That explains all the annoying Dutch here

That explains all the annoying Dutch here.

Is he fucking yellow or is it the light?


he's yellow

Its a bullshit story from a Belgian paper. An autistic guy who conned the system impregnated 200 girls according to his own calculations. But there is nothing to back that up.

Its literally the same as a Sup Forums shitpost.

what the hell

I believe you.

It's okay mate
Does the government at least give you decent retardbux?

Haha, caught the retard!

The clinic used sperm cocktails of multiple people. So there was a random chance to get an autistic nigger lol.

>impying it wasn't a deliberate covert racemixing operation




Why did dutch use the sperm of an autistic surinamese boi? Are dutch men even worse than him?

>sperm banks
>women willingly take the sperm of strangers because they can't go out and get a suitable partner of their own

/nederdraad/ is literally autistic Downs general.
Oy wey

Here the chikd has the right to know its father. So nobody donates sperm lol. Its currently mostly imported from Denmark, which is anonymous.

Do you think it would be strange for a girl to come up to the man she likes and ask him to donate his semen because she likes how he looks like?

shut the fuck up

And mentally disabled people can donate their sperm too?

as if.

No. And normally you can choose the father.

Why not simply fuck then?

Isn't that the entire concept of flirting/courtship? It makes more sense for her to put a little effort into something she obviously wants than to roll the dice with sperm bank and possibly get retard nigger semen.


it s the autism

Why would you want to fuck someone in 2017?

Oh i'm sorry, we're cavemen for you guys, so progressive! :D

That's OK. Someday you'll become just like us.