Post your headphones

Post your headphones.
Who /fa/ hear?

>Obnoxious design
>Big branding

They look fucking stupid.

>>Big branding

Fucking kek


Wearing those right now. GOAT headphones under $100.

in the market for new headphones. currently considering BeyerDynamic DT77os - reckon these are a good match/ for £30 less I'd be inclined to buy these if they're decent. I want mids. That's all I care about. Every goddamn set of budget headphones are all >DAT BASS LADZ

I hear DT770s are pretty reasonably balanced, though the description on Amazon lists "Bass Reflex Technology", which makes me think they may be a little bass heavy.

leave me alone

I have used them a lot for mixing back when I was in university and they were brilliant. I love how they look too. I have fuck all money but i'm so close to dropping the dosh on them

I've had these for 5 years and they're fantastic, but since two years ago every ~6 months the wire loses connection where it bends because I wear them in bed sometimes. It's easy enough to fix but it's annoying.

What's a good set of headphones like these that's more suitable for wearing in bed? These are so comfy on my head but you can hardly lay on your side with them because of how bulky they are. So many other headphones I've tried are vicegrips.

Wouldn't mind getting an upgrade anyway

the prettiest thing I've ever owned desu


Get some IEM's, the Shure SE215s are great for bed, because they don't stick out of you ear much so you can lie on your side pretty comfortably. They are a bit bass heavy with the foam tips, but the silicone tips are pretty balanced.

only get these if you're fine with substantial treble roll-off and muddy mids

I’ve got a pair of “iDeaUSA” Bluetooth headphones that sound good but the battery doesn’t last very long (about one “set”) and they’re easily blocked by heating ducts and walls, limiting where I can walk around in the house and they’ve only got volume and on/off switch.

Oh, and the headpiece forms a transverse inverted mohawk in my hair...

Still, only cost me $60.

For $100 iems are you really going to get any better. I've tried a whole bunch of head-fi fodder but I still think the SE215s are the best in that price range.

Got the dt770s. Pretty happy with them but I don't have much experience with high quality headphones so my opinion isn't worth all that much. One thing I can say is that the 80 ohm version works well without an amplifier, even for listening on my phone.

Please, PLEASE fuck off back to tumblr. /fa/ mindset is a disease ruining all creative boards by constantly striving for an image regardless of quality. Please fuck off underage

I love the 7506s but don't get them if you want mids

these at home and brainwavz deltas when out

I use these for recording and monitoring, one of the best flattest uncolored sound available at a reasonable price. Considering upgrading to K271 MKIIs for isolation.

Of course anything in that price range is going to be a compromise. You probably won't find better low range response in that price range, but it comes at the cost of your mids, highs and overall definition and accuracy. Based on the ones I've owned, for a more versatile iem at the same price point I'd say the Dunu Titan or the lower end Grado in-ears are good alternativet. I've heard good things about RHA's cheaper models as well.

Ultimately it all depends on what you what. I don't mean to trash the 215's, just a fair warning that they really aren't for everyone.

AKG brothers

they get uncomfy after a while

The amp is fantastic too.


Only headphones that can rival beats in terms of being overpriced

Fidelio X2s


my latest ones, I have a few sets, though I do usually prefer speakers

Why do nowadays headphones last like, two year tops before getting completely fucked/fried? The ones that came with my walkman from 20 years ago lasted me for about half a decade before the left speaker kind of popped, I know sound quality has increased, but come on, there must be better materials.

Heard they sound great but are uncomfy. :(

You're talking about consumer electronics in general there user

That is true. I really am not sure why I kept them when I can't wear them for longer than 2 hours straight ;_;

Should pay more for your headphones
if you get pretty much any headphones with a removable cord and steel construction.
You'll be set for at least 5 years unless you're an absolute donkey with your hardware

Give them to me anyway, my headphone are the £15 Sony ones.

Come on, don't be stingy.

Pro stuff lasts a long time (AKG, Sony pro's, Senn's). I've got a pair of the original Grado SR80's that are over ten years old that still sound great as ever, although the headband has been coming out of the adjuster lately ,but that's an easy fix with a split pin. Still got my money's worth.


nah mon, I love them anyway and after I gave away my Takstars to a friend, I only have V-modas, the HD8 DJs and IEMs left


Uhhh... It's fine...?

>Gaming headset


I got the new wireless Sony MDR 1000X headphones. Pretty dope.


enjoy your signal deterioration

I have a set of Sony MDR-1A's, Superlux HD 668b's, Hifiman HE-350's and also a pair of KZ-ATE's also

i cycle every day and all my chorded headphones got wrecked. it was a practical decision.

