Music to listen to while you're high


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I don't get high





you suck get out

Boring people

I don't understand how some people don't smoke weed desu. And especially when it's so obvious why it's been made legal in so many places and even helping people with illnesses of every sort. It's a miracle drug (Though it's not a drug, it's a plant) And honestly it helps so much. And it makes life way more interesting and fun. I don't even get how you can want to be social and sober too it's like death. Weed makes reading fun. Listening to music fun. It makes me happy. It makes me sleep better. It makes me social enough to make fucking friends. Like, fuck off if you're a straight edge uptight cunt honestly.

Stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned... stoned...

Dream pop and Shoegaze on any drug.



It makes me extremely anxious. I'll mix dissos and pyches and be fine(usually), but weed makes my heartrate shoot through the roof. On occasions that my friends convince me to take a hit or two, I almost always end up shoving a benzo down my throat to get out of it.
That's just me, though. I know it isn't a direct effect of the weed, I just get that way. So there's one answer for you anyway, user. Not to mention that it costs money that could be better spent elsewhere.


Square! Nerrrrrrd!


like 0.05 grams + headphones and no distractions holds my attention quite well with this shit right here

Lol calm down, how much do you even smoke?
I smoke and used to have this mindset. While a lot of these things are true, weed isn't perfect. Your memory gets bad and spotty, when you're not smoking you may be more prone to anxiety or depression, things become less enjoyable off of it, less motivation, tired a lot (even with enough sleep), internal eating schedule gets weird.
I'm not just regurgitating info, this is stuff I've experienced firsthand and it's not fun.
I love weed, I really do; it's helped me make more friends and chilled my social anxiety, music is amazing with it (and sex), it can help you focus on single tasks on hand, much more. Though, too much of anything is bad and there are side effects. Too often people think it's 100% good to only find out the hard way.

Anyway, this album is awesome stoned.

favorite method of smoking bros? i have an aerizer vaporizer cuz im trying to be healthier about it. but i usually use a bubbler or gravity bong

funny how there's always the one "laid back stoner" who's being a paranoid, defensive twat do you guys even drone?

>do you guys even drone
If you count spacing out while the refrigerator is whirring


I should use gravity bongs more, they get you high as fuck

Do you buy gbs or make your own?
I usually use those large water jugs with a big bucket, but hate changing it out from the resin

>some 15 year old redditor comes to Sup Forums to post about how epic tame impala sounds while he's high

I thought that was only a meme.

of course i do

magical mystery tour
anything by fleet foxes


no irony

If I'm in my house, I'll just use a water bottle put a ratchet piece in the cap and a hole in the bottom and water fall it in my sink. But if it's mobile we usually just put the bottle in a basin (usually a plastic cup of some kind). I used to substitute the ratchet piece for my trumpet mouthpiece back in highschool lol.
But yeah I recommend keeping it small with the generic plastic water bottle, I do one hole in the bottom so I can take it out of the water.

you guys gotta get off that plastic bullshit, that shit's not good for you in the long run

>listens to lame impala
>calls anyone else boring

You fucking 14 year old reddit burgerkid I do DMT regularly and listen to sun city girls you have no idea who you're talking to

Dissociates are awful and make me feel weird. Psychedelics can be fun in small doses occasionally. And sucks that you go through that but I generally enjoy it unless i smoke too much or have shit to do.

Memory being spotty isn't a huge deal who gives a fuck, it's never been great to be begin with. And I always have anxiety and depression anyway. And I'm always tired too. Eating is fine, I dont give af that I'm a bit fluffy.


DMT regularly LMAO


Not to mention Tame Impala is god-tier retard.e

no fuck you, just because you had a certain experience doesn't mean that somebody else didn't have an equally valid different experience
>It makes me happy. Like, fuck off if you're a straight edge uptight cunt honestly.

Can i rec some songs? Not albums

>not to mention tame impala is god tier

I only listen to real music. Tame Imapala, Mac Demarco, FIDLAR...the list goes on! Corporatized indie? What's that? Is it a subreddit? Anything but weed is too hardcore for me man xD I love video games, you're just pretentious dude video games are an art form anyone who reads is a pretentious cuck

Hey guys, what up? Yeah, I'm straight edge.

Oh you don't know what that means? *chuckle*

Well you see, good sir, I simply do not partake in any illegal substances that harm your brain.

Only boring losers with no life do that! Haha! Seriously, drugs are so dumb and boring.

I'm special cause I choose to be different by not smoking weed. Isn't that neat? I just do me, ya know? I'm a really cool person without drugs. I don't need the "wacky tobaccy" you know? I mean I've never tried it sure and yeah it does more positive than negative but I need to feel special!

There was a time when posting weed and tame impala would be bait.

Nobody understands what you're getting at

>Implying reading isn't pretentious
>Implying Lonerism isn't a confirmed classic and will be for generations compared to shit you listen to like indie and hipster-hop. Literally, GTFO

But yeah, I'm pretentious? No fuck you. Grow up and grow a pair, Charlie. Nothing wrong with Demarco either.

Straight edge dude are always so creepy. It's always like some dude who wears all black and never showers who has to constantly remind everyone how special he is because he does nothing and is a boring pussy



LMAO Straight edge dudes are so awkward and uptight usually too.

You will die and nobody will remember you

>compared to shit you like like indie pitchfork hip hop

I said I listened to Sun City Girls and Les Rallizes Denudes. Telling me to grow up when you're a 15 year old?

Bow the fuck down

And ipso facto, you are pretentious, because your burger records weed kiddie persona is entirely artificial and manufactured. Painfully see through.


you listen to avant garde hipster shit and sercretly enjoy normie shit and call me pretentious what a joke



Or I'm just a chill dude with plenty of friends who fucking enjoys his life to the fucking fullest you retarded fucking ugly autistic cancerous cunt of a human. Go find a cliff and "accidentally" fall off. Bitch. Clearly you suck as a person and don't fucking know me and never will. I party and get laid you get SHIT. .


Your fake normie down to earth persona "chill" is a mask to hide your abnormality. I am a far more authentic individual than you. You cannot prove otherwise.


This for a k hole


Or maybe I'm not a normie but a chill ass nigga who doesnt give a fuck, enjoys lots of shit who isn't an uptight beta neckbeard


you think someone really looked back after they finished this and said hold up i need to put a watermark with my name on it so people know who created this masterwork he was like yo im a genius


babbys first psychedelic rock

this thread is ironic right?

I refuse to believe that people can be this stupid ()

who /area code 650/ here I need a plug

Go back to tumblr this is a music board

first time ive even seen someone try to find a plug through Sup Forums
pretty stupid man
