were mighty hot though

They really were, but almost all of them had normie taste with a few ph/mealcore hit singles sprinkled in

What does emoe think of the George Constanza/relationships split?


pic is patch i made for a dollar tree hat for the hell of it

shut the fuck up

Ampere - All Our Tomorrows End Today

anyone going to the city of caterpillar reunion shows

what separates a band like marietta or sports from midwest like american football?

the promise ring are pretty good though tb h

>there's a whole section dedicated to japan for no apparent reason besides "dude weeb lmao"
>no emocore essentials

who compiled this shit?
>by jmarvin
ah, i see

its a garbage chart

dude tbs though

dude japan though

this album tho


Brand New is actually bad though


brand new is god fucking awful

holy shit kys

Promise Ring is essential
I admit I'm a pleb that's never really listened to Jawbreaker
Brand New is essential entry-level to get normies in
14 Minute Mile is a classic

I like the emo and pop punk

I thought it was pretty decent desu. Could've used better production though

Emo is for literal faggots htho

>never listened to Jawbreaker
go look up 24 Hour Revenge Therapy and Dear You RIGHT NOW

so is anime