>even for listening on my phone
Are they portable at all? I'm thinking of getting the 80 ohm one for use while travelling.

Just get IEMs or on ears for portable

Assuming you're using your phone or something, why don't you tuck in the wire into your shirt or jacket like a normal person.

Creative Aurvana Live

pls r8

Superlux HD660

pretty cheap, but doin their job.

yeah i use my phone for all my listening outside the house. oh believe me i do. it always splits above the jack in my pocket :/ plus the new sonys are touch sensitive too so i can change the volume, skip songs, use siri without needing to look at my phone. theirs an ambient mode setting too i can still be aware of what is around me on the roads.

I probably should've mentioned I also would have them for use while on my PC listening to music. Maybe some light gaming, but I've got a different pair for that.

I use to play and listen to music. It is good enough?

Sup Forums would tell you gaming headsets are bad and a waste of money because you could get better quality cheaper if you bought separate headphones and mic

I had HD668Bs for a year, they were solid.

Currently using the V-MODA Crossfade M80

My Monoprice 8323s are starting to crack and I also thought they were lacking compared to my monitors too much (I think all phones are inferior to speakers) so I ordered these HD558s for a good price. I hope I like em

It was $60 and most reviews said it was decent. I think it's pretty good too, but I don't know how much better other headsets are. I just hope it was worth the price.

Best 150 I've ever spent

Incredibly comfy and has a bit of a warm sound, really nice for listening for long periods of time, almost no fatigue.
Look up the foam mod, it's super easy to do and makes the phones sound almost exactly like the HD598, it's subjective but I personally like the sound better.

Same, for what payed they outperform the other headphones i own. wish they were a bit more comfortable.

Was looking at a Sup Forums infographic. Does anyone have an opinion on these? They look comfy as hell.

DT880 are better for music

Looks good, thanks

I got some Shure se215s for on the go and some Sennheiser hd558 at home

I don't get the appeal of wearing big headphones in public.

I bought a pair of these after my AKG k612s broke and I preferred the latter. Although I will say that the user who said that 880s are better could be full of shit because I remember reading on the Sup Forums wiki that many people dont like those.

>I don't get the appeal of listening to music in the best way reasonably possible under these circumstances and care about what others would think of me for doing so more than I care about the quality of the noise I hear

I've had a pair of Grado SR80s for 4 years. Love them. I use them with a FiiO E6.

Also for outdoor use I own a pair of Ostry KC06A. They are awesome, very recommended.

>almost no fatigue
One of the big things I was aiming for - there were other headphones I was considering but people tended to describe them more as treble-heavy/sibilant which my ears can't handle.

I just hate the impedance spike in the bass, which means I'll have to be mindful of what source I use, but I plan on mostly driving it with my iPhone which apparently has a low output impedance, so it shouldn't be an issue. Maybe I'll even like the bass boost.

>Look up the foam mod, it's super easy to do and makes the phones sound almost exactly like the HD598, it's subjective but I personally like the sound better.
Thanks, already knew about it - I'll possibly do this after using them stock for a while.

Be aware that there is a rather largish adapter that attaches the 1/4 jack to a 1/8, so portable use is very doable albeit awkward at times (detachable cord might be able to be replaced with a 1/4 one but never checked).
I came from using the ATH-AD700s a few years back and I never will see the point in having treble high phones again, shit was painful and couldn't sleep for hours.

Momentum 2 over ear for home, Momentum 2 in-ear for outside use.
I kinda like Sennheiser. One of the few companies that officially sell their products in my third world country. The warranty is kinda slow but it's there at least, unlike with most other brands

Shit wrong image

actually I was referring to the inconvenience of having to carry huge headphones around with you everywhere, but that's okay for you to project

Using these right now. Super comfy and they sound amazing.

bretty gud

Pretty much required to get the HM5 pads with them. Other than that, they're a great pair of flat cans.

>headphones while cycling

Yeah damn how dumb who would ever want to jump on a biketrail along the river and enjoy nature AND great sounds sheesh whatta loser

Got them a few days ago, love them.

What kind of dumbass animal doesn't enjoy music while exercising?

This is what I got, extra comfy, not a pro at sound related stuff but they're easily the best headphones I've ever owned after going through a ton of Phillips, Panasonic and Sonys.

Are you one of those faggots who rides their bike on the road instead of in the grass or on the sidewalk where you fucking belong?

This better be bait. You've never been in a city, eh?


FiiO X7 (digital audio)
Playstation SCPH-1002 (CDs)
Technics SL-7 (records)

Wish I had money for a fiio x7, can you post pics of it so I can fantasize about it user?

>He fell for the PlayStation cd meme