What instruments instantly ruin a song for you?

What instruments instantly ruin a song for you?

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god its awful

Detuned Supersaw
Warbly Saxaphone
Those shitty "house" synth chords (you know the ones)


And for instruments that make a song good no matter what; bagpipes.

None, because I am not a philistine that hates an instrument for no particular, well-grounded reason.

When clapping is part of the song. Fuck you

Exactly how? I think it's a pretty good backing instrument.

The fucking hydraulophone on the other hand, who came up with that shit? why is it being used at all?

also this

How do you not like house synth chords? That shit's soulful


I can't stand them a lot of the time


>ivWhen the guitarist is using the sparklies

>hasn't heard the bongo solo in Comus' Diana

my dad used to play The One album a lot when I was younger, and I remember just cringing so hard at the start of Love Me Do I just couldn't listen to the rest. So I blame the harmonica for me getting into the Beatles fairly late

Titus Andronicus - The Battle of Hampton Roads

Hate the folky styles

But power blues harmonica is the shit.

i really am sick of trap hi hats at this point

unless they like those specific bongos

>Detuned Supersaw
why tho?

For me it's sitar

in anything that isn't Country or folk

>day of the baphomets

Banjo is one of the best instruments though, regardless of genre.


It works out sometimes

You have to be rooted in some really weird prejudices to hate an instrument. There are certainly cliche or uninteresting ways of using instruments, but to say any instrument is straight up bad just sounds ignorant to me.

well the evolution of synth has produced some downright obnoxious sounds




wouldn't pick an instrument but i absolutely can't stand whispery vocals

try checking out this song

I think the instrumentation fits the vocals really well

Guitar. I liked Metallica though.

synth brass or strings

listen to pic related OP

The absolute worst.

wheres his pinky




808 Hi-Hats, snare.

Male vocals.

this is the only actual valid answer. never been used well in a song ever

>you have to have a reason to dislike the sound of an instrument
fuck off

biggest pleb ITT

Animal Collective managed to do that well, but I agree otherwise

not him but it sounds cheesy as shit to me too

Ukulele almost qualifies, but Beirut, Sufjan, and Israel Kamakawiwo'ole all used it to fine effect.

for me it's probably the sound of a downtuned ibanez through a mesa boogie amp with the gain turned all the way up--you know, that nu-metal tone

electric guitar

it only works in those old-ass techno tracks

but it's great you plebs

I fucking hate that shitty buzzy scooped mids sound
I used to think ukulele was unusable but I liked it on Smile
Whispery tumblr punk covers with it need to die tho

Unironically, I think that backbeats ruined the drum kit.

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

so drummers ruined the drumkit? gotcha.



You sure about that?


Instruments that make a song sound good:

Most retarded post I've ever read.

This, and intermittent sitar or flute

I can think of a couple Angels of Light songs that use ukulele well
other than that yeah

But bongos are usually a sign that shit's going down


Good taste

i appreciate when songs have xylophone (or glockenspiel, you get what i'm saying)

i like ukes


This Is the Day man. That entire album has all sorts of instrumental flourishes that give it such a full sound; there's always something to discover with each listen.

Organs. Can't stand that shit. Deep Purple can eat a dick


Children yelling lyrics. Like in Lord of the Game. Fuck that shit

Washboard, jew's harp, kazoo, the list could go on.

unrelated but what percussion effect/instrument is at 0:03 in this Death Grips song? It doesn't ruin the song for me, in fact it makes it better, but idk what it is


wtf u talking about? that sample at the end? that's a retarded thing to nitpick

I think he means the girl singing throughout

>mfw ukulele + glockenspiel + whistling combo

that's mexican girl. she's like in her 20s.



>my name is pleb

Pedal steel guitar used mainly in country music. That whiny fucking weeping noise is so awful, ruins 90% of the genre

vibes are tasteful and have a ton of color

Brand New used a theremin in The Devil and God and i thought it was tasteful and expansive

I love that sound, agree it's overused though. Should be limited to solos.