Who is the sam hyde of music?

who is the sam hyde of music?

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thats a sick look

Sam Hyde

Scott Stapp or something

idk take your pick of overrated hacks

John Maus


Isnt that the nigga from Mythbusters?

Why does anyone give a shit about this faggot?
He should go get a real fucking job and stop bitching about muh red pill.


3 Doors Down
Toby Keith
Scott Stapp
Flo Rida
Lee Greenwood



Anyone who disputes this is fucking blinded by memes.

at least mde actually tried to make it work with major distribution, DG were just edgy faggots about the whole transaction.
that was the worst thing they did

>flo rida
ayy lah-mow

Regardless of that, they're still closer to what mde is about than any other known artist in their medium.

Is that Adam Pacitti from whatculture?

>Why does anyone give a shit about this faggot?
he makes me lol

Lennox is described by some friends and colleagues as racist. His friend Brian Weitz (Geologist) described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Panda, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' He has a definite Nordic Aryan streak, [the belief] that he is physically, spiritually and creatively superior," a view he continues to maintain through his years as a heroin addict and long after his appearances on music magazine covers had become a thing of the distant past. According to Weitz, Lennox once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people". During a performance in Berlin, the audience rioted after Lennox performed the German national anthem "Deutschlandlied", including a verse omitted since 1945 for its nationalist associations.

Ariel Pink/James Ferraro

probably james ferraro

he follows sam on twitter btw

someone report this to p4k, the public must know the racist origins of vaporwave

but james is mixed user
he can't be racist

internalised oppression

Someone's unfunny

>everyone pretending they didn't like Sam before he became le racist trump man

He was like THE "hipster" youtube comedy channel for a few years. The pioneer of that whole "ironic" edgy youtube scene that Filthy Frank/h3h3 and co. are making bank off of now. MDE is funny as fuck. Not big on the stand up though.

I actually really like MDE's editing and soundtrack choices.
Some IDEAS MAN scenes are really great.
That one skit with james as a convict is also funny.
Sam Hyde being edgy and contrarian isn't funny but that's what he's focusing on I guess.

Michael Gira

You know why

I know nothing about this man but he looks like a colossal twat

The Flowm Rida stuff turned out to be a fake rumor. It's just the other four, plus part of the Rockettes (some are boycotting) and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

He's terrible at comedy. Literally all his humour is is ironic, edgy and random.

If you're past 16 and find him funny then you're pathetic

maynard james keenan

>We're feminist, we support homosexuality and individualism, we're in favor of a transparent world leadership.

I came to post Ariel Pink

Sam Hyde has said stuff like that ironically, too. You're just proving the point

idk i think he's alright


varg vikernes

>less than 100k subs
>still made a bigger splash in the market than any of the competitors that weaseled him out of the job

Like him or not this kid is SMART

varg is a ethnic nationalist who actually lives on his land. sam is an edgy american on obamacare living on someone else's land


idk i think hes altright

>on obamacare
He has repeatedly said that he can't afford obamacare. He's currently uninsured.



Similar sense of humor 2bh blurs the lines between black comedy and reality throughout his albums


Nice Nico Copypasta.